"The turtles and I used to be normal. We were mutated as part of an experiment; injected with a mutagen that could heal things at a cellular level. Kirby O'Neil and Eric Sacks were running the experiment. Kirby originally thought it was to better the world and find a way to cure diseases using the mutagen, but he was horribly wrong. Eric Sacks had allied himself with the Footclan, having been raised in Japan by the Footclan's leader, Shredder, his heart was poisoned with greed. They planned to use the mutagen to their advantage and take over the city with it. When Kirby discovered this, he set fire to the lab and tried to destroy everything. He succeeded but perished for his actions.
"As the lab burned, the mutagen in my blood began to take effect and I was able to break out of my cage and help the turtles. I ushered them to the sewers, where the mutagen took full effect and turned us into what we are now. We wandered around until I found this place and I raised the turtles here. One day, I chanced upon an old book discerning the art of Ninjutsu. After I taught myself, I taught the brothers. They excelled at a wondrous rate and developed a growing passion for martial arts, thankfully it kept most of them occupied during their years below the surface.
"I feared that if they left, the Footclan would find them and take them for the mutagen in their blood. Though I do believe that one day they will rise from the sewers and save the city from the Shredder's evil. And though I am extremely disappointed in Leonardo for disobeying my orders, my anger is somewhat satisfied by his actions and intentions. And it also seems that he has gained a potentially valuable ally through what he's done...
"You are the only human who knows our secret, Raiya. And with this knowledge, you are in danger. The Shredder's hold over this city is very strong, he has the resources to find you, and because of that, you must not tell anyone else of our existence for their safety. You must understand that. Leonardo has deemed you trustworthy of our secret and I will trust his decision, so long as the brothers also agree to this." He looked over at the turtles expectantly.
Donnie was the first to recover from the shock of the revelations. "She's done impressive research over the last three years and shows promise as an ally. I read over all her files to make sure she has no Footclan related activity, and she's completely clean. And she hasn't told anyone yet...I think she can be trusted," Donnie answered.
"Yeah," Mikey agreed. "As long as she doesn't eat all my pizza, she's cool."
I grinned and looked to Raph, a bit nervous for his answer.
He just shrugged. "As long as somebody watches her when she's aboveground."
I groaned inwardly, trust the asshole brother to feel the need to stalk me.
Splinter nodded thoughtfully. "Since you believe this watchfulness is necessary, that will be your job, Raphael."
The turtle's jaw clenched as well as his fists. "Hai, Sensei," he agreed angrily through his teeth.
Splinter then turned to me. "Now there is only one other pressing matter. Have you told anyone else of our existence?"
"No...well...my sister knows everything with the exception that I've been seeing Leo every night. But I did what Leo said and told her that I gave up on the whole research thing."
Splinter stroked his beard thoughtfully. "That is an issue for another time. Is it alright if your research is kept in the lair? If it were to be seen by anyone else, we would all be in danger."
I nodded. "Of course."
"Thank you." He smiled gratefully, then turned to Leonardo. "My son, did anybody witness you meeting with Raiya?"
"Not to my knowledge, Sensei."
"Good, we must be very cautious."
"Hai Sensei," the brothers murmured simultaneously.
"Thank you, Raiya. For agreeing to keep our secret." Splinter smiled at me and I nodded.
"I want to help you guys in any way I can." I grinned at Donnie, "feel free to hijack my phone whenever you like."
••• 影の秘密 •••
"You're not very talkative, are you?" I asked
No reply. Then. "You're very observant," he grumbled, voice dripping with sarcasm. I grinned.
Raphael led me through the sewers until he stopped below a manhole. He peeked through the top of it, then pushed the panel out of the way,
"It's clear." He hoisted me out into an empty alley, then climbed out after me. He gazed around in wonder as if he were in the middle of a new world.
"Have you ever been up here?" I asked.
"No." Raphael scaled the side of a building before I could say anything else. Whatever.
I walked back to the apartment, glancing at the roofs every so often in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Raphael. But he was a ghost in the night.
••• 影の秘密 •••
"Let's go out for dinner tonight." Olivia offered. "It's been forever since we did."
"Sure, when are you going to be back?" I watched as the lines of Leonardo's body took form in the wake of my pencil on the paper in front of me.
"I'm getting off early today so make reservations for five."
I nodded and flipped open my laptop. "Where are we eating?"
"Doesn't matter, you choose."
I grinned as my fingers tapped across the keyboard. "Nice."
"What'd you choose?"
"Oh does that mean you're driving then?"
"No that means I'm navigating."
"So we're going to get lost."
"No!" I protested, "I'm a great navigator!"
"Riiiight. Just like how you're a great driver."
"Hey! Can you fly a helicopter?"
Liv fell silent and I smiled triumphantly.
"Exactly. When I drive I get the controls mixed up because I'm thinking of flying."
"I'm amazed you even got your learners." She sighed and I snorted.
"So am I. I'll see you soon Liv."
"Alright, bye."
I looked down at the figure drawn out before me, his swords slicing madly at black-clothed assailants. The protector of New York.
AN: So I'm back in school again which sucks lol and I actually have photography homework because apparently that's a thing?? Lmao idk, but yeah I'm so happy to only have two cores this sem.
Thanks for the votes you guys!! Please keep them coming and leave me some comments as well!! 😊
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