Chapter 13: Safe In Your Arms

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"You mean the world to me! And I'm not letting that world end on my watch!" MK embraces Red Son tighter, using all his possible strength to keep Red Son with them. The flames slowly began to extinguish, and MK let out a small gasp for air. They didn't even notice that he held his breath for so long. MK hears Red Son whimpering over his shoulder, MK rubs their back for some reassurance, "It's okay, just let it out if you need to." Red Son stays silent for a second before crying into MK's shoulder, gripping him tight under their arms.

MK wraps his arms around Red Son's waist and embraces them gently, feeling Red Son's heat return to usual. Red Son had begun to relax until they were able to speak in a small raspy voice, "Thank you, MK." "Heh, for?" Red Son backs off MK's shoulder to face him directly, "for everything. I guess... you mean the world to me, too." MK's face turned red, and their eyes gleamed brightly. Both began to laugh and move slightly closer until they were an inch away from each other. MK gathered his courage to move in closer for a peck, Red Son watched him move, slightly stunned. MK shifted closer, and closer, and...

"WATCH OUT!!" Wukong grabs the two and pushes them away from the Demon Bull King's swinging fist. They land, MK and Red Son still holding onto each other, processing what just happened. "You two okay?" MK and Red Son looked at each other and broke contact instantly, with their faces as red as tomatoes. "Y-Yep." "Perfectly fine." Wukong smiles, "Good, but your dad isn't." Demon Bull King had taken a lot of hits, but the canisters were still unharmed, "He is WAY stronger than I expected. Mind giving me a hand, Kid?" MK nods and turns back to Red Son, "Go to the others and wait, I've got this!" Red Son smiles."Be careful... Noodle boy." Mk looks to Red Son with slight confusion, "Ask Mei when this is over."

Mk gives Red Son a quick hug before letting go to jump on Wukong's cloud toward Demon Bull King. Wukong turns to Mk as they fly, "Alright, I distract him. You destroy the canisters." MK nods, MK jumps off the cloud, and runs around Bull King. Before Bull King can attack, Wukong throws a rock at his head, "Hey Wagyu! Hope you're ready for another mountain slumber!" Demon Bull King yells and attempts to crush Wukong. MK runs behind the Bull King and pulls out his staff to wack the canister, "Here..." MK jumps above Demon Bull King and extends his staff to swipe the canisters completely. "comes..."

Demon Bull King overhears MK and turns to smack him away, MK dodges by latching onto Bull King's arm with his free hand and running on his arm to move closer, "the..." readying his staff for offense, "Monkie Kid!" With one swing to the head, Bull King is whacked, leaving him slightly off guard. MK jumps off to the Bull King's back and wacks off the canisters with one final swing. The canisters break open, freeing the power within, and flying out into the air, the clouds depart revealing a midday horizon. Demon Bull King falls to his knees, his true soul returning to him. Meanwhile, MK and Wukong land slightly away from him to relax.

"We did it..." MK drops to the floor, not realizing how physically exhausted he was. "Yeah... Wahoo. Good job, Kid." MK lets out a muffled thanks as he planted their face onto the floor. "MK!!" MK lifts his head to see Mei and Red Son charge toward him, "MK! Are you alright!?" MK gives a thumbs up as both wrap his arms around their shoulders to help them stand, "Thank Gods, you two are okay." Mei pats MK's shoulder gently, "Glad you're okay too." MK smiles and turns to Red Son blushes slightly, "I'm glad as well." MK then remembers, "Oh! Also, what's with that 'Noodle boy' name?" Mei and Red Son laugh together, "It's a name Red Boy and I made for you! You like it?" MK chuckles, "I love it." MK pulls them in for a three-way hug.

In the distance, Demon Bull King groans as he regains sanity, "Where... what happened?" Demon Bull King looked around a bit baffled at all the damage, he looks down at the heroes below and catches his lover lying next to them. He ran to her and gently picked her up, her body was shaking as she regained consciousness, and she looked up at her spouse with a heartfelt smile. "You came back to me." The couple gently embraced, Bull King felt his eyes water, "I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, you weren't yourself." Iron Fan sits herself up slightly, she looks down, and begins to cry. "Is that..."

Demon Bull King looks in Iron Fan's direction and lets out a small gasp. Red Son was too interrupted by his friends to notice his family until they called their name, "Red Son?" Red Son turns to the Bull and Princess in front of her, letting go of MK's arm and walking toward them, Bull King kneels so he can see at a reasonable level, "Our child..." Red Son's eyes get teary as he runs to hug their father, she ends up hugging his arm but it didn't matter. Bull King picks him up and places them on the same hand as Iron Fan, "My dear baby has grown." Red Son looks down at his mother, almost crying at the sight of her burns.

"I- I'm so sorry..." Iron Fan gives Red Son a gentle hug to reassure them, "No, I should apologize. This wouldn't have happened if we agreed to seal you away. I was a fool." Bull King moves them to his eye level, "We both were." Red Son thinks for a bit before replying with, "I... I can't forgive you, at least yet. Just give me a bit of time." Both parents look to them with an unsure expression, "Take all the time you need to." Red Son reaches his hand out for Iron Fan to shake, which she accepts. Everyone else watches the reunion, Mei nudges MK, "Glad everything worked out in the end. You reunited Red with their family and from the looks of it, you finally confessed." MK freezes, "Huh-"

"You like Red Son too right? I figured you told them since they like you too." MK turns redder than his headband, "I- I mean- I do like them but..." "But?" MK looks back at Red Son with a sad smile, "But I don't wanna jump into a relationship just like that. I mean, we just met yesterday! I think I should give them a bit to grow before I ask anything." Mei grins, "That's good." Mei continues in an old man's voice and hugs him tighter, "Aw, you've grown so much my little boy!" MK laughs, "Haha! Mei, cut it out!" Both banter a bit as everyone begins to relax. Even if it was for a moment, everything was perfect right then and there.


Bitter-sweet chapter! Since this is one of the last chapters of Story 1, don't worry though. As I said, the AU will continue, just in different stories. It's just that this one is almost over. I should get the last proper chapter hopefully around the day after Valentine's day because I can't stop writing 😅. Until then, see you in the next chapter!
Edit: Fixed up the ending with Red and his parents bc looking back, I didn't like it that much-

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