15 - Thomas Sanders

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The following morning, a thick tension hung heavy in the air as Toby sat across from Dylan at the park benches. The once vibrant playground seemed muted, the sounds of children's laughter a jarring counterpoint to the storm brewing within Toby.

Dylan, oblivious to Toby's inner turmoil, chatted animatedly, his voice filled with an enthusiasm that felt painfully out of place. "So, Toby! Tell me all about Virgil! Is he into sports like Patton? Maybe they can bond over some baseball practice?"

Toby forced a smile, the effort a physical strain. "Virgil... well, he's a great kid. More into books and video games than sports, but I'm sure they'll find something to connect over."

Dylan chuckled, a hint of nostalgia creeping into his voice. "Just like Bella, then. Always nose-deep in a fantasy novel."

The mention of Bella's name sent a fresh jolt of pain through Toby. He gripped the edge of the bench, knuckles white.

"Speaking of Bella," Dylan continued, his gaze turning distant for a moment, "how are you coping? It's been... what, five years now?"

"It... it's been tough," Toby admitted, his voice barely a whisper. The words felt hollow, a poor substitute for the torrent of emotions swirling within him.

Dylan nodded, his smile fading. "Yeah, I can only imagine. She was an amazing woman, Toby. Strong, kind, always up for an adventure. Patton misses her terribly."

Toby's heart ached for the young boy, the weight of his secret guilt pressing down on him. He longed to reach out, to offer some form of comfort, but the words wouldn't come.

"He talks about her all the time," Dylan continued, oblivious to Toby's internal struggle. "You know, he found this picture of you two the other day. Said you were the best friends his mom ever had."

Toby's breath hitched. He stole a glance at Dylan, desperately searching for a flicker of recognition, of suspicion. But Dylan's face remained open, etched with a bittersweet mix of grief and pride.

"That's... that's good," Toby managed, his voice hoarse.

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the unspoken hanging heavy between them. Finally, Dylan cleared his throat, breaking the oppressive silence.

"Look, Toby," he began, his voice gentle. "I know things haven't been easy since Bella... But you were her best friend. And Patton needs that male role model in his life. That's why I was hoping... maybe we could try to rebuild our friendship. For Bella, for the kids?"

Toby stared at Dylan, his mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions. The truth clawed at him, a constant reminder of the betrayal that hung between them. But he also saw the raw grief in Dylan's eyes, the love for his son mirrored in his own heart.

He thought of Bella, of her unwavering support, of the life-changing impact she'd had on him. He owed her this, at least. An honest conversation, a chance to explain, to maybe, just maybe, find a way forward.

Taking a deep breath, Toby met Dylan's gaze, his voice steady despite the tremor in his heart.

A shadow fell across the blanket where Virgil, Roman, and Patton were sprawled out, momentarily blocking the afternoon sun. Looking up, they found themselves face-to-face with a lanky teenager, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"So," the teenager began, his voice dripping with a casual coolness that didn't quite mask the underlying nervousness, "you three know Thomas Sanders?"

Patton, ever the enthusiastic one, practically bounced on his spot. "Of course we know Thomas Sanders!" he exclaimed, a wide grin splitting his face. "He's like, the coolest YouTuber ever!"

Roman, never one to miss an opportunity for theatrics, puffed out his chest and struck a dramatic pose. "Duh," he declared with a flourish. "We're practically family. He's a legend, after all."

Virgil, ever the voice of reason (or at least sarcasm), rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah," he drawled, "the cool Vine guy. We know him."

The teenager's face lit up with delight. "Vine guy, that's right! I knew it! You wouldn't believe it, but my little cousin is obsessed with his old Vines! She keeps quoting them all the time, drives me nuts!"

Patton chuckled. "Oh man, I bet. Those Vines were classic. The 'Socially Awkward Skeleton' one gets me every time!"

The teenager's eyes widened further. "Socially Awkward Skeleton?! You guys are like, hardcore Sanders Sides fans then?"

Roman, always happy to be the center of attention, preened under the sudden spotlight. "Hardcore? Please, my friend," he declared with a dramatic flourish, "we practically wrote the textbook on Sanders Sides."

Virgil snorted, but didn't contradict him. After all, Roman's over-the-top enthusiasm was half the fun (and sometimes the entire headache) of knowing him.

The teenager, oblivious to the playful banter, grinned. "No way! That's awesome! I love the whole concept, the sides and everything. It's like, so relatable, you know?"

Patton nodded eagerly. "Yeah, totally! It's like they took all the weird voices in our heads and turned them into actual characters."

Virgil couldn't help but chime in. "Except mine," he muttered. "Logic is apparently too boring for a flashy costume."

The teenager chuckled. "Hey, don't knock Logic! Someone's gotta keep the others grounded, right?"

A comfortable silence settled between them for a moment, a shared love for a quirky YouTuber bridging the gap between strangers. The tension of the morning, the heavy weight of Toby's secret, seemed to recede for a while, replaced by the simple joy of connection.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, Virgil allowed himself a small smile. Maybe, just maybe, there was still room for a little bit of normalcy, a little bit of laughter, even amidst the chaos that was his life. And who knew, maybe this chance encounter, this unexpected conversation about talking sides, was exactly what they needed right now.

The teenager's question hung in the air, a spark waiting to ignite. "What do you think about Thomas?" he asked, his curiosity evident.

Patton, ever the enthusiast, practically vibrated with excitement. "He's the BEST!" he exclaimed, his voice reaching a near shout. "I LOVE HIM!"

Roman, never one to be outdone, struck a dramatic pose, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "PFFT, what do I THINK?" he declared with a flourish. "I KNOW. He's my king! We'd be unstoppable together, the ultimate creative force!"

Virgil, a hint of amusement flickering across his face, finally chimed in. "He's pretty great," he admitted, a touch of understatement in his voice.

The teenager's grin widened. "That's awesome! So, what would you do if you ever met him?"

Patton's eyes sparkled with pure joy. "I'd give him a BIIIIIG hug!" he declared, throwing his arms wide in a demonstration.

Roman, ever the performer, puffed out his chest. "Oh my gosh, I'd ask him to sing all the Disney songs with me! We'd make the best duo this side of the Mississippi!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, but a small smile played on his lips. "I'd tell him he's gotten me through some very bad days," he said softly. "And that... well, that I want to be as cool as him when I get older."

Suddenly, a deep chuckle echoed from behind them. The three friends froze, their playful banter dissolving into stunned silence. There, standing beneath the shade of a towering oak tree, was Thomas Sanders himself, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. He had his hands playfully covering his mouth, as if trying to stifle his laughter.

Roman, ever the drama king, deflated slightly. "Ah," he mumbled, his voice tinged with mock disappointment. "Now my wish makes me sound like a buttface compared to Virgil's all-deep-and-meaningful one."

The teenager, oblivious to the internal struggle within Roman, chuckled good-naturedly. "Aww, no it doesn't! It sounds like a fun time."

Thomas, unable to contain his amusement any longer, burst into laughter, the sound warm and genuine. Stepping forward, he addressed the group. "You're all so sweet! Thank you!"

Patton, the first to recover from the shock, let out a joyous shriek. "AHGGGGGHHHH!!!" he screamed, his voice a high-pitched blend of surprise and delight.

Roman, mirroring Patton's enthusiasm, launched himself at Thomas in a hug. "OH MY GOSH!!! I love you! Oh my gosh you're here!"

Patton, not wanting to be left out, piled onto the hug, creating a chaotic yet heartwarming three-person embrace.

"Helloooo!" Thomas chuckled, his voice muffled by the crushing hug.

"HI THOMAS!" Patton squealed, his face buried in Thomas' shoulder.

Virgil, on the other hand, remained rooted to the spot, a mixture of shock and disbelief swirling in his eyes. Thomas, sensing his hesitation, pulled away from the hug and extended a hand towards Virgil, his smile warm and inviting.

"Come here, buddy," he said gently. "Please!"

Virgil, his body trembling slightly, took a tentative step forward. Thomas enveloped him in a hug, his arms strong and comforting. Virgil, overwhelmed with a sudden wave of emotion, buried his face in Thomas' shoulder, tears pricking his eyes.

"I can't believe you're here," he mumbled, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for coming!"

"Of course" Thomas beamed

Across the park, Toby and Dylan watched the unfolding scene with a mix of amusement and relief. The sight of Thomas Sanders, YouTube star and unlikely hero, uniting the teenagers with laughter and hugs, eased the tension that had gripped Toby all morning.

"Well, that's... unexpected," Dylan remarked, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Toby chuckled, the sound shaky but genuine. "You could say that again. Looks like Patton manifested his wish a little early."

They decided to approach the group slowly, giving them their moment with their internet idol. As they got closer, they could hear snippets of the conversation – Roman regaling Thomas with his latest creative project, Patton excitedly chattering about upcoming Sanders Sides episodes, and Virgil, his voice barely a whisper, thanking Thomas for being a source of strength.

Finally, Thomas pulled back from his hug with Virgil, wiping a tear from his eye. "Hey, everyone," he called out, his voice warm. "Looks like we have some new fans over here!"

The teenagers turned, their faces alight with a mixture of excitement and a hint of shyness. Roman, ever the showman, struck a pose.

"New fans? Please, Thomas! We're practically family!" he declared.

Patton, his face still flushed with excitement, bounced on his toes. "Hi Mr. Sanders! This is my dad, Dylan!"

Dylan stepped forward, a hesitant smile on his face. "Hi there," he greeted the teenagers, his gaze lingering on Toby for a fleeting moment. "It's nice to finally meet you all."

The teenagers mumbled greetings, their eyes wide with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity.

Suddenly, Roman, his eyes gleaming with mischief, turned to Thomas. "Hey, Thomas! How about a group picture? To commemorate this epic meeting of minds!"

The suggestion was met with a chorus of enthusiastic agreement. Thomas grinned. "Sounds like a plan! Let's do it."

As they huddled together, arms slung around shoulders and smiles plastered on faces, Toby couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth spread through his chest. The past few hours had been a whirlwind of emotions, but seeing the joy on the teenagers' faces, the genuine connection they shared with Thomas, offered a glimmer of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, there was a way forward. A way to navigate the complexities of the past, to rebuild trust, and maybe, just maybe, create a new kind of family, a messy, chaotic, and utterly heartwarming one.

As he stood there, camera poised to capture the moment, Toby allowed himself to believe in the possibility of a happy ending, even if it looked a little different than he'd ever imagined. The click of the shutter echoed in the air, a punctuation mark on a day that had been anything but ordinary.

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