Chapter 19

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Mika struggles to control her breathing in order to stop the bleeding but Garasu throws a few more spheres of glass at her, the flames burning Mika.

Nezuko was suddenly there and swinging her claws at the silver haired demon. Garasu dances away to avoid the attack.

"Sagefire Prime Burst!" Garasu throws another sphere of glass at the black and orange haired girl. It explodes but Nezuko avoided the flames.

She holds out her hand and summons her own pink flames in front of Garasu. With a clench of her fist, the female Kamado causes the flames to explode, knocking Garasu back.

Mika takes that moment to attack after having stalled the bleeding with her Total Concentration Constant. "Cherry Blossom Breathing, Third Form: Flash of Cherry Blossoms." The pink/purple eyed girl flashes towards Garasu as her blade blurs and vibrates. She strikes it towards Garasu but misses her neck. "Cherry Blossom Breathing, Seventh Form: Cherry Blossom Shaped Fireworks!" Mika swiftly swings her nichirin blade to her right but Garasu jerks her head back to avoid the attack. With a thrust of her wrist, Garasu launches her Fields of Pain technique at Mika. "Cherry Blossom Breathing, Eighth Form: Super-Whirling Cherry Blossom." Mika spins at a rapid speed away from the silver haired demon and manages to avoid the attack, while slashing fast with her sword. Mika hits Garasu but the demon's armor blocks the attack.

Garasu sends more Sagefire Prime Burst spheres at Nezuko who gets burned and then at Mika but she readies her blade. "Cherry Blossom Breathing, Second Form: Honourable Shadow of Cherry Blossoms," Says Mika before swinging her katana in front over body as it blurs and vibrates extremely loud. The spheres thrown are blocked and hit the floor.

Garasu sends another few spheres of glass at the Kamado girl, most of which hit her but she was able to dodge others.

Nezuko makes more of her pink flames explode around Garasu, knocking the demon back further.

Mika readies her sword once more before launching herself at the silverette. She swings forwards and strikes Garasu's left side, causing the demon to stagger. Garasu hisses with anger as Mika uses her Fifth Form to thrust her sword at Garasu nine times.

"Crimson Glass: Fragmented Eternal: Soul Glass Destruction!" Garasu creates the mirror the size of a human torso before aiming it at the girls. With a flash of light, two exact copies of them appear. The second Nezuko immediately attacks the real Nezuko.

"Cherry Blossom Breathing, Seventh Form: Cherry Blossom Shaped Fireworks," Says Mika before slashing her blade across her copy's stomach. She gasps sharply and staggers upon feeling the same attack hit her in the exact same spot. She raises a hand to her new wound, feeling blood leak out of it. What was that...? "Cherry Blossom Breathing, Fifth Form: Cherry Blossoms of Futility."

Mika swings her pink nichirin blade at her copy again nine times. Like before, Mika feels her own stack hitting her. She cries out in pain as Garasu smiles cruelly.

"I'm afraid attacking them wind do you any good," Says Garasu.

Mika's copy looms in front of her before slashing her sword two times across Mika's stomach with her Fifth Form.

Mika staggers, feeling lightheaded. Her sword clatters to the floor and she collapses right after, hitting the wooden floor with a groan of exhaustion. This causes everyone to whip their heads to the Cherry Blossom Hashira, seeing Mika collapsed on her stomach away from her copy.

Giyu gasps with worry, dodging an attack from his copy.

"Oh, no! Mika-san!!" Tanjiro cries.

Nezuko throws back her copy before rushing up to her friend. Reaching Mika, the black and orange haired girl drops to her knees and gently pulls the unconscious Hashira into her lap.

Nezuko gazes at her friend for a long moment, feeling tears of worry well up in her eyes.

As fury he'd never felt before bubbles up in Giyu's veins, he sees Mika's copy standing over her with her nichirin blade poised to kill.

He then realises that while none of their attacks have had any effect, the only way to kill the copies is by killing the real demon.

Giyu dashes across the room and blocks the copy's sword from striking the female Hashira.

With a yell of anger, Giyu throws back the copy and stands protectively in front of Mika.

Giyu lunges for Garasu with Striking Tide. She was unable to dodge the attack that hits the crack in her armor of glass. Giyu uses Flowing Dance, making the sword twist and flow along his body to pierce Garasu's stomach.

Giyu raises his sword as he glares down at the purple eyed demon. "You'll regret hurting Mika like that! Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Water Basin!"

With water covering his sword, there's an explosion as Giyu brings it down upon Garasu, cutting off her head as she screeches in pain and rage. The demon collapses with an explosion of water above her.

Tanjiro gulps, never having seen the Tomioka look so pissed before.

Tanjiro stiffens as the copy of Mika was about to attack again, but she, and all the other copies suddenly shatter.

Giyu breathes heavily before they all sheathe their swords and he turns to walk over to the unconscious Cherry Blossom Hashira, resting in Nezuko's arms.

Nezuko raises her head to Giyu as he kneels beside her and gently takes Mika into his own arms as he checks her condition.

Tanjiro tentatively asks, "Well, Tomioka-san?"

Inosuke stutters as he and the awakened Zenitsu come over, "I-Is she okay?"

Giyu grits his teeth before letting out a breath of relief. He informs the others, "Mika-chan will be fine. She just passed out from blood loss and exhaustion." Tanjiro and the others are relieved t hear that.

The redhead murmurs, "That's a relief. I'm glad she'll be okay."

Giyu takes Mika's sword and sheathes it at her left waist before gingerly picking the Cherry Blossom Hashira up in his arms bridal style.

Nezuko also gets to her feet and they follow the Tomioka out of Takeda Mansion and back to the inn to tend to their injuries.

Mika's P. O. V:

I peel my eyes open and blink up at the dark ceiling above me. I feel I'm wrapped in something warm and my body is covered by something.

Soft moonlight hits me through the window. Finally, it all comes back to me. I remember fighting Garasu, then my reflections and afterimages in the Cage of Reflection. Once Nezuko got me out, my d fought a copy of myself before I'd lost consciousness.

I turn my head to see Giyu sleeping next to me. I murmur softly, seeing bandages wrapped around him, "Giyu-kun..." His eyes flutter open at the sound of my voice, and they find me in the darkness. Relief swims in their depths as Giyu notices I'm awake.

"Mika-chan," He murmurs before leaning up on his elbows. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll be alright," I tell him, ignoring the pain as I also sit up. "Where are we? And what happened to Garasu?"

Giyu explains, "You passed out from your injuries while fighting Garasu, and I'd destroyed her afterwards. Tanjiro and the others also received wounds, but they're alright. Do you remember what happened?"

I nod my head, saying, "Yes. I'm glad everyone's alright."

Giyu asks, "Is there anything you need?"

"Just some water and to use the bathroom," I reply, a little sheepish towards the end.

"Alright. I'll get you some water," Offers Giyu. Giyu nods his head as he gets out of bed and I swing my legs over the edge.

I grunt as I ignore the flare of pain in my body and stand up. Giyu and I split off down the hall. I go to the bathroom while he gets me a glass of water.

I soon return to our shared room and find Giyu waiting with a glass of water in hand.

I perch on the edge of the bed and accept the glass with a thank you. Giyu helps me to raise it to my lips until it was nearly emptied. Then we both climb into bed and he very gently pulls me into his arms, allowing for me to rest my head on his chest.

"We're going back to the Master's estate tomorrow to give our report," Giyu explains, chin resting atop my head.

"Mm. Okay," I murmur, snuggling further into him.

Giyu continues to hold me as he says in soft tone, "I'm really glad you're alright, Mika-chan. When I saw how injured you were after Nezuko got you out of the glass prison, I... I was just so angry. I was so angry at what Garasu did to you, that I didn't think I'd be able to control it!" He hugs me tighter while clenching his teeth. I blink my eyes a couple of times as a soft sigh floats out of my mouth.

"It's alright now, Yu-kun," I murmur, lightly running my hand over his chest. "You saved me, and I'm grateful."

I look up to see him smiling softly at me, immense relief swimming in his ocean blue orbs.

"You're right. I'm just glad to have you with me now, Mika-chan." Giyu leans forwards and kisses the top of my head, causing it to tingle. He looks back at me with a softened gaze. "You should get some sleep."

I nod back and let the Water Hashira pull me against his strong chest once more. I let out a sigh of content as I slowly drift off to sleep once more.


I was getting dressed after breakfast and a shower the next morning, when I gaze at my tattered haori. It apparently got damaged during the fight last night, making me feel a little upset.

I pout as I mutter, hearing Giyu step into the room from the bathroom, "Oh, and I really like this haori, too!"

I blink my eyes when I feel another haori being gently placed on my shoulders. I was surprised to find the familiar burgundy, green and yellow checkered haori of my boyfriend.

I swivel my head to him as Giyu explains, "It got damaged during your fight with Garasu yesterday, but you can use mine until we can get it fixed."

A smile tugs at my lips as I turn to the Tomioka. I rest my hand on his shoulder as I plan a soft kiss on his cheek. I say appreciatively, "Thank you, Yu-kun. I'll return it as soon as mine is fixed, okay?"

Giyu nods and I set down my haori before I start to pull on his. As I go to slide my right arm into the sleeve, I wince and mutter an "Ow!" at a flare of pain, hissing.

Damn, it hurts!

I finish tugging on his haori and put my scarlet red hair in its high ponytail.

Giyu then folds my haori neatly as I tug his haori and he helps me to pack my bag. Then we go to meet with Tanjiro and the others as we pay the inn clerk.

As we walk out of the inn, Giyu supports me with one arm over his shoulders while he has one around my waist me to make sure I don't collapse, since my left foot is still burned and I wouldn't really make it back to the Butterfly Estate on my own.

Nezuko is back in the wooden box on her brother's back, Zenitsu asks me, "Mika-san, how are you doing?"

I glance back at them as I reply, "I'll be okay. It's not as bad as it looks." I give a sheepish closed eye smile, but I knew Giyu wouldn't be as easily fooled.

It actually hurts a lot more than I let on, despite my Total Concentration Constant.

I look back ahead as we fall silent.

We soon make it back to the Master's mansion where we give our report. Then we head to the Butterfly Estate to get our wounds seen to.

".... And Mika, here's your medicine. You have to take it four times a day for the next week," Instructs Shinobu as she sets a bottle of antibiotics on my bedside table.

I say as I gaze at her, "Thanks, Shinobu-chan."

Shinobu asks me, "Say, why are you wearing Tomioka's haori?"

I reply, "My haori got damaged during our fight with Garasu. So Giyu-kun leant me his for the time being."

"That's very nice of him. If you want, I can mend your haori while you recover?" Shinobu offers. I smile at that.

"Thank you, Shinobu-chan. I'd appreciate it," I say gratefully. "My haori is in my bag."

Shinobu nods her head and retrieves my cherry blossom printed haori.

Shinobu, Aoi, Naho, Sumi and Kiyo exit the infirmary while Shinobu takes my haori to mend it.

I let out a sigh as I flick my gaze to the antibiotics and glass of water left on my table. "I guess I'd better take one now," I think to myself before I reach for the tablets.

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