Chapter 15

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Mika's P. O. V:

I whirl towards him, gasping, as Sanemi unsheathes his green katana and plunges it into the box, the point of the green blade protruding from the other side, spraying crimson blood. I snap furiously with a dark expression, "SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA!! PUT THAT SWORD DOWN THIS INSTANT! AND THE BOX!" He ignores me, the other Hashira except Gyomei and Giyu looking nervous.

"I SAID STOP, SANEMI!" I yell, causing the other Hashira except Giyu and Gyomei to flinch.

Before the Kakushi could stop him, Tanjiro gets to his feet and runs to stand in front of Sanemi. He shouts angrily, "Anyone who hurts my sister, answers to me!! I don't give a damn if you're one of the Hashira!"

Sanemi chuckles as he pulls his sword out and flicks the blood off it. "Well, how very nice for you!"

As Tanjiro gives a war cry and charges straight for Sanemi, I snap, "CEASE THIS! THE MASTER WILL BE ARRIVING SHORTLY!"

Sanemi's cerulean blue eyes jerk wide as he freezes in fear. He swings his sword but Tanjiro leaps into the air, dodging it. Surprise flits across Sanemi's face. I gape when Tanjiro suddenly brings his head down upon Sanemi's with enough force to knock him flat on the ground, head butting him. The Shinazugawa drops the box and his sword in the process.

Tanjiro collapses as well, and I suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone stares at me and I cover my mouth to try and stifle my laughter. "S-Sorry! Couldn't help it." I don't look at Giyu as he stares at me in surprise, for I haven't laughed like that for a long time.

Tanjiro just defeated Sanemi... with a head butt! Just how hard is that kid's head, anyway?! Though, I'm not that eager to find out for myself anytime soon, as the sound that had been emitted upon impact was awful.

"Damn you...!" Sanemi grits out.

Obanai muses, "Sakurajima's outburst must've been a distraction, but that boy still managed to get a blow in."

Tanjiro snaps, now sitting up, "If you can't tell the difference between good demons and bad ones, then you shouldn't be a Hashira!"

Sanemi raises his head, blood leaking from his nose, as he growls, "You no good little...!" He gets to his feet and picks up his sword. "... I'll destroy you!!"

Sanemi holds his katana to Tanjiro's neck, but just then, two girls speak up from the porch. "The Master has returned!"

A light male voice says, "My beloved children. I thank you for coming here this day." The Master now stands before us. On their knees, the two white haired girls slide the doors closed behind the Master. They then help him walk up to the edge of the porch. He tilts his head back and takes a deep breath before looking back at us. "Good morning to you all. The weather is strikingly nice today. Perhaps with a blue sky? Finding ourselves here, at the semi annual gathering, with all of the same faces. It brings me joy."

Sanemi swiftly appears beside Tanjiro and slams his head to the ground as he kneels beside him. The rest of us form a line on either side, also kneeling, with me on Giyu's left.

Sanemi says politely as he raises his head, "I am pleased to see you in good health as well, Master. I fervently pray for your continued good fortune."

Master replies, "I thank you, Sanemi."

"If I may, Master," Sanemi continues, "before we start this meeting, could you kindly enlighten us on this young swordsmen right here, who, it would appear, has been accompanied by a demon."

Sanemi's sudden change in demeanour greatly shocks Tanjiro. The Shinazugawa isn't known for having public graces, but he shows deep respect for our Master as a Hashira.

"But of course," Says Master. "I apologise for any confusion. Tanjiro and Nezuko, have both been sanctioned. I would appreciate it if you'd all accept this commission."

Clasping his hands together, Gyomei says sadly, "Master. Even though it is something you have requested, I can't bring myself to do it."

Pointing his thumb at himself, Tengen says in agreement, "I am also opposed to this! A slayer travelling with a demon is unacceptable."

"As for myself, I shall do whatever it is you wish, Master," Mitsuri chimes with sparkling mint green orbs, hands clasped together.

Muichirou mutters, "I'll forget anyway. So I'm fine either way."

Shinobu, Giyu and I don't say anything.

Obanai says, "I won't trust them. Absolutely not. First of all, I loath demons."

Kyojurou inputs, "Although I respect you with all my heart, Master, I cannot oblige by this. I'm fully against it!"

Sanemi says, "The Corps' mission is to annihilate demons. I ask that you punish Kamado and Tomioka!"

Master says to the white haired, violet girl on his right, "The letter."

"Yes, Sir," She says before pulling out a white envelope from her kimono. She opens it and begins reading it. "A former Hashira, Urokodaki-san, sends along this letter with a request. I shall read to you an abridged version: I ask you to allow Tanjiro and his sister to accompany each other. Because of her resilient mental fortitude, Nezuko has not lost her human reason. Even when starved, she has never devoured a human, and that is true more than two years later. Although the situation sounds outlandish, it is in fact reality. In the event that Nezuko does assault another human being, myself, as well as Tanjiro Kamado and Giyu Tomioka will atone by committing seppuku."

She finishes the letter and my stomach drops to the floor as my heart feels like it's breaking. I jerk my head to Giyu, but his face remains unreadable.

Tears well up in my eyes at what the letter said. I knew Giyu would have faced harsh punishment for saving the demon girl, but... seppuku?

It's a form of Japanese ritual suicide involving disembowelment with an upward slash to the stomach.

Giyu refuses to meet my gaze as more tears threaten to spill forth.

Sanemi says lowly, "Who cares how they choose to end their lives? Fire, hanging, it's all the same! It doesn't guarantee our safety!"

I say in a dangerously low tone as I turn my death glare to him, "Sanemi." Everyone flinches and Sanemi freezes at my tone. "Show some respect to a former Hashira. And shut up."

He timidly turns his head to me only to gasp at my dark glare, my bangs hiding one of my eyes.

I was angrier because he'd dare speak like that about Sakonji Urokodoki, Giyu's Sensei.

Mitsuri's P. O. V:

I stare at the scarlet haired maiden in both awe and fear.

"Uh oh! Mika-nee-chan is really angry! She's really P. Oed about something!" I think fearfully to myself. Then I remember what Urokodaki-sama had said in the letter and look to Tomioka-san. He's gazing at the red haired woman but she's avoiding eye contact with him. "Mika-nee-chan must be upset that she could probably lose her friend should Nezuko eat a human. How tragic! Those two are just the most amazing friends ever! Mika-nee-chan is so commanding and beautiful! Not to mention, inspiring, but also kind of really scary!"

Mika's P. O. V:

"I can also vouch that Nezuko wouldn't eat a human, as I, too, had seen it with my own eyes," I add as my glare lessens, and I feel the tears return.

Kyojurou inputs, "Shinazugawa is right! If she kills a human, we can't turn back the clock. That person will will be lost forever."

I quickly swipe my tears away before anyone else could notice. My stomach boils as I turn back to the Master. I was angry. I was angry at the possibility of losing the man I love should Nezuko eat a human!

Master says, "You do have a point."

"So, then...?!" Sanemi murmurs.

"What do you wish, Master?!" Kyojurou asks eagerly.

"We can't guarantee that she won't attack humans, and we can't prove it. That said... we also cannot be certain she will attack humans." This causes Sanemi to gasp out in shock.

"Here is what we do know about her for certain: she has been abstinent for over two years, and there are three people who would vouch for her with their lives. Even Mika is willing to vouch for Nezuko. If this evidence is rejected, one must offer in turn an even more convincing argument." Sanemi scowls in frustration. "Are any of you able to do so? Also, there is another thing I'd like to relay to you, my children. Tanjiro has met Kibujutsi face to face."

We all gasp and I keep my gaze forward when Giyu flicks his to me. Tengen exclaims, "That's impossible! Not even a Hashira has crossed paths with him." Mitsuri is knocked on her face by the Sound Hashira with a squeal as he turns to Tanjiro. "Did you really? What did he look like?! What are his powers?! Where did you see him?"

Muichirou questions, "Did you fight?"

Sanemi shakes Tanjiro's head as he demands, "What was Kibujutsi doing? Did you find his stronghold? Answer me!"

I snap at the Wind Hashira, feeling bad for the kid, "Stop shaking Tanjiro like that! You're hurting him!"

Sanemi ignores me yet again.

"Shut up! I asked him first!" Tengen snaps.

"Come on! Tell us what powers Kibujutsi has!" Kyojurou urges. We all fall silent when Master places a finger against his lips.

"Speaking of that man, we know he has sent pursuers after Tanjiro and Naomi. While his goal may simply be to silence Tanjiro now that he has finally revealed himself, I wish to seize on this opportunity. I also believe that something is happening to Nezuko that Kibujutsi never saw coming. Do you agree with me now?" Master questions.

There's a moment of silence.

"I'm afraid I don't, Master," Sanemi speaks up, anger flashing across his features. lid it were human, there would be no question we'd spare it. But after all we've gone through, after losing countless of our brethren... asking us to house a demon... it's unacceptable!" I gasp when Sanemi takes out his sword and cuts underneath his left forearm, holding it up. Crimson drops onto the cobbles. "Hear me, Master! The depravity of a demon...! I will prove it to you here and now!"


The white haired male puts the box before him and puts one foot atop it. He lets his blood drip into the box. "Hey, demon! It's time for your dinner! Take a bite!" I can hear Nezuko struggling to fight against her demonic instincts. "No need to hold back! Just show us your true colours. And then I'll destroy you, right here."

"Get away from her!!" Tanjiro yells.

I say harshly, my eyes flashing angrily, "Sanemi, cease this nonsense at once!! You've gone too far!"

Sanemi responds, glaring back at me, "You said so yourself, Mika. This demon can refuse blood. I'm sure we're all eager to see for ourselves if that's true."

"There are other ways of doing it! This is wrong!"

"It's the daytime. No good doing this now," Obanai says simply. "It'll only show itself in the shadows."

Sanemi says lowly, "Master, please forgive the discourtesy I am about to commit." With Nezuko's box in hand, Sanemi leaps onto the porch in the shadows and throws the box on the ground. He goes up to it and stabs his sword into the box.

Nezuko lets out a yelp of pain.

"STOP IT!!" Tanjiro screams. He goes to save his sister but Obanai was there, ramming his elbow into Tanjiro's back and preventing him from running and attacking the Wind Hashira.

"Come on out, demon!" Sanemi taunts, plunging his sword in again and emitting another cry of pain. "It's the human blood you love so much!"

I yell, making everyone flinch this time, "THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH, SHINAZUGAWA!! YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!" My face darkens as I turn my head to Iguro, giving him the exact same glare I'd given Sanemi. He flinches away from Tanjiro, falling backwards.

I use that chance to appear beside Tanjiro, kneeling, and place my hand on his back, using my full strength to pin him down, though not enough to hurt him. The Kamado gapes in disbelief at my sheer strength.

I meet Tanjiro's fuschia orbs and give him an apologetic expression. As much as I wanted to help Nezuko, I needed to let the others see for themselves what she's capable of.

Tanjiro's P. O. V:

I gape at the red haired woman who'd so easily scared Iguro away from me with just a glare. She seems really pissed off right now.

Could it have something to do with his punishment for saving Nezuko??

Now I feel guilty because she could lose her best friend.

And, what's more...

"Sh-She's so fast and strong...! She's holding me down with just her bare hand on my back! Just how strong is she?" I think in disbelief as I grit my teeth.

Mika's P. O. V:

Sanemi places his foot on the box with a kick before hooking his sword into the handle on the box. He flips it open and takes a couple of steps back.

We all watch in tense silence as the demon girl emerges from the box, grunting at the pain. She's salivating as she turns towards the Wind Hashira, fuschia orbs narrowed.

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