Last Concert (2022)

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Y/N and Taehyung have been dating for about one year in secret. They moved into their own luxurious house and were very happy. Y/N got really close with all of the BTS members, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin, Jin. Y/N's wish had come true, she was able to see that cute smile of Tae's. The boxiest smile she'd ever seen.

"Y/N, you know I love you right?" Tae caressed Y/N's hair as she was resting on his chest while they both slept in bed. 

"Yes I know." Y/N said in a morning voice. Tae chuckled. Y/N was a sleepyhead and spent most of her time resting. No wonder she got along with Yoongi so well, they were both sleep buddies (DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA). 

"Of course you do, but I'm not ready to show you to the world yet. But I have to ask you, are you ok with people knowing?" Tae embraced her tighter. He was very protective of her and didn't like seeing her upset. 

"It's up to you, I'm ready whenever you are, I don't care what your decision is, as long as we are together." Y/N pecked his cheek and got up out of bed. Tae sat up and smiled at his beautiful girlfriend. 

"You're very understanding Y/N." Tae grabbed her by the waist as she was brushing her hair.

 "I know you have to follow some rules in K-pop." Y/N looked at them through the body mirror in front of her. 

"So are you coming to the concert tomorrow?" Tae asked rubbing his head against Y/N's back like a little kid. 

"Of course, It's your last concert after all. It's a shame you guys are disbanding." Y/N made a cute pout. 

"I know... But Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hobi are enlisted into the military, they'll be leaving in two months." Tae sighed. Mentioning the military made Y/N's face drop. Tae saw and pulled her down to sit next to him. "Hey, I know I also have to leave for two years but we have our whole lives afterwards." He placed his chin on her shoulder. Y/N didn't know what to say. "Look babygirl, I'll be back before you know it." "And I want five kids" Tae smirked. Y/N playfully hit his chest. Tae pecked Y/N's nose and got up. "Let's not waste the day, come one." Tae stretched as he got out of bed.

*Next day concert*

Y/N had front row tickets and was having a blast, but their concert came to an end. 

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmyyyyy" Jin yelled through his microphone.
The crowd cheered. 

"We know it's hard, that this is our last concert, but I have some great news." Tae wiped a tear as the crowd roared in excitement.

 "I'm getting married very soon." Tae put up his hand showing his engagement ring. 

"What's her name!!!!" An Army yelled. 

"Her name is Park Y/N, the most special girl to me." Tae held his chest. 

"Would everyone like to see her?" Tae asked. The crowd cheered more. Tae met eyes with Y/N and nodded her to come up onto stage. The crowd went quiet. Y/N walked to his side of the stage and stretched out his arm. Tae pulled her onto stage. They couldn't help but burst out into happy tears and army started cheering louder. They enjoyed the stage together before the eight of them were saying bye and the stage elevator pulled them all down back stage.

"We did well boys." The boys had a teary group hug as Y/N watched the cute moment. 

"Noona, take care of Taehyungie ok?" Jungkook hugged Y/N from the side. 

"I will JK." She head bumped him gently. She loved the members like her own brothers. 

"I'll be outside baby. Bye boys!" Y/N waved bye and decided to wait outside the stadium. She was on the sidewalk, opposite to the stadium at Tae's car. She was so happy yet so sad. She was still crying. She closed her eyes and leaned against the car when a phone call interrupted her. It was Tae, she picked it up. 

"Hello?" Y/N sniffed. 

"Turn around." Tae said. Y/N turned still with the phone at her ear, and saw Tae across the road. Tae had a big smile. 

"Why are you over there? I'm waiting." Y/N chuckled. 

"I don't know, I saw my love crying so I wanted to give her some time alone." Tae shrugged cutely. 

"They were just happy tears and I'd rather have you here then over there." Y/N smiled. 

"It's a beautiful night, may I take my love on a walk home instead?" He winked as Y/N blushed. 

"What about the car my love?" Y/N lifted her eyebrows. 

"I'll ask a body guard to drop it off baby girl. He has extra keys anyway" Tae gestured her to come over. "Alright."

Y/N ended the call and popped her phone into her back pocket. Before she crossed she looked both sides and then started walking keeping eye contact with Tae. Suddenly a black car was headed straight for Y/N. 

"Y/N WATCH OUT!" Tae ran and pulled Y/N off the road just in time. Tae held her as he angrily stared at the car before it disappeared. 

"Are you ok baby?" Tae worriedly looked down at Y/N. 

"I'm good." Y/N hugged Tae as he kissed her forehead. 

"I think it's better we drive." Tae carefully took her back across the road and made her sit in the passenger seat.

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