Chapter 2: God Damn It!

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(No POV)

He and she are different.

He is a God and she is a mortal, moreover, his Saintess.

They have so many differences but if there is one thing they both have something in common, which they pretty much knew and never felt ashamed of it at all and that is....

....They just want to live peaceful.

Just another word for them to say that they are too lazy to do anything at all.

Now, after the fiasco he has done, Pramanix and (Y/n) stood on the side, being watched by the many Operators of Rhodes Island, especially to Silverash and Cliffheart who's watching their sister with the 'God' that Pramanix claims to be.

Pramanix: Now, I will ask again, what are you doing here?

(Y/n): Does a God need a reason to wonder his garden, certainly I do not.

Pramanix eyes twiched as she smiles forcefully to a smug looking (Y/n).

Pramanix: Yes, yes, you certainly do not need any permission but that doesn't mean you can pick a fight to anyone.

(Y/n): Nonsense, I only made sure this bugs are worthy to stand beside my Saintess, n-not that I am worried of you.

Pramanix blinks before she let out a smile, despite the glares everyone sends to (Y/n) who ignores it with a smug look, in fact, if there is someone who cares for her well being, except her brother and sister who cares for her, but (Y/n).

Pramanix: My, how thoughtful of you, (Y/n).

She complimented as she took advantage of their height and gently rubs his head affectionately, causing him to sputter and blush, glaring at her, which only made him look cute to her and the girls around as the males looked amused.

(Y/n): Hah?! B-baka, who gave you the permission to touch me!

Pramanix: You did, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Stop, I am a god know your place!

Pramanix: I know and it is beside you, always.

(Y/n): Gununnu...

Pramanix: Fufu, how cute.

Suddenly, Pramanix giggles as she pulls a bold move by wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close to her and lays his head on her generous bust.

Pramanix: There, there.

(Y/n): ₩¥#%!!&@$%*

Many people can hear his muffled voice, they wonder what are the words he is saying as they watch him struggle on Pramanix's arms.

Kal'tsit: Pramanix, who is he and how do you know him?

Pramanix looks a Kal'tsit, then to her siblings and to the other Operators, all looking at her for explanation, causing her to let out a sigh as she let (Y/n) go, causing him to gasp as he took a deep breath.

(Y/n): Oh sweet air, how I miss thee...

He muttered as he looks at her before to the inhabitants of Rhodes Island.

Crossing his arms, he glares at everyone, making them to take a step back before his eyes landed on a girl.

(Y/n): Hmm, is she a goat or a lamb?

He muttered before he used his power to float towards her, causing the said girl to blink and become nervous as she watched him float towards her. The others wwre on their guard as they qatched him stop in front of their fellow operator, some even whispers for her to get away from him as others drew and aim their weapons at him.

(Y/n): You, what is your name?

???: Uhm, p-pardon?

(Y/n): Name, do you have a name?

Pramanix raised a brow, wondering why he was asking for a name, this was a first for her as he always calls everyone by 'You', 'Mongrel' or brat' or 'mutt' many would feel offended about it but not the the people of the Kjerag, well, they can feel insulted a bit but not too much and for him to ask for a name other than her is something new for her. Well, if one wanted to be called by name by him, then one must show their worth to him.

(Y/n): Name, give me your name, it save me from calling you a 'mongrel'.

Eyjafjalla: Eyjafjalla...

(Y/n) nods his head as he crossed his arms on his chest.

(Y/n): Umu, a fine name for a fine lady.

This made Eyjafjalla to blush before he looks at Pramanix with a smile, a smile she was very, very familiar with and she has fallen victim with that smile and what comes after that smile.

(Y/n): Can I bully her?

A loud slap was heard as everyone looks at Pramanix with a bewildered look, seeing her hand on her face as she let out a frustrated smile.

Pramanix: Have you no shame?

Only him, only (Y/n) can make such claim with such face.

And as for the girl, Eyjafjalla, her eyes widen as she started shaking like a leaf, wondering what he will do to her.

Oh dear, better make things clear.

Pramanix: (Y/n), what you should be sating is 'Nice to meet you'...

(Y/n) tilts his head, looking confused.

(Y/n): What's the difference, I will still bully her.

Pramanix: Eyjafjalla, don't worry, he won't really 'bully', rather, he'll only tease you.

(Y/n) puffs his chest as he put his hands on his hips.

(Y/n): Umu, like how I did to Pramanix.

Pramanix's eyes widen before she, once again, surprises everyone by immediately covering (Y/n)'s mouth.

Pramanix: Not a word, god or not, I will not hesitate to bash your skull!

She hisses as (Y/n) glares at her before pushing her hands off of her mouth.

(Y/n): How rude.

Pramanix: Or do you want me to tell everyone about 'that'?

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as he looks at her with horror.

(Y/n): You wouldn't.

Pramanix: I will, now behave.

(Y/n) grumbles as he crosses his arms before lying down ont he air with his legs crossed and floated behind Pramanix.

Pramanix sighs as she looks at everyone and bows her head in apology.

Pramanix: Everyone, I apologize for the trouble he has caused and as such, I hope you can forgive him.

Ch'en: Pramanix, explain, who is he and why did you call him a 'God'?

Pramanix looks at Ch'en and sighs again.

Pramanix: He is none other than the 'God' of Kjerag, the one who inhabits the top of the Mt. Kjerag.

Many looks at her with disbelief before everyone said words of denial, not believing a word she said about (Y/n) being a god.

Pramanix: If you do not believe me, then you are free to go to Kjerag to prove my claims, though, I am warning you, avoid insulting the God of Kjerag in front of his people.

Seige: And why is that?

Pramanix: The last person who insulted (Y/n) was bludgeoned to death by the people of Kjerag.

This made everyone quiet before Silverash spoke, proving her words are true.

Silverash: Well, what Pramanix says is true, I recieved a report of killing back then.

Ch'en: Then, he is a 'God'?

Ch'en asked, pointing a finger at (Y/n), who for some reason, was holding a cup of tea, brewed and served by Pramanix.

Silverash: Yes.

Hoshiguma: Then why do you and Cliffheart looked like you don't know him?

Silverash: None of us seen his face, he may have visited Kjerag thrice in a month but he made sure to hide his face, that is why we are surprised to see him without any covering of his face.

(Y/n): I did, because if I did not cover my face, I will be swarmed by the people of Kjerag whenever I drop whenever I feel to do so.

Pramanix: This answers why you were not home when I paid you a visit.

(Y/n): Umu, I am so smart.

A cough catches their attention before they all looked at Kal'tsit.

Kal'tsit: May I ask a question, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Did I gave you permission to call me by my name, woman?

Kal'tsit: Then what do you prefer us to call you.

(Y/n) and Kal'tsit has a stand off, looking at each other with no movements, causing everyone to be on edge as time passes with none of the two moving.

(Y/n): .....

Kal'tsit: .....

(Y/n): .....

Kal'tsit: .....

(Y/n): .....(Y/n).

His reply made everyone fall on the ground before they all look at him with a befuddled look and yells in sync.

Everone: That is your name!

(Y/n) looks away with a mild blush, huffing as he crossed his arms.

(Y/n): Hmph, well sorry for not having a fancy nickname.

Kal'tsit sighs in annoyance.

Kal'tsit: Enough of that, may I ask something?

(Y/n): Very well, ask away, woman.

Kal'tsit: Can you....

(Y/n): If your going to ask me to revive the dead then, yes I can.

Kal'tsit blinks in surprise, before she nods her head and before she can speak, (Y/n) cuts her off.

(Y/n): And if you are to ask me to revive someone, then I will decline the request.

Kal'tsit sighs as she felt annoyed of him knowing what she will request before looking at him.

Kal'tsit: And why, what if I ask you to revive the innocent?

(Y/n) looks at her with a raised brow before he sighs, he knew she will not ask to revive the many innocent that died but rather, one person.

(Y/n): The dead must remain dead.

Kal'tsit: Then how about the oripathy?

(Y/n): That I can do.

Kal'tsit: Then...

(Y/n): But I won't help.

This made Kal'tsit glare at him along with some operators.

Kal'tsit: Why, aren't you a god?

Lappland: Why won't you help, there are many infected dying because of oripathy?

(Y/n): I know and I have little care.

Pramanix frowns at (Y/n), though he may not sound like it but (Y/n) cares a lot, he has helped a lot of infected in Kjerag, healing them left and right. She noticed Silverash was about tk speak before she silenced him, shaking her head sideways slightly, which he noticed before he became quiet.

Texas: Some god you are.

(Y/n): Yes, some god I am...

He said sarcastically before he looks at all of them.

(Y/n): Curse me, hate me, whatever you want but we gods have also rules to follow.

(Y/n) sighs as he turns around andnfloats away.

(Y/n): Pramanix, show me to your quarters.

Pramanix raised a brow before she asked.

Pramanix: Don't you mean 'your' quarters?

(Y/n): Nonesense, what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine.

Pramanix: you are the oldest bully.

(Y/n) said with a laugh as Pramanix looks apologetically to everyone before following after him, leaving behind some bitter and angry operatorss

Pramanix: (Y/n), did you have to do that?

(Y/n): Bah, I have to do what I have to do.

Pramanix: I know but, why did you decline healing the infected, you already did it once.

(Y/n): ....I want them to earn it.

Pramanix: .....Earn it, how?

(Y/n): Like how Kjerag earned my protection and love.

Pramanix looks at him with confusion, which he noticed, causing him to look at her.

(Y/n): I want to see it, I want them to work for it, I want to see if they deserve my help, like how Kjerag earned my help and everything.

Pramanix: You, want to see if they deserveyour help?

(Y/n): It may sound selfish but I hope you understand, Pramanix, I don't want to repeat a mistake because of an act of kindness.

Pramanix smiles softly as she held his hand.

Pramanix: I understand, (Y/n).

He smiles at her softly before they continued to make their way to Pramanix's room, not noticing that they were followed by a certain Rhine lab sarkaz.

???: Huh, so he isn't a jerk.

She said before she runs back to the others to tell them what she heard.

(Y/n): Why do I feel like I forgot something?

In the top of Kjerag Mountain

If one look closely, a smoke can be seen rising in the sky and the cause is that a house is burning, the cause?
A stove was left, forgotten that it was on and something was inside.

A/n: I was checking my stories when I came upon this and saw that it was still on draft and never published....

....Shit, I forgot to post this chap!

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