Bonus Chapter: A Letter For You

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Dedicated to @Eileen-xo for all the votes :*

I hope you liked this story! ♥


Dear Miha,

Once upon a time I was known as a smooth talker. No wonder I became a lawyer. But look at me now, I don't think I'll be able to say all this to you right now without stammering like an idiot. That's why I'm writing this letter.

When you first met me, it was our wedding day. I've seen your pictures before (my mom attacked them into my face one day when I was trying to eat in peace), at that time I didn't pay enough attention but I thought you were pretty. When I saw you walking down the aisle, I through you were breathtaking. But did I say anything? No. Because I didn't want to say those words. You were a stranger to me as I was to you. I didn't know you back then but I thought you're not someone I'd ever like. So no point trying to nice.

When we went home after our wedding, you looked at me from time to time. Your eyes full of uneasiness but a glimmer of hope was seen. I wanted to crush that hope too. So I started coming home late. I didn't know what my mom was planning behind my back, but I thought you'd be her little follower and do what she tells you to do. I'm sorry to say this but at first glance you looked like an obedient little doll with no backbone.

You might not remember but I met your mother way before and also you when you were a little girl. I saw how your mother ordered you around. I saw how she molded you into a perfect well mannered girl. It's a good thing off course. But it wasn't my type. That's what I told myself, the irony isn't lost to me though. The reason sena left me is because I wasn't letting her be herself and I thought she'd be traditional and be happier at home.

I know, I know. But I didn't like the idea of you. I told myself I'd only like headstrong girls but in reality I was only making up excuses. I wasn't ready to love anyone yet. But i couldn't say no to my dad. He meant the world to me.

I wouldn't lie and say that you weren't enough for me. You were perfect. You were everything I dreamt of before marrying Sena. Your cooking was fantastic, you were sweet and caring. You always paid attention to me. It was pleasant but I decided at that time that I wasn't going to let anyone into my heart after Sena. Because I let her in and she crushed it with a hammer. It hurt. A lot.

I didn't want to treat you good. Because nice guys finish last you know?

I thought now that our first child is about to be born, I should tell you about my first marriage. I don't know how much you know or how much you care but I think I should explain everything to you. I want you to know. You deserve to know. Especially after meeting her at Bali unexpectedly. I sensed that you figured out who she was but I don't know what made you change your mind later on, considering you looked really upset at the restaurant. We never brought her up again. However,

Even if it's not pleasant, I hope you'll read till the end. I owe you this.

I met Sena in a law college. Maybe you already knew. I was popular and smart (Don't snort, it's the truth). So obviously alot of girls followed me around. But Sena treated me equally and she was a really good friend of mine. Almost like a best friend. So I don't know what happened but we fell in love and decided to get married. We only knew each other for a couple of years and now that I think about it, I might have rushed things. But anyway, we got married and Sena started to have family issues. She realized shortly after that law wasn't her subject, she couldn't handle the pressure of the exams so she quit. She started staying at home and I selfishly thought she perhaps liked being a housewife.

Well, apparently she didn't. She started feeling guilty because she thought she was living off of me. And she started feeling inferior. She was a headstrong and independent woman. She learned that from a young age so I'm surprised I didn't catch her feelings earlier. So one day I came home and she disappeared without a trace.

There were the divorce papers on the table.

No fights, no screaming. It all ended like that. Offcourse I didn't sign it just like that. She called me. We talked for 5 minutes. She made it clear that she wanted to end it. I was heart broken so all I could do was sign the papers and let her go.

We weren't married for long but I loved her. I really did. I couldn't understand why she did that to me so I worked and made my name bigger. That was there only thing I could do.

But then you came. Like sunshine seeping through my dark room (as cliché as that sounds). Every word of it is true.

When we went to Bali and I entered the bedroom, I knew. I knew my moms plan. She knew very well I was afraid of heights and the fact that she specifically chose this house, I put two and two together and I guessed her plan. I thought you were in it too. Obviously I wasn't going to confess anything to you, about my weakness.

So I slept.

But when I woke up, my misunderstanding got cleared up. You put the curtains on and never asked me anything. I started warming up to you by then. Because nobody was ever that kind to me about this weakness of mine. Since everyone always thought of me as a "perfect" child, they didn't want to accept my flaw easily. My friends often made fun of me and even Sena sometimes lightly joked about it. But you didn't. I was very grateful. But I wasn't able to say it. Communication problems. Yep, that was it. But you seemed happy enough with just a walk as a payment.
Honestly? If my mom told you to seduce me, you did a terrible job. Like what even? Haven't you seen any movies? And I thought seducing men is one of the pre installed programs in women. Apparently I was wrong.

But you know what? I'm glad you didn't try to jump me. Because it would've only made things more awkward. I'm glad you didn't listen to mom. But you were so cute and pure. I fell for you eventually so that worked out well.

You seduced me without even knowing.

But I can't help but say this now, you looked really really hot on the night we went to the club. I couldn't say that either but I'm saying this now. Jinhee is an amazing artist (Don't tell her I said this, she already has an ego the size of a whale). But offcourse you were hot to begin with that's why you looked extra hot in that dress. (Note: You know now what a pervert I am, right? Duh ) [Note 2: Only for you though. Only you.]

But damn I wanted to stare at you all day (Okay, technically it was night. Sorry can't help it, I'm a nerd).

You never asked but you were wondering where I was right?


I was downstairs meeting with a businessman I met last time I was here. I bumped into him on the way and couldn't avoid him. He wanted to talk business. Something about starting a company in korea. He wanted my legal advice or some shit. I was pissed off. Seriously. There was a hot chick upstairs (No, I'm talking about you. Calm down.) and this asshole wanted to talk money with me. But I couldn't say no, he was like double my age and he was a freaking CEO of a huge ass company.

But anyway he kept me occupied but the whole time my mind wondered off to you. Wondering if any son of a bitch (excuse my language. But by now you're probably used to swearing as well) was making a move on you or something. Yeah, I got possessive like that. That's when I knew I started to like you. I didn't like it but I liked you. I liked that it was you. I liked that you were you.

But then you came and found me and holy shit, you were hot! The way you took charge I never could've imagined you'd be this... Dominant.

Although you did give in to me when we kissed but it only made you even more cute to me. You were so inexperienced and it made me happy that I was your first kiss. So damn happy that you have no idea.

And then from time to time I couldn't stop myself when you were so close to me. I stole kisses from you and you looked at me through your lashes, confused and smitten. It was so adorable so I tried to kiss you as often as possible. But that annoying Hongbin and Jinhee won't leave us alone.

And when we finally got alone, I lost control. (You have no idea how many times...) Okay, I'll tell you about this later face to face, it's kind of erotic. (wink wink).

But anyway, our Meo is going to be born soon and you have no idea how happy I am! I hope she looks exactly like you because you're so beautiful!

I promise to love you both until the day I die.

-Your amazingly-oldfashioned-the-kind-that-still-writes-letters-crazy-romantic husband that you still love anyway.

Jung Leo ♥

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