Chapter 4- A (Maybe) Date

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I put on my dress, and straightened out the bow.  Ugh, why was there a bow in the first place?!  I sighed as I packed my bag and went downstairs.  I then slung my bag over my shoulder and went down the stairs in my new flats.  

Wait!  I ran upstairs again to grab my camera and a couple extra lenses.  I took the one I had yesterday, since I thought it would be the best.  Did I have everything now?  I checked my bag one last time.

I then did a quick look in the mirror to see how bad my hair had turn out.  It was in a side braid, and was better than it would be anywhere else.  I looked at my dress again.  Hmm….should I…..yes.  I pulled it up a little, so that it was shorter.  I'll hem it when I get home, I thought as I went down the stairs and out the door.

I went out the doors and ran to the car, that was running.  I opened the door open and I stumbled in, with my bag and everything.  I looked to my right and saw Mei, in her school uniform reading a book.

She looked up and grinned.  She looked so cute in her school uniform, with a plaid skirt, and bleached white blouse, with a grey blazer.  She had a red bows in her hair, that I had tied into her plaits this morning.

After dropping Mei off at her school, I got dropped off at Ouran.  I was walking up the stairs, and someone called "Izumi!"  I turned around, my brown hair flying, and Tamaki came up the stairs with his bag in his hands, and said "Hey!" 

"Hey, Tamaki!" "I just came to say…….." he blushed a little and said "Oh….I uh….just came to remind you about the meeting today!" "Don't worry I remembered." I said as I checked my bag for my camera "Yup, I have my camera ready here."  

He said "Oh and I never told you where we meet!  We meet in the Music Room.  Music Room #3.  It's unused, so we borrow it.  We also host everything there, since we have everything we need."

I nodded and said "Don't worry I'l find it."  He smiled and said "Actually it might not be on your map….so what class are you in?  Before break?"  I looked at my schedule.  "Art." 

He nodded and said "The second art room right?"  I nodded.  Tamaki then put his hand behind his head, scratching it a little and said "Well….I was just wondering if I could….um…escort you?  To the club?  Plus I could show you around a bit!"

I smiled, looking down at the ground before looking back up at Tamaki's hopeful face.  I nodded, smiling.  "Sure thing.  I'll be waiting." I said as I held onto my bag.

He seemed to be slightly relieved and said "I'll make sure I'm on time."  I laughed and waved, going up the stairs.  "See you later then!" he called and waved as he went the opposite way.

I blushed as I went down the halls.  Did he ask me out?  The question was running through my head over and over again.  He was just being nice right? Right…?  Number 3, Tamaki escorting could count as dating.

I kept asking myself that question throughout my classes.  Eventually the end of art class was coming up, and I knew that Tamaki would be taking me to the host club.  

I was finishing up the sketch of the bowl of fruit that was put in front of us.  I added the last touches of shading and the bell rang.  I heard the door open as I continued to add a detail or two here and there on my bowl of fruit.  Soon someone came up from behind me and said "That's a nice sketch."

I turned around and replied "Thanks."  Tamaki smiled and said "Well you are a good artist."  I smirked and said "Well, I'm sure you're good at hosting."  I then handed in the sketch, and went out of the classroom with Tamaki.

We walked down the halls and Tamaki pointed out some classrooms, some places where I might need to go, and whatnot.  "Looks like you weren't late to come and get me." I said as we veered around a couple people.  Tamaki then said "Well, a gentlemen is never late!"  

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.  Little cliche if you asked me.  "I'm guessing you learnt that from the host club?"  He shrugged and said "Well, being late is already rude."    

Next thing I knew, I ran into someone.  "Sorry!  I didn't mean to-" I started until I realized it was Setsu.

Setsu looked up and grinned.  "Hey Izumi!  You okay?" "Yeah, I am actually.  And you?" I said, politely.  Setsu nodded, flashing a fake smile and replied "Fine.  Are you two heading to the music room for the host club?"

Tamaki nodded and said "Yes actually.  I was also showing Izumi around, since she isn't used to the school yet."  Setsu smiled again, this time in a sickly sweet way, and replied "Are you sure?  You need to run along don''t you?  I can show Izumi around if you'd like…." 

Tamaki replied "Well, since she's the new photographer, we need her to meet with all of us.  She'll probably have to be at every meeting.  Besides I'm escorting her to the music room."  Setsu seemed to stiffen up in anger.  She looked to me and said with clenched fists and a strained smile "Well then.  I'll see you around Tamaki….since you'll be hosting me…..right?"  She seemed about ready to bit my head off.

Tamaki nodded.  "I'm pretty sure you're on my list of customers.  Except I don't think it's an individual session.  I'm pretty sure it'll be with a couple other girls….."  Setsu then cut him off and said "I guess it'll be no problem.  See you later then!" and she went off, bumping into me at the same time.

Rude much, I thought.  I sighed and then continued walking with Tamaki.  I was a bit quieter as we walked along.  Something about Setsu had gotten me.  Why did she hate me that much?, was the thought that caused me to think while we went down the hall.

Tamaki noticed my silence and said "Are you alright Izumi?"  I nodded.  He didn't buy it, but we continued walking along.  Eventually we came to a hallway, and turned right.  We headed down that way for a while, and stopped at one of the doors.  Above it had the sign, written in "Music Room #3"

Tamaki slowly turned the handle and opened the door wide enough to let us both in.  We both slipped in and I got attacked by Honey, who tackled me into a hug, with his stuffed bunny.

"Izumichan!!  You're heerreeeeee!!!!!  Wanna have some cake with me?  With Ousachan?  Pleaseeeeeee….." Honey said as he grabbed on my arm.  I looked at his stuffed pink bunny, Ousachan.

"Well he is cute…." I started, smiling a little, looking down at the bunny.  Honey grinned widely, hugging the bunny even tighter, and said "Tell me when you want cake!"  He skipped off and Mori followed him closely behind. 

The twins came up behind me and put their arms on my shoulder.  "So Izumi…." Hikaru started "You actually found the room." Kaoru finished.  I replied "Tamaki helped me get here.  He also around a bit, which was really sweet of him."  They both looked at me, and both raised an eyebrow at each other and then called "Hey boss!"

Tamaki looked around and said "What is it?"  They both said "Nice way of doing it!"  Tamaki blushed a light pink and said "But you BOTH said I should do that!!!"  The boys laughed and said "Well we didn't think you would actually listen to us!"

Tamaki turned a deep red and went back to talking to Kyoya and Haruhi.  I then shoved the twins arms off of me, and went to one of the plush couches to get my camera ready.  

Soon I was set up with my camera and everything.  Then Kyoya and Tamaki sat opposite of me and gave me a hoe-down throw down of my job.

"So while each host is hosting…..just go around and take pictures.  If a host has a moment with one of the girls, or is just being themselves, and the girls lose it….then take a picture of the host in the moment.  Is that a good enough explanation?" Kyoya said and I nodded.

"You can also help put the picture books together.  Any questions?  Suggestions?" Kyoya finished and I then said "Do you need a manager?"  Kyoya sighed and sat back.  "Not really.  But speaking of manager…..would you be willing to give any input?  Female input would be useful since we need it."

I nodded.  "Since I'll be watching you guys all the time, I guess I can help with the input."  Kyoya nodded and said "Alright.  So should we pay you…..or will you work for free?"

I sat there for a moment.  "Depends on the pay check." I said crossing my arms.  Kyoya sat there and said "Well we would need to agree on a price."  I sighed and said "Well if I were to work for free…..what would I get out of it?"  

He pushed his glasses up a bit, and then continued "Well, you would get free food, you wouldn't have to cover any costs for the club."  I then debated back "Well if I were to get paid….what would I get?" "Per week or per day?" "Per week." "About 23 000 yen.  Per week.  This includes the payment of putting together the picture books."

I thought about it as I converted the yen.  It would be around $250 in the States.  Not bad for payment.  And each week.  In about a month I could have a $1000.  

"What about 28 000?" I asked leaning forward, as I poured myself a cup of tea.  That would equal $300 back home.  I wondered if he would accept that.  I then looked up at Kyoya who was deep in thought.  He punched something into his calculator and wrote it down.

I stirred in the sugar and cream in my tea as I sipped it slowly, the warmth going from my head to my toes.  "26 000." he said.  I snapped my head up and put my cup of tea down.

I sighed and leant back in the chair.  Tamaki then said "Alright.  We'll give you 26 000 yen.  And we'll give you free food."  I looked up and replied "Deal."  Kyoya nodded and said "Well, then….since our first customers seemed to have arrived…..let's get started.  Izumi you better be ready…."  I smirked and replied "Are you kidding?  I was born ready."  Soon the first group of girls came in through the door.

Let the hosting begin, I thought silently to myself as the boys greeted the guests, guiding them to the designated tables.  Here we go…..

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