Chapter 10- One Awkward Night

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I sniffed the smells of the shellfish wafting from the kitchen, to my room, and right up my nose, making my stomach growl.  I ignored the hunger pang, and looked outside, watching the storm brewing outside.

The sky was getting dark faster by the minute, and the clouds hide the bright white moon from my view.

I sighed and realized someone was going to end up calling me to dinner, whether I liked it or not.  I then changed into something dressy I had ended up packing, but when I opened my small suitcase….no wait I didn't pack this!  My mom did!  Why would she- oh wait.  She wanted to see if it was actually wearable.  

When did she get into it though?  I ignored that fact and changed.  I guess mom's always have their ways.  I then curled my hair, put on some makeup, and then quickly did my nails.

Usually I would go to the salon and get it done, but I had some quick stick-on ones, so that it looked like I had done it myself.  I didn't even have to wait for it to dry!  Just peel, stick, and file some of it away, and presto!  At-home salon-style manicure in a flash!  

Soon a knock was on door, and I slipped on my heels (which my mom packed) and put a touch of lipgloss on before opening the door to see Mori standing there.

"Oh is dinner ready?" I asked and Mori nodded and I left the room, slowly closing the door behind me.

We walked down the long corridor, with a never ending amount of doors, and eventually came to the main door.  I didn't even bother asking if it was the right one.  I guess I just assumed.  And my assumption was right when I pushed the door open to reveal what was behind there.

It was a huge dining room, with a long table covered with a white table cloth.  There were beautiful crystal (or were they diamond?) chandeliers going down the length of the room.  It had tall glass windows, showing the brewing storm.

I looked at the overfilling platters with cooked crab that had been collected earlier that day.  There were eight china plates set out, with eight chairs, and the sterling silver cutlery all set out for us.  

Haruhi was already there, in a light, pink dress, with red straps and a scarlet ribbon bow on the front.  I knew Haruhi wasn't that into dresses, so I figured her parents had packed it.

All eyes were suddenly on me.  An awkward silence suddenly filled the room though.  Was it what I was wearing?  Or was it cause I had argued back with Tamaki?

Maybe what I was wearing did draw attention to me.  I mean it was a dramatic blue dress!  It had one strap, and ended a bit above the knee, and had a beautiful floaty skirt.  The rest of the dress was form-fitted, with bright flowers with silver centre bits, adding some bling to the dress.

My hair was falling in beautiful ringlets, and I had put it up in a particular side style, so that it went down on one shoulder.  I was wearing some tall sparkly silver stilettos, and some silver and glittery earrings and bangles to complete the look

"Izumichan you look fantastic!" Honey exclaimed coming over and taking a closer look at the dress, his eyes sparkling like the jewellery in the light.  "Wow Izumi, did your mom pick that?" the twins asked as I nodded replying "Yeah she must've wanted to see if it was wearable or something."

The twins gave a thumbs up.  "That's awesome!  She's got great taste!" they said and I looked around the others to see Tamaki peeking at me, like a shy little child.  Maybe I shouldn't have picked a fight with him……

No Izumi what are you thinking!?  It's HIS fault!  You didn't do anything he's just making a bigger deal out of nothing!  I reminded myself he was yelling at me first.   

I would've made a getaway, but I knew it would be rude, especially since I fought with Tamaki in front of them all.  

I acted civil, but however, was conveniently placed next to Tamaki just so that we could start up a chat, and hopefully work it through.  Hopefully.

As the cooked crab sat steaming, there was an awkward silence, and I glanced from side to side to see that no one was nearing the food.  It was even more awkward with me next to Tamaki, and neither of us were speaking to each other.

"Well, should we get started?" Honey asked and Haruhi began to dig in, while I sat there, with one crab leg staring back at me from my plate.  I guess I wasn't that hungry to be honest.  And besides, my diet never mentioned about sea food being on or off limits.

I decided to have one leg, just so that I didn't starve, and I took the leg in my hands, and cracked it, revealing the meat.

I ate it, and then put the shell back on the plate.  Like I had said, I wasn't that hungry now, and I just watched everyone else chowing down.  I guess I just prefer a salad then anything.  

I flicked at the empty crab leg and Tamaki looked at me and didn't say anything.  Wow this was going to be really awkward until one of us caved.  And I prayed it was going to be Tamaki.

"Aren't you going to eat anything else?" he asked and I smirked replying "I'm sorry, but I thought you weren't speaking to me.  And besides, why would you care?"  That was one sassy response, and was literally a slap to the face to Tamaki.

He got so pissed at me that he angrily stood up, and slammed his hand on the table.  I didn't flinch, and admired my handiwork on my nails.  "Is that how you want to play it?  Fine.  But I'm still not speaking to you until you admit you were wrong!" he snapped at me.

"Good luck with that." I replied, cool as a cucumber, and he shook his head and turned to Kyoya and said "I'm going to bed.  Can you show me my room Kyoya?"  Kyoya nodded, wiping his mouth and went off with Tamaki.

They left and the door slammed shut and I was still playing with the empty crab leg.  Suddenly I stopped and Tamaki's words echoed in my mind. Was I really the wrong one here, the one who caused this whole mess of things? "Is this all really my fault?" I whispered, as I stared into my plate and the twins gazed at me.

"So he got to you huh?" Hikaru asked and I nodded leaning my head in my right hand.  "It really can't be…..I mean what did I do?" I asked quietly resting my chin in my right hand.  I began to play with the fork and Kaouru answered "You worried him sick.  And we're not gonna lie but we were all worried too."

"You guys?  You were….actually worried about me?" I asked, confused at the statement and Hikaru said "Izumi, when you're part of the host club, we're like family." "And like family we look out for each other." Kaouru said.  

Honey nodded saying "You worried us ALL Izumichan." "We care about you Izumi.  None of us want you to be hurt.  That's why Tamaki got so mad at you.  He just wanted to make sure you were okay, and wanted to protect you too." Haruhi said and I looked down at my plate.

"Maybe you should apologize to Tamachan Izumichan.  Kay?" Honey said, cocking his head to the side.  After a moment of silence I quietly said aloud to myself "I never knew you guys…..cared that much."  I looked up to see the others faces, and I realized that I cared about them too.  "I guess…..I should apologize to him…..and to you guys." I said quietly.

I sighed, feeling a little defeat, but then I looked up and said "Sorry guys I worried you.  I hope it won't happen again."  All of them smiled, and enveloped me in a group hug, and all replied "Don't worry we forgive you!"

After a while, I choked out "Alright guys let's not suffocate me!"  They all looked at each other and let go and I laughed and said "Alright, I guess I have to go apologize to Kyoya….especially for my attitude today."

They all nodded and I went down the corridors and ended up going to one of the rooms, and I hoped that it was Kyoya's.  I knocked and I heard his voice say "Come in." so I guessed it had to be his room.

I opened the door and walked in to see Kyoya sitting on a chair, shirtless with a towel around his neck.  His glasses were on the small coffee table, and he looked up to see me.  "What is it Izumi?" he questioned as he gazed at me and I bit my lip and replied "It's just that……"

I sighed and said taking a couple steps forward.  "I came to apologize for my rashness.  The fact I went crazy, and the attitude I had towards you.  I never meant it.  So, um….sorry bout that."  He looked up at me, and replied "Well that's interesting…."

"What?" I asked confused and he then said "While Tamaki was saving you, the damsel in distress, I had to pull the twins off of those two punks.  They nearly beat them half to death.  And I had to sent bouquets of flowers to the girls."

"Kyoya I'll pay for it…" "It's 600 000 yen altogether.  That's weeks of your pay check going towards it.  But I know another way that you could pay me…" he said turning down the lights.

No he wasn't really- crap I hope he wasn't.  If he was, how was I gonna do it this time….come on Izumi think….

"Perhaps you could pay me with your body…." he whispered seductively by my ear and I looked up with my eyes wide.  "Kyoya….." I started, about to shake my head, but before I could say anything else I was pushed against the wall, with Kyoya blocking any path of escape.  Damn him!

His lips were inches away from mine and I felt myself quivering.  "You know you're a very beautiful young woman Izumi….." he said tracing my jawline, his minty breath hitting my face and a shiver went down my spine.  

I couldn't say anything.  I just couldn't.  Something about it…'s not that he was seducing me.  I was just scared.  Terrified.  The feeling when you know when you're in trouble.

"No matter how confident you are in yourself, no matter how bad-ass you decide to act.….it won't ever work against a young man Izumi.  In fact I think it'll do quite the opposite.  Don't forget, you're a girl, and you've now left yourself completely defenceless against me." he said his hand moving down my back, and something in my head then clicked.  

"You're just trying to prove Tamaki's point aren't you Kyoya?" I asked quietly and he suddenly relaxed slightly and his hand stopped.  "You wouldn't do it.  You're just acting like the bad guy…..even when you know it's not gonna get you anywhere." I continued and he then smirked and backed off completely.

"You're right…." he said softly, going and sitting on the edge of the bed.  There was a thunderstorm brewing outside, and the lightning was just about to strike.  I've never been scared of storms, thankfully, but deep down I had my own fears.

I sat down on the edge of the bed as well, besides Kyoya.  "You know I kinda get what it means to be a part of the host club now." I said to Kyoya and he turned to me.  "And what is that?" he asked quizzingly.  "Well, you're motto at the club is to make every girl happy.  And….I'm not gonna lie but, you guys make me happy too.  I love being a part of it."  There was then a short knock on the door.  Tamaki opened the door.

"Kyoya?  I need more of that lotion this sunburn is really-" he started but he saw me alone in the room with him, on the bed and that's when he got really mad.  "You little bastard!" he yelled but Kyoya threw him the bottle and said "Have all the lotion you want you big goof."

He then left the room, muttering something.  I was in the room alone now with Tamaki.  But I didn't bother looking him in the eye, and instead was looking out the window to see the storm getting worse by the second.

"What were you doing?  Alone with him?" he asked slowly and my train of thought went up in smoke as I turned to him and said "It wasn't what you think Tamaki."

Tamaki got really mad then spazzing out completely.  "Why were you in his bedroom alone with him!?  With the lights down!?  You've had all these little cute moments with the pervert!  Like the time you tripped, and then he was taking care of you like he LIKED you!  There's been something going on between you two!  Don't you lie to me!" he shouted and I then spat back "You think he LIKES me?!  You think I LIKE him!?  You really think I would've slept with him!?"

Tamaki vigourously nodded his head.  "You'll sleep with whoever's around Izumi."  That's when I cracked.  "I'm not a slut!  I don't go sleeping around, acting like it's all cool and what not!  That's the reason I've broken up with my boyfriends because they wanted to have sex with me and I turned them off because I was too scared!!" I screamed back.

Tamaki was taken aback.  I then put my hand over my mouth.  What did I just SAY!?  I just admitted my darkest fear to a guy who wouldn't get it because he was so dense.  

Suddenly a bolt of lighting went off, the rain started pounding against the roof and glass.  Then a boom of thunder rolled ahead.

I kept my hand clamped over my mouth and sunk down to the floor, my eyes beginning to get blurry.  I then realized that tears were silently rolling down my cheeks.  I squeezed my eyes shut, praying Tamaki would've left the room by now, not daring to mention it to anyone else.  

But when I opened them he was down to where I was and then his hands reached out, and gently held my face in his hands.  "You handled that by yourself didn't you?" he asked softly and I nodded wiping a tear away.

"But you're always handling everything by yourself Izumi.  And it doesn't make any sense.  You'll do what you want, how you want, because you just have always marched to the beat of your own drum.  You're independent, and….you'll never rely on anyone." he stated and I nodded, sniffling as he then continued.

"But that doesn't have to happen anymore Izumi.  We'll be here to help you, especially me.  You won't have to be scared anymore." he said, opening his arms, as I then crashed into his arms.

I then began to sob into his chest as his arms enveloped me and he whispered quietly "It's alright.  It's all going to be ok……"

A couple minutes later, we were on the bed, and I was sitting besides Tamaki and was leaning into his shoulder.   He took a piece of my hair and he began to twirl a piece of it in his fingers, as I just sat there silently.

There was a knock on the door, but at first we didn't hear it.  I looked up to Tamaki's eyes and he looked down at me.  It felt so perfect…..I knew what was coming next.  I could tell.

He slowly started leaning in and I closed my eyes awaiting for what was to come until….

"Boss!  We're coming in!" the twins yelled and the door got pushed open, just as Tamaki's lips were nearly on my own we quickly looked to the side and both pulled away, and I prayed that the others wouldn't catch on to what was about to happen.

The twins looked at Tamaki and tutted "You nasty little pervert." "It isn't what you think!" Tamaki said putting his hands up in surrender.  The twins shook their heads, and replied "Nice try boss."

They then turned to me and asked "So Izumi.  Was he giving you the S&M kinda treatment?"  I shrugged, and began walking out of the room, with some of the others tagging along with me.  "You two looked a little close….." Kyoya remarked and I blushed, even though the others couldn't see it.

"Hmmm Izumi were you gonna….?" the twins said nodding telling me to finish the sentence.  I shook my head and continued on, heading back to my room, closing the door, and crashing onto the bed.

I was SO close to kissing him!  Damn it!  I grabbed the rulebook, and pen and wrote down rule number 9.  

"We all have our fears, and we all have tough times.  We can't always get through these alone though.  We need help, and there's always one person who's going to be there for it."

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