(chapter 1)

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Hello, I really wanted to write this fic since yargı's second season but I was hesitant,  last week I got some courage so I wrote it, it's my 1st time writing a fic, so please feel free to comment and give your honest opinion about anything, the story, the writing and I would love if you share some advices so I can develop it.
A big thanks to D and gaddae if I'm publishing this it's because of their beautiful comments and support 🙏🏻🤍.

ilgaz is 27 while Ceylin is 23 in this fic.

Ceylin woke up very early the morning to prepare herself for her first day at the Turkish army center, she was very excited as a girl from a poor household with traditional parents who think that women shouldn't be in such positions, but Ceylin was stubborn not the kind of girls that listen to society or give importance to people's opinion, she followed her dreams and applied for the army when she got the acceptation after the exam she told her parents,they tried to make her gave up but she was Ceylin
When she arrived the officer took her to the head chief officer after check-in her, she panicked a little bit that something wrong happened she asked the office who replied with a simple I don't know I was just ordered to take you to the chief office

        1 day before
Ilgaz came back to the center from a mission,he was greeted by all his team at the door applauding for him since he brought a very sensitive evidence and proofs of the last Istanbul independence street terrorist attack which ended with them catching the whole terrorist group,when he finished thanking them the head chief did a move with his head that ilgaz understood immediately, so he followed him to his office
-The chief: again congratulations ilgaz you did a wonderful job all the superiors sent you their congratulations, this country is grateful that it has such smart and hardworking sons .

-Ilgaz saluated with the military salutation while saying: my life for this country
-The chief: ilgaz actually we wanted you for something, you know you are the only one from this generation that got a full mark in the army test, you intelligence is something we don't meet everyday that's why we need you so much for our county for our people… last month the results of the test were out there's a girl she scored a full mark, I was impressed actually and the superiors were happy we can't believe we got another ilgaz kaya.

-Ilgaz made as if he was shy but the chief praising his intelligence stroked his ego he was so proud of himself he thought that he may found one day the terrorist who killed his mother who was an agent until she got martyred, he was lost in his thoughts until the chief talked again
-ilgaz we want you to train this new girl we need her and you are the only one capable of this she'll come tomorrow morning I'll talk to her, she applied for the army but her place is here in the state security, she may refuse but I'll convince her, I may need you to convince her too ,be here tomorrow morning ,now go to you house and rest ,again thank you.

-Ilgaz: Sir ,what you say are my orders but you know I always wanted to work alone, this what I ever ask I can't work with anyone else it'll influence my work I can't concentrate when I’m working with another one.

-The chief: ilgaz this is an order ! not just from me the whole council wants this , it's for the country, for the safety of our people.

Ilgaz hadn't any other choice but accepting, he replied: okay sir as you want.
-The chief: be here early tomorrow .

When ilgaz left, eren called him to invite him for a beer at the bar, Ilgaz wanted to go rest home but he didn't meet his best friend for a while since he was in a home rest after he broke his leg in his last mission .

Ceylin was going to meet a new guy at the bar tonight,they met on social media a week ago and today he invited her, she wasn't excited since she didn't really like the guy it's just that he insisted to much and she was bored at home with her parents telling her for the hundred time that  she should gave up from her army career before it starts.
She prepared herself and she looked as sexy as elegant as she always looks
She wore a little black  mid thigh dress that had thin straps and a bare back she added some red sandals a red purse some fresh make up and left the house towards the bar.

When Ilgaz arrived to the bar eren was already there waiting for him with a beer at the hand, ilgaz didn't liked the place since it was too small that you can listen to the people next to you, he greeted eren with a hug took his beer and sat with him while chatting, eren is his childhood friend and they are together now at the security service, after chatting a little bit eren went for the toilets.
-”cengizz you can't believe I find a girl you had to see her she's so hot sexy all what we want she has green eyes all we needed to finish our fucking list ,she went to the bathroom yesss don't worry, I'll pour some seductive powder in her glass,prepare the house, but you had to see how she plays the none interested girl… I have to go I'll call you later “ said Ceylin’s date.

Ilgaz was really disgusted he can't believe men still talk like this in 2024 and especially on a girl that maybe fall for them he was literally trying to put a drug in her drink to take her home, for a moment he thought to speak with the man but the man already looks drunk ilgaz was too tired to go into a fight that will end probably at the police station he didn't need any trouble and he can't interfere as a state man too because he did it before and his chief warned him from interfering on anything else from his missions even if there's a danger, when eren came back , ilgaz apologized and went to the bathroom, instead of entering the men's one he waited next to the women's one, after some moment a perfect woman left,his brain short circuited for a moment she must be the woman in question he looked at her face her eyes were the most beautiful green eyes ilgaz has ever seen
-He cleared his throat and talked: sorry, lady I have to tell you something urgent
-Ceylin rolled her eyes and said: if you want a night no if you want a phone number no now let me go .
-ilgaz was embarrassed for a moment he didn't know what to do he continued: no no you got me wrong please listen to me
-ceylin: whatt! Say it quickly and let me go
-ilgaz: the man you came with is trying to put something in your drink I listened to him while he was on the phone saying he'll take you home and many more, just wanted to inform you
-ceylin: hahahaha nice one, I'm really impressed how you always find a new way to make the girls fall for you
- Ilgaz: I'm serious
-ceylin: you aren't my type leave me alone, she said while already directing herself to the stairs

Ilgaz had no other choice than showing her his army card (of course not his agent one it was a random card agents use that shows that they are occupying an ordinary post there )
When Ceylin saw the card she stopped and said: okay I believe you , I was leaving anyway didn't felt comfortable, see ?I have my own psycho’s detector, but again thank you
-Ilgaz:: it's nothing take care .
When he followed with his eyes Ceylin walking with confidence as if she owns the earth swaying her hips a little bit until she left from the back door when he was going to take the stairs he found eren looking at him with a huge smile
-Ilgaz: what?
-Eren: nothing I just thought you would ask her number but brother you really should find someone you know your getting older not younger, he poked ilgaz's shoulder, c'mon ilgaz I'm joking but admit it ilgaz she's your type, a confident,strong and delicate woman at the same time
Ilgaz: erennn! , I'm going home, I have an important meeting early tomorrow


The officer knocked the office’s door saluated then said: Mr,chief the woman in question has arrived
-the chief: thank you, let her in
he let Ceylin entere, the moment she set her feet in the room she saw a tall guy wearing a face mask and a uniform

Until she heard the chief saying : good morning Ceylin Erguvan, have a sit please

Ilgaz was a little bit anxious, this mission will really be hard,he hate working with anyone else and now he hate working with this gorgeous woman that is tempting his self control
-The chief: Ceylin erguvan your results impressed us, you still don't know but you got a full mark on the exam, which happened the last time when Ilgaz got it,oh! this is Ilgaz kaya by the way
Ceylin looked at ilgaz  with a polite professional smile
-the chief: I'll say it directly, your intelligence will be a waist in the army, we need you with us in the security service

-ceylin: I ac,I actually, I don't know what to say to be honest I applied for the army but…..
The chief looked at ilgaz so he says something to convince Ceylin since it was the reason he was there but ilgaz kept silence
-the chief: Ceylin, we need you, Türkiye needs you, our people need you ,you think about it and Ilgaz is so good at his job he's our best agent ,he'll help you in the beginning, Ilgaz!
- Ilgaz: yeah don't worry, he didn't want her to get the position.
- Ceylin: i need some time to think , Sir
- the chief: sadly, but that means we have to keep you here with us, Ilgaz will accompany you to your room ask him what you want he'll answer you
Ilgaz led Ceylin to her room and answered her question for an hour. The majority were about how they will work ?, what they should do?, what she tells people?, about the training…
She threw her head back, closed her eyes and said: okay I'm in if it's for my country I'll do it.
-ilgaz: this isn't a joke it's serious it's a life or death thing you are at risk even when you're not, and from you look you seem very girly girl you can't do it , Ilgaz didn't believe that but he had to make her refuse, she'll make his job harder he'll have to deal with her at his free time rather than looking for his mom's killers.
-ceylin: I'll do it, take me to the chief.
When they arrived at the office, she signed papers,took pictures, and fingerprints. The procedure was very long; it took her 5 hours, and when she finished she came back to the office.
-the chief: welcome to our team Ceylin. As I told you, Ilgaz will help you in everything. You'll be his shadow so you can integrate easily. I can't wait until we can start the real work . Ilgaz you can remove your face mask now and you can both leave now. See you tomorrow.
Ceylin was eager to see who's the owner of this hot body and ass brain until she saw yesterday's boy looking at her,she didn't know if she should act like she knows him or not and told herself that maybe yesterday meeting wasn't a coincidence and it was a plan.so she acted as if she didn't recognise him she handed her hand to shake his but ilgaz refused and said while leaving the office with Ceylin behind him : rule number one you don't shake hands with anyone with a garde superieur than you but you salute .
                   End of the chapter

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