5: Mission Totally Possible

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⚠️ I don't speak french so I used google translate so whoever can speak french I pray to god that the last sentence is correct.


3rd person POV:

Johnny and Changkyun has changed into their bodyguard outfits and were prepared, hiding weapons on the inside of their suits.

"Why does Johnny look like one of those shady homeless drug dealers who sell narcotics on the corner of the road?" Felix asked

"You want some weed kid?" Johnny asked, playing along and opening up the side of his jacket showing the weapons.

"Yes." Was all Seungmin could say

"Hey does anyone have any painkillers? Since imma have to be moving around a lot I might as well have something which releases the pain." Jisung asked

"Hmm. Here they got this at the drugstore" T said tossing over a bag of pills and liquids.

"Thanks" Jisung said catching it.

"Alright so imma start driving to the school and everyone knows the plan right?" T asked

"Yes ma'am" they all replied.

"Good" T said before walking back over to the steering wheel.

A few seconds later the sound of snorting was heard. Everyone looked to see Jisung snorting some sort of powder and Felix drinking something from a bottle.

"What's that?" Hyunjin asked

"Oh nothin" Jisung said.

Still skeptical but couldn't care less, Hyunjin turned back around and payed no attention to the two.

~20 minutes later

"Thw patiwnt is lwwsing blowed!" Jisung mumbled

"Pas mwe da axe" Felix said drowsily

"Why?" Jisung questioned, eyes threatening to close

"Sw I can pWt him out of his misOry" Gelix said emphasising misery

"Please just unplug my fucking life support" Seungmin grumbled who has become the 'patient'

"Felix? Jisung?" Hyunjin asked

"What do you want chacken wang" Jisung said lazily raising an eyebrow.

"What's happen to 2 of my chirren?" T called out from the front

"I just snorted some cocaine" Jisung stated

"And I just drank a whole bottle of adult cough syrup" Felix said lazily raising his hand

"And we're high out of our minds" they both said at the same time.

"...well shit" Hyunjin, T and Seungmin said at the same time.

"Guys this pizza is delicious. You want some? I've already had like 3 slices" Johnny called out

"Not now Johnny boi" T said

"Oh yes let's get some of this Parmesan on there!"Johnny yelled

"Save some for me" Hyunjin said

"It's delicious...and mine" Johnny said shoving like 4 slices into his mouth.

"Alright now felix, Jisung . Where did you put the cocaine?" Seungmin asked

"In the pizza box" Felix whispered before passing out.

"Oh shit!" Seungmin exclaimed

Johnny was lying on the floor after having stuffed his face with pizza and 'Parmesan'

"I AM NOW FULLY EVOLVED!" Johnny said getting up from the floor and started dancing.

"JOHNNY STOP DANCING!" Chungha yelled

"NO no. Not now, I'm discovering A new colour!" Johnny said staring up into nowhere.

"Come on, sir down." Hyunjin said getting up from his seat and making his way over to the giant.

"Alright so your telling me we have 3 people on this bus who are high out of their minds and they're the essential people." T said pressing down on the brakes.

"Oh she flew" Seungmin said as Johnny flew down the isle landing as a pile of limbs on top of someone.

"I'm alright! Hyunjin broke my fall" Johnny said.

"And Johnny broke my rib!" Hyunjin announced standing up and dusting himself.

"Great and how long are they Gonna be like this? High I mean. " Seungmin asked

"Eh? It depends" T said.

"So do we just wait for them to get less high?" Vernon asked

"I think just as long as it takes till Johnny gets less high" T said

"Well it's like 5pm and the sun hasn't set yet. Darkness but not pitch dark is the preferred time we arrive" Seungmin said

"Why?" Someone from the back asked

"Because if it's broad daylight then they'll be able to perfectly see Felicia the drag queen over here!" Seungmin shot back

"Hey I think I look perfect" Felix said yawning

"You look like a dollar store version of Katya...but just asian" Seungmin pointed out.

"That was a read!" Joshua piped up

""We have around another hour so hopefully that'll ensure they'll get into a more...clearer state of mind" T said pointing to Jisung who was talking to a chair asking if it liked it when he pulled it's seatbelt...

Don't ask.


Chan and the others were slowly getting changed into their outfits which weren't that revealing.

"Why do they give us collars? Like bitch I am not a dog!" Minho said

"Well at least we're not all naked?" Jeongin said

"I mean what kind of sick and twisted mind would buy people like this?" Chan asked

"...I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone we knew walked right down them stairs right at this moment." Changbin said

The hatch opened up and a hunter walked down accompanied by a teen and two bodyguards.

"You know...when I said that. It was a joke right" Chsngbin said.

It was Mark who came down the stairs.

"I hope you all are enjoying your time here" Mark said

"Suck on this" Ten said sticking up the middle finger.

"Jokes on you dipshit I never learned sign language" Mark said

"Those of you chosen by the buyers will enjoy a last meal with us before you become property of your new master" Mark said

"Don't say master" Minho said

"Why? Does someone have a kink?" Mark asked

"No. Quite the opposite actually. It pretty much makes me want to shit my pants so you might want to get out of here before something terrible happens" Minho said

Mark looked disgusted before retreating up the stairs.

"And just for clarification I haven't shit myself" Minho said after people started moving away from him.


(The next chapter will talk About this part from jisung's pov so you don't miss out on how they got here)

Felix was standing with his 'bodyguards' waiting for the door to open.

When it did he was face to face with a rotten middle aged man.

"tu ressembles à un cochon déformé" Felix said


The next chapter will go more in-depth about what happens and how Felix got to the doorstep so don't worry. Y'all didn't miss out on the action scenes.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and are having a noice day/night

ANYGAYS onto our regularly scheduled

Meme/Photo time:


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