Tamas Day Off

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Amber's POV
I went out with Gin-san who was complaining about hungerxhunger. As we went down the stairs we saw Tama sitting on the bottom step.You see I met everyone already about 2 weeks ago.

" What are you doing here," said Gin san

She turned and said," Otose-sama says I should take breaks occasionally so she gave me 72 hours no 69hour and 23 minutes,ah,no 22minuts of vacation.However it is a robots duty to serve humans."

Did she really keep count and was she really out here for 2 hours.

" So you have sat out here for more than 2 and half hours," Gin said

" Gintoki-Sama what should I do with my vacation time.Has Otose-Sama abandon me " Tama said as we walked down the stairs to her

" She just wants you to relax every now and then that's all." I said

" What does relax mean," asked Tama

" It means rest," I said

" What do I do to rest," she says as we get on the bike

Thank god I decided to wear pants today

" You're annoying," said Gin-san
" If you don't know what to do then don't do anything.Just remain at a clear state of mind." He continued

" Understood," Tama said

" I don't do anything right," she said

" That's right,just like that," Gin said

Then we sped off

Should we just leave her??

Then all of a sudden Gin-san backed up.

I sweat dropped as I looked at her

She looked like a lost puppy

" You didn't really understand at all!," Gin yelled at Tama as he drove

He couldn't fit all of us on so I stood up on the back hanging on to Tama

" People who work hard need to be good at venting gas!" He said

" venting gas?" She asked


"As a machine I can not fart," Tama said

" NOT FART," yelled Gin-san


" What I'm saying is that if there is to much gas is blown in to a balloon then it will explode,right. If you want to expand it you have to release a little gas , Got it !" He yelled


" Does Gin-Sama's ballon have a leak in it? I never see it expand." She said

" BWAHAHAHA,"I laughed

" SHUT UP," said Gin-san

" My balloons way bigger than anyone else's. It's just hard to inflate. I'll wallop you, you piece of junk," he said angrily

While I'm trying not to laugh again Tama said something that made me lose it she said ,"  I will enter it into my data base, Gintoki-sama will never inflate even if death is upon him,"

" BWHAHAHAHA I CAN'T," I laughed with tears in my eyes I almost fell off the bike cause I was laughing so hard

" What does one do too release gas," she continued

" Do you have any place you want to go, or anything you want to do?, he said still angry

" I am a machine I only wish to serve mankind," she said

" Well I'm not talking about that..." he said as we got off

We are walking around the district

" I'm guessing you have not touched any of the money Otose-san gave you right?" I asked

" Yes," she said

" Can I ask you how much you made," Gin interrupted

I have a bad felling about this

And I was right because that dirty bastard took us to a hostess bar

That bastard I'm going to kill him later

I sat there with my arms crossed with Tama next to me

"Tch," I said with a tick mark on my face

" Can I order a Fresh fruit plate," said one of the hostess

They kept asking if they can order things and Gin would always say," Sure as long as it makes you happy order whatever you like."

That bastard

" What is this place," Tama asked innocently

" A place for drinking,fooling around and enjoying yourself," Gin said

I facepalmed

" Why would one want to drink and fool around to be happy ," she said

" It can dispel all worries," he said

" What is worries, there are many things I still don't know I might need to expand my memory ." She said

" You don't need memory you need, it's fun," I told her

" I'm having fun right now," Gin said


He ignored me that bastard ......

" Since you made me happy you have been a great help to me," he said

" If Gintoki- sama is happy then everything is fine," she said

That's not the point here

" But all I'm doing is sitting here, I feel bad for doing so," she continued

" I have an urge to work," she said

What? I have never heard someone say they have an urge to work

" Is there any task I can help with," she said while she is standing up

" Thats enough," he said while pulling her back down she landed on his lap

" Ah Gin-san...." I heard someone say

I turned to see Anego I call her that cause Kagura does and I met her about a 2 weeks ago

" isn't it," she continued with a cold glare

" Tch," I heard Gin say

" This is ...." I heard Anego say

" I am Gintoki- sama pleasure," Said Tama

" PFFT," I started to laugh while everyone gasped

Oh shit this is going to be good I can feel it


" To be more precise I exist to make Gin-sama happy, by restraining my desires and obeying orders, such as sit like this," she said

Hahahaha this is gold

" That's still not true Amber-chan help me out here," he said

I smirked evilly

Wrong move

"He is right it's true, he is never happy so he takes her in the house in the bedroom and go all night long.There too loud I can never sleep and all I have are nightmares now because of him ," I started to tear up and ran to Anego and cried in her Chest since I'm around Kyu-chan height

I turned to gin who looke flabbergasted and betrayed I smirked evilly at him

That's what you get you bastard

" Wait that's not it....."

Anego began to crack her fingers

It worked

" This shop forbids customers of questionable moral behavior," she said

" Wait wait she is a robot," he said

Wrong move again that's the one thing you don't say

" She doesn't know the pleasure of spending,so I," he continued

Continue on so your beating get worse

I stepped out of her way

" O so that it so he took her money to use as your own because she does t have financial problems," she said

" Yes that's right," he said sweating

Wrong choice of words

Next thing you know we are walking outside after Gin san got thrown out

" You deserved that you bastard," I said as we are walking around

" You don't have anything you want, it's your money so  buy something you like," I said

" Something I like," She questioned

" Yeah Girls like to shop," I said

" I'll take you to some shops, You are always wearing the same kimono why not but a new one," Gin said

When we walked I noticed Tama gone

" Hey Gin-san where did Tama go?" I said concerned

We looked around and we saw her looking at a box

" Oi  what are you doing," I said

" Have you found something you like," I continued

We saw what she was looking at a box that said one screw for 300 yen and we both backed up a step

" No, er no need it it's not like I really want it or anything, Anyway I forgot money," she said

" Ah really ? Then let's go," Gin said

" Oi your drooling," I said my voice getting a little higher

" Don't worry it's oil," she said

I don't think that's the point I sweat dropped

" FINE WHICH ONE IS IT? " Gin yelled

" which screw do you want, Enough I'll buy it for you ? but why screws of all things ," he yelled

She held two screws out and she was deciding which one to get even though they looked exactly the same

" Which one suits me better," she asked

" Aren't both of the the same," Gin-san yelled

" No they aren't," she said

" I say the left one suits you better," I said

A man put a hand on Gin shoulder

" Brother don't tell me you are looking for an engagement screw ," the man said

" What is an engagement screw, I have never heard of it," said Gin

Then he went on talking about each screw's story

I looked at him with a bored look

" Lets go," Gin said

So we left and we went to karaoke, then a spa, bowling, and a bar.

Tama threw up after the bar because she decided to mix regular and premium together

After that we went home but without Tama because she decided to stay for a little while longer.

" Don't stay out to late," I said

Next morning I heard a stampede of bulls

Why would there be a stampede of bulls coming up the stairs

I was wrong I saw something much worse then a bull it was horrifying I screamed it was.....

Otose-san angry

Uh oh I thought we paid the rent I mean it turned out Gin doesn't pay rent so he basically did mint have to pay 2 months of rent that  he didn't pay but had to pay this one's rent

I was ready to give some sort of lie to Otose- san  and throw Gin-san under the bus but I stopped when I heard say Tama hasn't come back.

Gin and I ran out to go look for her. We checked everywhere but we finally found her after what seemed like hours. She was in a vacant lot playing with the children.

I smiled she then came out to come talk to us while we started to drive away

" Gintoki- Sama , Amber -Sama can we relax again," she yelled

Gin put his hand up and drove away

What a fun day we had yesterday

I thought smiling

*Meanwhile in space*

Banzai was doing research on a certain scarlet yato.
" Damn I get seem to find anything on her indeed she is like ghost," he said

" Banzai why are you so obsessed on finding out who she is," Takasugi said

" She has a great song indeed but what she said had got me thinking she said," The real Scarlet Fairy has something Scarlet and has another thing that you seem to not have. But how can she know something like that when only a few people seen the real one because their are very few that are alive to tell the tale," he said

" Banzai-sama I got something on her," said one of the subordinates

" Really!?"Banzai said

" Yes, I looked at the picture you took and did the research you told me and I found something incredible. I can tell you she is truly amazing as well strong," said the subordinate

" Give it here," he looked at and had a surprise express

" Oh my Takasugi look at this," he said

The one eyed commander peered over and his one eye widened

" Ohh looks like we found someone interesting indeed," he said with a sadistic smirk

What did they find that surprised them both and what is Ambers connection to the Scarlet Fairy

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