4: Moral Of The Story ✔︎

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Wanda POV: (really excited about this one)

AS I listen to the screams that belong to the interesting girl I have recently met, Vera, my mind wanders to places I would rather stay away from.

    Remembering the last time I was in HYDRA's hands at the age of 15, the thing that let me meet the people who I cherish the most nowadays.

    The Avengers have really helped me out with my... situation. The loss of my brother struck me hard, but with the Avengers they help ease the sorrow and pain.

    Even after the fight and with some being on the run, we still all care for each other. I haven't talked to Tony in a while. But, I know that he checks up on me. On us.

    Me and vision have made up for the most of it. I wonder how he is taking this. I know they will come for me. It's just a matter of when.

    To the topic of Vera. The girl of mystery. She was made an interest to me the moment I met her. What really surprises me is how different she changes from time to time.

    One minute she will have this almost soft look in her eyes. The next a stony look crosses her face. It scares me. Makes me concerned for either her or my safety.

    As the screams die out I turn my ear up to listen and see if she's heading back to her cell. And at last I hear footsteps heading my way. As she heads this way I see dried tears on her face, her head hung low.

    For someone to go through this I must wonder what goes on inside her head. She kind of reminds me of Bucky. Bucky having gone through something almost exactly the same thing as this.

    Has she killed someone before? Was she trained like Mr. Barnes? My thoughts are again interrupted by her cell door opening.

    She walks in, her face set like marble. I go to ask her a question when the guards leave. "What did they do to you?"

    She just keeps her head straight forwards. Ignoring me, and everything around her. A voice startles me from staring at Vera.

"She's not gonna answer you. She doesn't talk much after she gets wiped. She becomes the ShadowHunter," a good looking teen states.

"Hi, I'm Edward. Nice to meet you. You must be the lovely Wanda Maximoff my father tells me about."

"And who might your father be?" I ask, wanting to inquire as much information I can get against HYDRA.

"Ohh. Sorry, darling. You aren't allowed to know that. But as I was saying, do you think your friends will come for you?" He says, totally not on the topic we were talking about.

    "You aren't allowed to know that," I say mocking him. I do. I know they will come.

    "Love that accent. Where is it from? Sounds... god I can't place it."

    "Sokovian. What's yours?" She's ask, dumbly.

   "American obviously, so how is life for you back home?"

Steve POV:

    "She's been missing for 3 days now. We have figured out the organization that has captured her, but which HYRDA base is it, we don't know. Anymore information to add?" I ask to the team of superhero's.

    Bucky, Sam, Nat, Vision, and Tony all stand around the table. The kidnapping of Wanda forcing me and Iron Man to put aside our differences to find our fellow team member.

    "Last sighting was her on 83rd by the coffee shop. Surveillance caught sight of her being drug into a van, one similar to the ShadowHunter attack. We have yet to track down said vehicle but all of our data bases are running," Natasha informs the team.

    The ShadowHunter attack was interesting. I have never heard of her before that day. Being caught up on her by Bucky, who apparently heard some things about the ghost of a girl.

    He said that she was in and out before you know it. Being trained to the level difficulty of a fully trained assassin. HYRDA's weapon.

    Her name is said to bring shivers to the toughest men around. It was surprising to Nat I had not heard of her before.

    "Well what are the closes bases from that location that we know of?" Sam questions.

    "A base in London. What was Wanda doing in London? Why did she go alone?" Tony asks showing concern for the enhanced teen.

    "She said she wanted to go sight seeing there. Wanted a breath from all the tension between the team. I didn't think about the risks before she went," Vision answers, making all of us nod in either concentration or concern.

    "Well, we will start searching those bases. Maybe we can snag the ShadowHunter. She happened to attack around that area." I say with authority. Bucky and Sam nodding in conformation.

    "I will run the computers here for any irregular activity," Tony suggests. I bob my head to that.

    "Alright, suit up. We'll start with the closer ones and work our way out. We can aim for two bases a day." With that I walk out with Buck on my tail.

    "Wait, Steve!" I turn around at the sound of Nat's voice. "I was thinking, that up we can try to track her energy. She has to give off some of something, right?" I nod to that idea.

    "Take it up with Tony," I say looking over at the two grown children fighting. "Buck! Sam! Stop horsing around! You aren't children!" I yell as I go up to them.

    "Yeah Sammy you aren't a child, stop acting like one," Buck nags but stops when I give him a look. "Bird brain," he mutters. I smack him upside the head, earning a snicker from Sam. I sigh heavily as I walk down the hall with the two children behind me.

Vera's POV:

    As I listen to the two people make small talk, I get quickly annoyed. The massive migraine helps plenty. So after another five minutes I snap.

    "Will you two just, shut up," I groan out. The two of them looking over at me.

     "And she talks! How are you, Hunt? You feeling alright?" Eddie asks, him switching from his natural state of humor to a more serious and worried one.

    "I'm alright," I snip out, not really wanting to talk. I don't have a right. I must be the perfect soldier. I am the perfect soldier.

    He nods in understanding. You gotta love Eddie. He always understands. Not from experience, of course. With your dad being Brock Rumlow, you get treated like royalty here. But, he does understand from being raised here.

    "Well I was just catching up with your new gal pal over here, Wanda! Great chick, by the way." He sends a wink over to Wanda, her blushing in return.

    I raise my eyebrows at the gesture. She always rambled on about a dude named Vision. Now I don't know about you but I am thinking she might have an interest in my buddy here, Eddie.

    "So she willingly talked to you? I'm impressed, Eddie." He rolls his eyes at me. "No really that's the only time I've heard something like that happen," I jest.

    "Alright smarty pants. Just sit right back down and close your pretty little eyes, and go back to sleep," He presses.

    Like the perfect soldier I am, I follow the slight command given to me. My mind suddenly blank as I respond with a firm, "yes sir."

    Wanda and Eddie looks over at me in pity. I hate that look. I only get it from Eddie out of all the people in this place, but it makes me feel like he's sorry for me. Like he cares.

    I shake off the thought as I close my eyes, curled in a ball. The soft murmur of their voices lulling me to sleep. One that wasn't restful.

    I open my eyes to see a man. His long brown-blackish hair falling under his shoulders and his icy blue eyes peering into my soul.

    I am much younger than I am now. Around ten, maybe. He greets me with a smile as he walks into the cell. I haven't seen this man before. He looks awfully familiar. But he has to, to show up in my dream.

    He pulls me into a hug, as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Heya papa! Guess what I did today!"I say in high, squeaky, child-like voice.

    "What's that, doll?" He asks, gingerly. His hand moving to move a piece of hair behind my hair. A metal hand.

    "These men came to test me on my languages! I got a 100%!" I squeal in glee.

    "That's amazing, doll." He responds sadly

    "What's wrong, papa?" I ask in concern, now cautious.

    "I have to go away for a while. I don't know when I will be back," those were the last words I heard from him as he was dragged away. Me screaming out for my papa as I saw them heading to the chair.

    I awake with a gasp. It wasn't real. Or was it? It couldn't have been a memory. I was just wiped. I sit panting, trying to recollect my thoughts. As I do so I realize it is nighttime, as all the lights are off.

    I sit for a few more moments before finally getting up to pace my dream off. Wanda softly snoring beside me.

He had a metal arm. I only know one other man who has a metal arm with red Soviet star of it. The traitor of HYDRA.

Authors Note: Ohhh the suspense. I am kinda proud of how this turned out. I was unsure of where it was gonna go, but it pulled through. The font I would recommend to read this in is Palatino, with the zoom all the way on! It looks pretty, tehe.
Also the song is what I listened to while writing this lovely piece of work.

1685 words

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