Chapter 9

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Asher isn't at all what I thought he was. I'm a little sad that we haven't been friends all along. We've read the magazine cover-to-cover, and now we're both snacking on free peanuts and a soda. I am very curious about what's happening with him and Jess, but I'm not going to ask. His face when he returned to our seats after their talk told me so much. Asher is hurting, but he is also locked into this vacation. I can't even imagine that level of hell.

"OK, if you aren't with Ezra, who do you like?" Asher asks.

"Who says I like anyone?" I avoid the question.

"Everyone likes someone. You can trust me." His smile is cheesy.

"I'm not telling," I reply. I'm going to keep the answer to myself for many reasons, but mainly because of what it could do to my relationship with Ezra.

"Come on," he says as he nudges my arm. "After this trip, we probably won't ever see each other again. What harm would it be for me to know your crush?"

"The harm would be in who you told. The answer would mean nothing to you, but a lot to another person."

"Oh," Asher says dramatically, "you mean Ezra?"

"No," I deny adamantly. "I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to." He smiles quickly and then puts a few more peanuts in his mouth.

I'm not sure what to say, so I stay silent. I've never told anyone about my feelings for Finn.

"Who could it be?" Asher says, squinting his eyes as if he is trying to really concentrate. "I would go with Finn, but I know he's with Molly."

All the blood in my face begins to drain. My stomach tosses a few times.

"But," he continues, "that doesn't mean you don't think he's hot."

"Stop. You know nothing."

He laughs, "How can you talk so openly about sex, but get all tense and shy when discussing a crush.?"

I glare at him.

"You're serious," he concludes. "You're really worried about Ezra finding out."

"Look," I say with a sigh, "It would just make things unnecessarily awkward." I stare up at his inviting eyes.

"Gotcha," he says. "But how does he not know already? You guys are always together. Don't you have to spend time with his family?"

Isn't that the long and short of it. It's cruel torture. Until now, Finn was untouchable. I respect Molly and would never get in the way of their relationship. I also know him well enough to know that he doesn't share the same feelings I have for him.

"I've been spending time with them since I was little. It's second nature. They don't suspect a thing." I shove the magazine into the back of the seat in front of me.

"When did it happen?" His question catches me off guard.

"Honestly I don't even know. One day he was an obnoxious older brother that ruined our good time, the next I couldn't seem to breathe when he was around." I don't know why I'm telling him all of this.

"What's so great about him?" He's teasing me, but we have plenty of time for useless banter.

"Well, he's a great athlete. He is dedicated to his sport, and I love watching him play. He's attractive—like really attractive," I admit, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

"Sounds amazing," he says dramatically like a school girl.

"Shut up." I nudge his arm with my shoulder. "I'm not the only one that falls all over myself in his presence." I scan around the plane, easily finding the faces of girls that I knew have liked him at some point.

"He's an older guy. Don't all girls just want someone older and more mature?" He shrugs.

"It's not just that," I say softly. "I know everything about him and like him anyway. That has to say something, right?"


"I know his favorite breakfast, but also his least funny joke. I know his sweater size and the way he snores when he sleeps."

"The good and the bad," he agrees.

"The good and the bad."

"He has a long-term girlfriend," he tries to remind me as if that is a bad that I haven't already countered with a good. That's the way lust and crushes work; you can find a reason to make any red flag a valentine.

I know they are broken up, but I'm not going to spread it around for the sake of this argument. Instead, I offer him the counterbalance. "He works for what he wants."

He's quiet. His gaze falls away from mine, and I can almost hear the racing thoughts in his head as he slowly breathes. "So did I," he says softly, "but sometimes it doesn't matter how many rocks you throw at a door, it won't open without the key."

There is darkness around his eyes and his jaw clenches and then releases as he lets the thought float between us in silence. He looks tired again, and I wonder if maybe he's been up all night throwing rocks because he didn't have the key. 

**Don't forget to vote and share. Sorry it's been so long. I've been really busy with edits of my other books.***

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