The Seaside City of Naayir-Nahtahma | Svernia: II

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Moritz and Noaki tread a moss-covered path through the mountain, inside a cavernous hall with openings toward the sky. The path wound alongside a creek where ornate trees twist and turn to catch the incoming light and the shadows flicker with luminous insects.

"You sure we're headed in the right direction?" Noaki whispers to Moritz.

"This is the place," Moritz brushes a spider off his shoulder. "Why are you whispering?"

"Because," he raised his voice, "it echos." His voice carries throughout the cavern.

"Only if you do that," they cross an arching bridge. "Honestly I thought this place would be more like..."

"A palace?"

"Yeah, but a cave. I just can't imagine it." Moritz steps over a resting snake.

The path leads to an opening and they are met with an incredible sight. They gawked high up from the mountainside, staring into an enormous forested valley entirely isolated by mountains. Far off, above the foliage, rise steep cliffs elevating enormous plateaus populated with a collection of white buildings roofed in shimmering gold.

"Look over there," Noaki points toward plumes of smoke rising from the treetops. "There's people living here."

The path they tread did not lead into the valley, but down a band along the mountainside, and into another cavern.

"I'm not so sure we're headed the right way anymore." Moritz admits.

"Should we turn back?" Noaki suggests.

"We've been walking for hours-"

"Halt! Who goes there?"

They stop in their tracks. A guard emerges from a stone booth they assumed to be a marker of sorts.

"Moritz, and Noaki?" Moritz answers uncertainty.

"Guests of his grace, my apologies. On you go."

They walk around and meet behind the odd guard. The path abruptly ends at two arching doors with no lever or handle.

"Do we wait?" Moritz inspects the surrounding wall for a switch.

"Let me try something," Noaki pushes on the door and they swing open. He catches his step before falling face forward.

Before them radiates a palace carved from the mountain, gleaming in the light of the sun. Domed roofs, spires and turrets are gilded in gold. Before the threshold of the palace extends plazas of green and blue, fanning out like petals to the cavern floor.

Moritz groans, "look how far away it is! Then there's all these steps we have to get through, then we have to walk, and then we have to climb more steps."

Noaki nods in agreement. "Do you wanna just head back?"

"If you wouldn't mind." They shut the doors and resume their journey back. However along the way they meet a wide eyed Quentin, Veynir carrying his and Reyna's packs, Reyna crossing her arms at the sight of the two, Moir shaking his head in disappointment, Captain Egor in tears, Rita pretending to be interested in a plant, and in the lead of the party arms crossed, looming over them, Gavin

Noaki kicks Moritz.

"Well, we er... didn't want to burden the chancellor so we thought we'd head back. Right Noaki?" Moritz returns the gesture.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I mean we can send some gifts along the way. Thank you Chancellor." Noaki gestures with his hand in the air a fictional banner in bold script.

Gavin steps forward."Of course, I understand."

"You-you do?" Moritz stutters.

"I do," Gavin tousles their hair. "But seeing as we're almost already there lads," he turns them around, "you might as well thank him yourself anyway, wouldn't you agree?"

"Well, I mean sure, but-" Noaki stammers.

"Great. Now get a move on," he pushes them forward followed by a final outburst from the captain.

The trudge down the steps, though long, cumbersome with their heavy packs, and arduous, was rewarded with a gushing spring fountain. They fill their canteens and rest a bit.

"Well the easy part is down at least," Moritz nudges Noaki.

Bringing the canteen to his lips, Noaki freezes. "Easy?"

"I mean look at all those stairs," Moritz groans. "It's not even a straight path upward, so there's more walking. I can't even imagine what it's like in the palace, having to walk up more stairs to get to our rooms and-" Moritz notices Noaki glowering at him sideways, perception active. "I'm sure it's all worth it though, with all the luxury and food."

Noaki searches the party. "Where's Quentin?"

After having a look around, Moritz shrugs. "I thought he was with us."


At the very top of the staircase Quentin is waving at them frantically. "I dropped something and had to go back a bit!" He launches himself into the air and finishes with a breezy landing beside them. "Yeah, I dropped my canteen when..."

Moritz and Noaki glare at him.

"Er... I'll go fill this up now." He skips off to the fountain.

Climbing up the first, second, and third plazas were fine. It was the fourth, fifth, sixth, and finally, seventh that did it for them. Noaki and Moritz went through a series of emotional stages, when at last they stood in front of the behemoth of a palace, entrance guarded by two white hooded guards, faces concealed. The gaurds step in unison, pushing open the heavy doors with one hand.

As their party strolls through, something about those guards unnerves Noaki. The doors shut behind them with a series of clicking locks.

The grand hall rises to dizzying heights. Each floor is layered and identifiable with plazas. The lower level possesses courtyards, gardens, and crystalline ponds teaming with aquatic flora and fauna. The aysheks ensconced in crystal spheres are almost too blinding to behold. In the dome of the frescoed ceiling of white clouds, illuminates a light so brilliant, Noaki dares not stare directly.

Staff of all ranks and races mill about in the protection of hundreds of guards.

Noaki leans into Moritz and whispers, "how much you reckon it cost to run this place?"

"I don't know, but didn't I tell you there'd be more walking?" Moritz straightens up. "Shh, that's him."

The chancellor, robed in simple white silk, greets Gavin, then the crew. "Welcome, it is an honor to have you all. I hope you enjoyed the stroll here?"

"Excellent a sight as always, your grace." Gavin says over the sound of Moritz's grumbling.

Noaki stifles a chuckle.

"Wonderful, then before we retire to our chambers, won't you join me for dinner?"

A platoon of footmen in black white and green emerge out of the blue to carry their belongings to their rooms. A servant asks if Noaki wanted her to relieve him of his coat. Noaki declines with the shard in mind. Their burdens lifted, they follow the chancellor through galleries, corridors, courtyards, and stairs, until at last they enter the dining hall luminous with a panoramic view of the valley from earlier. A lengthy fireplace aligning the wall opposite to the view, blazes blue flames.

Noaki notes Gavin looking not too pleased with the fire. As he'd come to expect, the place is decorous in vegetation, large and small.

Large vases of fragrant floral arrangements are centered on the tabletop. The chancellor takes a seat at the head of the table, beneath a life-like portrait of the palace and before a potted black tree blooming white leaves.

Gavin and the Captain sit appropriately beside the chancellor. Beside Gavin, Moritz, then Noaki, and Quentin. Beside the captain, Rita, then Moir, Reyna, and Veynir.

"It is most unfortunate the Dalkarian cannot join us this evening, but let us feast in his name." A squadron of servants enter, balancing a series of silver platters and trays. They pour from pitchers, a pearl like elixir into large silver goblets, ornate in lazul, white jade, and crystals.

The food set before them were a copious variety of leafy greens, roots, stalks, starch, beans, rice, grain, soups, seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, bread, pastries, sweets, and tarts.

"Check out Veynir," Quentin whispers.

Noaki watches the brawny sailor looking unimpressed by the selection.

Noaki whispers back, "I think he's just a bit down there's no fish or meat." He looks around the table pretending to inspect the food when he sees both Gavin and the Captain equally trying hard to be pleased. Moritz was too enamored by the chancellor to notice. Reyna and Rita had approving looks, probably after some difficulty getting the men to eat their plants. Moir has a far off look, his wispy beard floating.

A clap from the chancellor brings them all back to attention, and he sings soothingly;

Etraea haht hanim

Enna urjja khashah

Arrehna urumahn nahn haht hanim Sohmtsuseliaum

His voice reverbs throughout the hall, and the lanterns dim to the luminosity of the moons, leaving the atmosphere to be illumined by the light of the blue flames and the gold of the valley sunset.

"He's magnificent isn't he?" Moritz whispers, then spoons a white soup into his mouth. "This needs a little texture," he mixes in seeds, nuts, and a few stalks, stirs and tastes. "Delicious."

Noaki attempts a similar method with his green soup. He smiles, "you mad genius Moritz."

"Whoa!" Quentin grips the table. "You'll want to be careful of that one," he indicates at the pearl liquid.

Moritz tries a sip and his eyes flutter open. "Whoa, that's," he nudges Noaki, "just try it."

Noaki brings the chalice to his lips.

"No'aki, I'd like to know how you're feeling?"

Startled by the chancellor, Noaki had taken a lot more than a sip. Waves upon waves of pleasure fill the room. "Er. Yes, I feel fine. Thank you, I feel really fine. Too fine. Thank you."

Moritz and Quentin conceal their snickering behind wads of leaves.

"I'm glad to hear it, I'd like to meet with you sometime to diagnose you a little more, if that would be fine with you."

The room stabilizes as he regains his bearing. What had the chancellor said? "Yes, it's fine."

"Chancellor if you don't mind me asking," Reyna lays down her soup. "Along the way I notice you had a library, I was wondering if I might have a peak later?"

"Absolutely, you're free to roam the palace as you please. Keep in mind, the guards will warn you if something is inappropriate." The chancellor takes a drink from his chalice, his adam's apple bobbing up and down for a good while, then he resumes his salad.

"Did he have the same thing as us?" Quentin reaches for the tart.

"Must have, I mean I saw them pour it out the same pitcher." Noaki slurps the rest of the contents from his bowl.

"I can't believe my eyes," Moritz admits admiringly.

"Your grace," to everyone's surprise the voice came from Moir. "Is that valley there what I think it is?"

The chancellor smiles, "that it is. Abode of The Celestials, The Holy Lands of Svernia."

"Avayunahm," Moir's face glows, "I never believed I'd see this day."

Moritz drops his spoon, splattering the table with white soup.

It registers in Noaki. Celestials. They were in the den of the wolves.

"Noaki?" Quentin nudges Noaki. "Are you feeling alright?"

Noaki sips from his chalice, just enough to ease the tension. "Chancellor?"

The chancellor smiles peacefully. "Yes, friend?"

Gavin watches warily from the corner of his eye.

"Are you by any chance, one yourself?" Noaki takes another sip.

"A celestial? No."

Noaki breathes easy.

"When I became chancellor I had to abandon that title."

"I see, thank you, your grace." Not being able to stomach any more food, Noaki proceeds to sip from his chalice, the fear and unpleasantries gradually fading with time.

Stuffed, Quentin reaches over and taps Moritz. Moritz looks up and Quentin indicates with his eyes at his brother, then takes a sip from his chalice. A light goes off in Moritz's head and he smiles.

Moritz raises his cup to Veynir. "Hey Veynir."

Grazing on three bundles of stalks, he acknowledges his attention with a nod.

"What say you, Quentin, and I have another round? I'll wager three gold crystaires," Moritz raises his chalice.

Quentin raises his glass, "I'll wager three silver."

At the end of the table, the captain and Gavin drink from their chalice with amused expressions.

Veynir glances at his chalice. He'd forgotten about it, being more concerned with what to eat. The contents were an elixir of some kind, moon-like. He raises it up, "I'll wager ten silver."

The chancellor seems unconcerned with this gambling at his table and spectates with interest.

Moritz, in sync with Quentin, brings the chalice to his lips and watches Veynir guzzle the contents down like water.

Reyna deftly slips Veynir's soup toward her as he collapses onto a nest of leaves.

Aside from Noaki, the table breaks into applause. Moritz and Quentin produce their wagered crystaires from their pockets and hand it to Reyna for safe keeping.

"Serahn Shixu?" Gavin enquires the chancellor.

The chancellor smiles, "from the House of Benari."


After dinner Moritz and Quentin escort Noaki to his chambers. The Okari, despite his appearance, is surprisingly heavy.

"Thanks Qwin, Mortz," Noaki looks forward.

"Well," Quentin huffs. "At least he's not a violent drunk, I've seen plenty of those."

Moritz tries to imagine a violent Noaki, the thought tickles him. "You reckon we're almost there?"

"Just a bit," Quentin repositions Noaki over his shoulder. "More, I suppose."

"Can't you fly him over?"

"Not if you want him there in one piece."

With a few advisory directions from guards and staff, they find his room a good kilometre from the dining hall. Fortunately, they didn't have to attempt any stairs.

The room impresses a cozy atmosphere with incense and aromatic flowers. The place is decorous with animal pelts and paintings of forests, mountains, and plains. The fireplace burns with an orange intensity and is surrounded by low rise furnishings organically arranged.

A firm low rise bed takes up much of the corner, though with a nice view of the paintings along the wall.

"There you go, you great big lug," Moritz and Quentin lay him onto his back. Moritz flops onto the bed, "Thank you, Quentin."

Quentin rests in a chair. "Not a problem. When I saw he'd emptied the chalice, I was surprised he was still able to stand." He stands up, "right. I'm going to find my room, are you coming?"

Moritz shifts his head toward Noaki. "I'll hang out here a bit, make sure he doesn't walk off." He jumps onto his feet, "you go on, I'll be alright."

"Right then," Quentin pauses beside the door. "Let me know if anything happens."

"I will," Moritz approaches Quentin. "Promise."

Quentin exits the room.

"You had to go off and get sloshed didn't you?" Moritz sits beside Noaki. "Wish you'd at least tell me what's bothering you first, then we could get sloshed together."

"I'm gon miss you Mortz," Noaki grumbles.

"We haven't even put up a good fight yet," he slaps Noaki on the chest. "We're safe with the chancellor, I doubt even James can break in here."

"You right," Noaki turns to his side, prodding Moritz with his finger.

"What? I'm here, yes." Moritz laya down on his side, peering into distant mauve eyes.

Noaki fiddles with Moritz's ears. "You got fun ears."

"You think so?" Moritz wiggles his ears.

Noaki chuckles.

Moritz smiles, "you're not gonna vomit on me are you?"

Noaki returns the smile, "like you, when I saved?"

"This is different," Moritz laughs. "It was dark, the water was dark, the sky was dark, all of it." Moritz only remembers drifting off in endless black. "It was frightening."

Noaki rests his palm on Moritz's chest. "Without you, dark for me."

Moritz holds his hand and the two drift off.

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