Cassie grunted as the guard shoved her in the cell. "You will get two meals a day, and wash once a week. The Allfather will call for you when it is your chance at trial," the guard said as if he had said it a million times over, and looking at all the cells around her, she could believe that.
Cassie sighed, sliding onto the floor with her back to the wall. She quickly figured out that there would be no trial for her, it was just what the guard said to keep her waiting. Although, it was a better fate than being killed. She could wait in the cell for Loki to come rescue her.
She knew he would come.
He had to.
Her fingers burned as she used her nail to scratch another mark on the wall. Fourteen days. It has officially been two weeks since being thrown in that godawful cage.
She had only been able to count the days by the meals, although she couldn't be sure they were actually giving her two meals everyday. She had only been given one bath time, although her hair was still all messy and tangled, and she was sure she smelled.
She couldn't use any magic to clean herself or even keep herself occupied, as the cell blocked all her powers which felt extremely unnatural.
Every night she wished to be saved, and every night she accepted the fact a little more that she was never being rescued. The king had probably told anyone who asked that he killed her.
It took two weeks to finally be able to ignore all the jabs and taunts from the cells around her. Most were cursing her out and saying rude things, but a lot of them were thinking with their dick, making her glad that she was in a separate cell.
"Brother." Loki looked up as his name was called.
"Thor?" He asked. "What is it?"
"Mother says it's time, I have just gotten her message," Thor responded, and Loki immediately stood up. "Heimdall is willing to bring us up since Mother asked him, but after that, it's up to you to hide her if Father asks Heimdall to find her."
"I know the plan," Loki said. "Let's go."
Loki walked outside and Thor followed him, but they stopped when Tony approached them. "Take care of her. If I hear from Thor that you did anything-"
"You have my word," Loki said, and Tony nodded in acceptance.
"One more thing," Tony stopped the brothers from continuing by pulling out a remote and pressing it. Loki's band on his wrist that had dampened his powers opened, and he took it off, handing it to Tony with a grateful look. "Don't make me regret this."
Thor nodded to Loki, and Tony stepped back as Thor raised his hammer to the sky and the brothers were shot up through the Bifrost light, leaving the normal mark on the lawn.
The second the two arrived in the golden dome, Loki gave a quick nod to Heimdall to thank him, before grabbing Thor's arm and teleporting them to Frigga's room.
Thor stumbled around for a moment, not ready to be teleported, while Loki rushed over to his mother and the figure in her arms.
Loki took Cassie from Frigga's arms, holding her bridal style gently.
"Loki," she muttered. "I knew you'd come."
"I'm here, love," he immediately promised. He turned to his mother and gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you, Mother."
"Of course, darling," she smiled back softly at him. "Take care of her, she's fragile."
"Loki, we must go. Heimdall will have informed Father we are here," Thor interrupted.
"Yes, we must go," Loki sighed.
"I love you, my sons. Take care," Frigga let Thor hug her and just gave another smile to Loki, before the two brothers were off again.
Loki cloaked the three of them since it was too risky to fly or teleport with the condition Cassie was in, and he uncloaked them as they arrived back at the golden dome where Heimdall waited.
"Your father is very mad," Heimdall warned.
"This was not our intention," Thor promised. "But the lady has done nothing to deserve this treatment. I thank you for your service."
"It is my honor, but hurry. He will arrive soon." Loki—with Cassie—and Thor went to the right area, and Heimdall sent them back to Earth.
Loki checked to make sure Cassie was still breathing as they landed, and he sighed in relief when he could sense her heartbeat.
"That was quick," Tony remarked, and they looked up to see him still standing in the field. "You know where to go now?"
"I have a safe house only I know," Loki said.
"I shall miss you, brother. Take care," Thor said, and Loki grinned.
A moment later, Loki and Cassie disappeared in a film of green smoke as Loki teleported them away.
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