The Meeting

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Aditya felt his face was all clammy and he was sweating and his eyes were still teary. He gently removed Pooja's hand from him and excused himself. Pooja called after him 'Adi are you sure you are okay? You aren't sick or anything are you ? . No I am perfectly all right , just a bad dream called back Adi from the washroom. As he looked at the mirror in front of him, he slapped himself and cursed himself for crying for her yet again , for letting her affect him yet again. He hated her with all his heart. He wished he could remove every memory of hers. But it wasn't easy. Everyday unwillingly he used I think of her. He used to hope childishly that she she will come back. Everything that he did had a memory related to her and everyday he used to break thinking about those things. He washed his face , put on some after shave so that he looked fresh and came out. Pooja was still sitting on the bed waiting for him. When he came to her she looked up at him , smilingly she said 'Adi , I would like to take you to your favourite restaurant today in the evening. But only if you are feeling well. Adi looked at those brown , hazel shaped eyes and said 'Of course, I would love to spend this evening at the restaurant with you. What time are the reservations? he asked
In about half an hour she replied .
Cool said Adi. Can I just take a small nap alone please till then.
Sure, I will wake you up in twenty minutes then said Pooja. And she left him alone in the room
It had been almost a year he had married Pooja. Yet he didn't love her as a husband should love his wife. He didn't find it fair to deprive her of his love. But he just couldn't get himself to look at Pooja the way he had looked at her. Why he asked , Why did you do this to me ? Why did you wreck me to such an extent that I can't even love my own wife. He paced up and down in his room and thought of his past. At last when he thought his head might just burst with those memories he went down.
Pooja,  he called out , 'come on we will be late'
Pooja came out wearing a peach coloured saree with tiny stars glittering on them, looking very pretty indeed.
You look lovely dear , said Adi
Pooja blushed and said 'I love getting dressed for you. Let's leave shall we?'

Adi drove , he put the radio on. The song , Abhi Na Jao chod ke played. Adi glared at the stereo. Out of every song in the world they had to play this one today he muttered under his breath. He switched the stereo off. Pooja looked at his weird behaviour and said ' Are you sure you are alright ? . You seem angry at something. Have I done something wrong ?
That question and Pooja's pleading voice bought Adi back to his senses. Adi said ' No , nothing , it's just that I hate that song nothing else. He gave a watery smile to Pooja.
She didn't seem satisfied with his answer but didn't question him further either.
They reached the restaurant. It was very dark .
Have they shut? asked Adi.
No , you will see. Come on said Pooja . She took his hand and led him inside
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADI♥️♥️♥️♥️screamed the people inside the dark restaurant and the lights came on. Adi blinked at the sudden light on his eyes. He looked around and saw his colleagues, school and college friends around him. Pooja had planned a surprise for  him it seemed. He scanned the faces around him and his gaze stopped at the woman standing in the middle. Adi's jaw dropped. It couldn't be . He couldn't believe it . She was here , standing in front of him. Zoya Siddquei, the name whose name was like a song to his ears, Zoya the woman who had given him the best moments of his life, Zoya, the one for whom he could trade his entire life , Zoya , the one who had broken him. He looked at her . She looked ethereal in that pink and golden dress. It was the same colour she had worn when he had first met her. The colour which made her look like a princess and used to make his heart skip a beat. It was like she was emitting a warm glow , the glow which washed away his hatred and healed his scars. He could just go and hug her and stay there for the rest of his life. And before he knew it , he had travelled back five years in time. There in the valleys of Mussoorie was Zoya , looking like a vision in pink and he was looking at her...

What had happened in the first meet of Aditya and Zoya five years ago? Stay tuned for part 4

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