Chapter Five

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The Rules of Tennis

Author's Note Not my favourite chapter in terms of content, but necessary in the evolution of this fic and more importantly their relationship.

For those down the back who didn't get the memo:


FYI, Italics, different language, should be self explanatory, normal, in English; just in terms of conversation.(Excluding texting)

Disclaimer Fabricated filaments of my imagination.

"Urgh this is so-- Urgh- Helen, it's way too early to be doing this," says Amanda as she pinches the bridge of her freckled nose. Her alarm has just gone off and at the top of her priority list is to have a quick chat with her public relations manager regarding what she is allowed to disclose on national television.

Not that Amanda is hiding anything in particular. She and Alex didn't make things official over night. They are the exactly same they were yesterday and the day before that. Just seeing each other. However, as Helen has explained, it is better that the pubic hear it directly from their mouths rather than some kind of fabricated alternative in next weeks' copy of the GQ magazine.

The media has already attempted to pull at the seams of their courtship, through ridiculous headlines, inappropriate questions and new photographs surfacing everyday.

"I know, I did email you about this yesterday but you didn't have the opportunity to read it before that lady called you," says Helen. "Just stay away from confirming anything, not for at least another few weeks anyway. You want people to take you seriously. Sascha had a lot of bad press in relation to him and the Bencic girl."

"What? Really? Like I had heard things, but what exactly do you mean?"

"When they made things official, they both fell down the ranks and people blamed it directly on the relationship," responds Helen. "Calling them two stupid teenagers who had lost sight of things that are important, like their careers. Just stay focused, whatever happens."

"I have my head in the game, I feel that way anyway."

"You've been playing very well, just keep it up. Don't give people a reason to bad mouth the two of you."

"Of course, any other tips?"

"How does that quote go, the great advantage about speaking the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said. Just be straight forward and take your time in answering questions," says Helen. "You're better off pausing for a moment, than running your tongue straight into a wall."

"I suppose so," replies Amanda. "Thank you for the pep talk, Alex will be coming by soon so I better get myself organised. Have a good evening Helen, what time is it over there? Like four?"

"Five, enjoy yourself Amanda. He's a cutie," says Helen. "Bye."

"Oh Helen stop it! When I get back I am setting you up on Tinder. Thank you once again!"

It is half past four by the time Amanda finishes in the bathroom in preparation for the day ahead. She is doubtful that she will have much time to change when they get back from the studio, before Italy and the USA take the stage. From previous experiences at interviews that haven't taken place on the tennis court, the hair and beauty department always tend to redo her appearance so she leaves her face as a blank canvas, instead of wasting the time she doesn't have.

Like clockwork, there is a knock at her door.

"It's just me," says Alex from behind it.

"Hey Alex, are you ready to go?"

"Hello, oh- yeah," he says, as his arms wrap around her shoulders, "am I allowed a morning kiss?"



He doesn't have to be told twice before he cups her face and lightly brushes his lips over hers. She can feel him grin into the kiss. One of her hands rest at the back of his head, her finger tips playing with the longer hairs at the base his neck. The pressure of his lips intensify. She knows that she has found one of his sweet spots and makes a mental note of it for future reference.

"We need to go Alex," says Amanda, breaking the kisses. "We can continue this later."

"Promise?" he asks.

She bites back a chuckle.

"Promise, dinner or something at mine again tonight? Or yours, I'm not fussed."

"Angelique wanted us to all hang out, you don't have to if--"

"No, dinner with Angelique sounds lovely."

"I think Aga and Jerzy are invited too, you can bring someone if you feel uncomfortable."

"Why would I feel uncomfortable?"

"I don't know, we just all kinda know each other and you're the newer person to our group," says Alex, his hand finds hers as they walk towards the elevator. "I jus' didn't want you to feel weird or anything."

"Thank you for thinking of me," says Amanda, pressing the downwards arrow. "Nervous? Yes. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Okay, from what I understand it's a casual thing at Angelique's," says Alex. "Just chatting and a movie. I'll be by your side the whole time."

"Thank you," she replies. "It's bound to be a good night, and you're playing first thing tomorrow morning aren't you?"

"Yes, it's Germany and the Czech Republic."

"Your on court interview yesterday got me thinking, it'll be funny if it's you versus us in the finals," says Amanda. "We're at the top of our half in the draw, but I guess that can change."

"Well you're on four and the USA and Poland are both on two, so unless one team today wins everything, you're still at least tied for first place," says Alex thoughtfully.

"No comparison to you though, your first face off at three zero," says Amanda, quickly pecking him on the cheek before reversing out of the narrow parking space.

"Hopefully we can keep that standard for the rest of the tournament."

"If it is us in the final, you're not allowed to go easy on me regardless of what is happening here," says Amanda. "Could you possibly navigate for me? The GPS in this vehicle doesn't work."

"I wasn't planning on it. Just unlock the phone for me."


"Hey Sascha, can I have a photo for my Instagram of us? Unless you think it's weird, that's fin---" 

"Of course! Come here," he says, stepping towards her so the frame can capture the both of them.

"Smile," she says, as her thumb presses down on the screen. "I just want to do a post about this interview, the more people who see it the better."

(Author's Note HAHAHAHA i fucking hate myself.)

"I'm saving it."

"Miss Clarke, sorry to interrupt the two if you but Denise will be introducing you in about thirty seconds," says a man dressed in black.

"I'll be ready in two."

"And now, we have a pair of very special guests with us today," says Denise "Please put your hands together for world number forty seven, at only twenty years of age and competing in this years Hopman Cup for England, Miss Amanda Clarke!"

"And go," says the man.

Amanda is all smiles, focusing on placing one foot in front of the other as she enters the brightly lit studio and takes a seat across from Denise.

"Miss Clarke, how are you?"

"Excellent, very excited to be here."

"Congratulations on your smashing entrance into the Hopman Cup this year, you haven't dropped a match, have you?"

"Not yet. We'll see how the last match goes."

"I'm sure you'll be fine! We're all excited to see who it'll be in the finals," says Denise. "We have our fingers crossed that you'll be there competing for the UK."

"Thank you, that's the plan!"

"So no doubt you guys are like me and saw the photos from the Hopman New Years party, but it's one particular photo that has everyone talking," says Denise to the audience, "and it's this one."

Amanda and Denise turn to face the screen behind them where the photo that has caused so much chatter is displayed. It is the same one that Belinda questioned Alex about two days earlier, their first kiss under the fireworks.

"Uh- yeah... about that."

"That is you and your fellow competitor Mr Sascha Zverev, is it not?"

"Ah... yeah it is."

"Should we get him out here, so the three of us can have a chat about your relationship?"

"Of course."

"Could you please put your hands together once more, for the youngest player in the ATP tour and ranked in the top fifty, currently number four in the world and representing his country Germany in this years Hopman Cup, Mr Alexander Zverev," says Denise. Alex comes through the same entrance and bashfully waves at the audience. He sits down next to her, and places a reassuring hand on her knee. "We would like to thank you, on behalf of the whole crew here at Sunrise Perth, for giving us this opportunity to talk to you. Congratulations to the both of you for your successes in the tournament thus far."

"Thank you ver-y much, we've worked hard for this."

"So before the New Years photo, there were photos surfacing of the two of you at some of the together. Did you think at the time it'd cause speculation about the two of you?"

"Yes, I'm going off how I'd react if I saw a photo of two friends in a one on one at an event. It's natural to think there's something going on," says Amanda.

"But leading up to New Years, that was just all friendly. I mean, I knew I wanted to spend time with her, but there wasn't actually anything going on."

"Aren't they the cutest?" says Denise, as the audience cheers. "So did you know each other before the tournament, like it seems as though it'd be obvious but people forget how big the WTA and ATP tours actually are, Amanda?"

"Well I think everyone who has any interest in tennis has heard about Sascha in the last two years or so. He's broken records and climbed to the top four in the world. For our age those are some amazing achievements. So I definitely knew who he was, although our paths hadn't crossed until this tournament."

"Sascha, anything you'd like to add to that?"

"Honestly, I have maybe seen her once or twice before but I didn't know anything about her. The day I met her, I asked Amanda her name and went from there."

"Was it love at first sight Amanda?"

"There was a spark I think. I'm not a big believer of love at first sight but definitely a spark."

"Yeah, followed her on Instagram straight after and kinda got talking from then."

"Shout out to Eugenie and Milos from Canada for playing cupid. Angelique egged you on, on your side, no?"

"Yeah, Angelique got the ball rolling."

"So this is the question everyone has been dying to have answered," says Denise. "What is actually going on with the two of you? We've all seen the headlines, but those mean nothing compared to actually having a chat to the both of you." 

Alex and Amanda look at each other, and back at Denise.

"Um- I think I might let Amanda explain it."

"Well honestly it's all really fresh, Alex is an amazing person and it makes me feel all giddy when I think about whatever the future has in store for the both of us," says Amanda, pausing. "But as I said, it's all really new so we're taking it by baby steps, rather than rushing into things."

"We need to find that balance between tennis and each other, before discussing titles."

"Are you suggesting that you currently don't have a balance Alex?"

"Not at all. For the both of us, our priority lays with tennis but it's only the beginning of this years season and we want to stay focused on both work and us."

"Fair enough," says Denise, "The both of you have a history of dating tennis players. Do you think that it'll aid in helping you find this balance you speak of?"

"What people fail to remember when they're quick to judge, is our age. We're only twenty and I'm not saying that it's an excuse, rather a milestone. We still have the world beneath our feet and have a lot to learn," says Amanda. "I said the same thing at my first press conference, when we won against Italy. There are definitely things that only time can forge. We never stop learning."

"Very well said Amanda," says Denise. "Alex, what will happen if it's an English German face off in the finals?"

"We we're talking about this on the way here actually  and someone asked me a similar question in one of my post match interviews."


"Well as Amanda said, our attitude towards tennis and wanting to win the cup for our countries doesn't change."


The interview runs well past the scheduled time and thus Amanda and Alex don't make it back until the men's singles round as at Hopman, the women always tend to be scheduled to play first. After a few hours of play, the USA are the successors overall with a final score of two to one. This is very good news for the English team as it means that Amanda and Kyle are still tied for the top leader board, with one more round remaining against the Americans.

Amanda lines her lips with a deep red shade and inspects her appearance in the mirror, her phone sounds, breaking her concentration.

Gazing at the time, she settles for a bottle of red she was gifted earlier from a company she doesn't know how to pronounce the name of, to take with her as it is very quickly approaching the settled meeting time. She ties her hair back neatly into a bun and begins with her eye make up which she accents in neutrals, to showcase the blue of her iris'.

She leaves her room at ten to seven, nerves quickly begin to bubble within her. Amanda walks towards to elevators and presses the number nine. Her foot taps beneath her as she leans against the wall, her phone in hand.

Amanda takes a moment to inhale deeply a couple of times, before releasing the little pressurised column of air. She drums her knuckles three times against the wood of the door.

"Come in, please!" says Angelique, opening it, "how are you?!"

"Good yourself?" asks Amanda, accepting Angelique's one armed hug as the other hand is firmly secured around a glass of white wine.  Damn it! Amanda knew she should have brought a variety of drinks. "I did bring some wine, but not your style I'm afraid."

"Don't be silly, between the five of us, I'm sure it'll be con-sumed."

"Hey Amanda," says Alex.

"You-are-re allow-ed to kiss her," yells Jerzy, slurring his words. "We've all seen the photo!"

"He's a little drunk, no?" asks Amanda as she pulls him closer. She leaves a peck on the top of his nose. "We're not ones for pubic affection."

"You were on new years!" he calls.

"I'm sorry, he's intoxicated," says Agnieszka.

"It's all good!"

"So what movie do we want to watch?" asks Angelique.

"ANYTHING!!!" shouts Jerzy.

"I don't mind. I have never been one for Rom Coms but that seems to be everyone's go-to choice, but whatever is fine," says Amanda.

"I'll pour everyone a drink and turn on Netflix," says Angelique.

"How about a Bond movie, the new one is meant to come out later in the year," offers Agnieszka. "I've seen the ads and it looks good."

"That works," replies Angelique.

"Come and have a seat love," says Alex, patting the empty space next to him.

As usual; lots of love, onefrozenheart

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