Daiki Aikawa:
Hero name: Shapeshifter Hero; Animal
Quirk: Animal
Quirk description: Daiki has the ability to transform himself into an animal, use animal senses, and/or transform one of his body parts into an animal part.
Example: Daiki can transform into a mouse, use mice senses, or have a body part that a mouse has.
Drawbacks: Daiki's quirk makes him hungrier than most people and when he transforms into an animal he may be confused when he transforms into a human again, that is only if he was in an animal form for more than his usual time limit. He gets confused about what creature he's supposed to be.
Gender: male
Height: 6'2
Age: 32
Personality: calm, serious(when it comes to work), funny, caring(extremely), and kind
Backstory: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Eye color: Emerald green
Hair color: Dark magenta
Skin tone: Light brown
Favorite color: Navy Blue
Casual wear
Hero Costume
Color pallet(colors for the outfit are for hero outfit. Choose your own colors for casual wear)
He reminds me of Aladdin from Disney and Xiba from Soul Calibur
I drew him in one of Xiba's poses to compare.
These artworks are mine. The poses are not!
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