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"What do you mean?"

"We think that it's his father that took him. But when we got up he wasn't in his room. We checked the whole house. Marmaduke even tried to track him down with his nose but he was no where to be seen."
Miss Heliotrope scratched her head and continued eating.
I ran out the room, knocking some plaits on the floor that had been left out. I headed straight outside and to the forest.
I can't believe that horrid excuse of a farther would kidnap his own son! I just hope Robin is ok.




Two men out of nowhere, grabbed my arms and started to drag me violently across the floor. I felt a hand grip around mouth. Everything went dark.
I woke up to the sound of metal doors being locked. My head was pounding. 'Where am I?' I kept thinking.

To be continued....

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