Chapter 1

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He stood alone, vomiting into the moonlit sea. In reality, he was not alone but he felt so because the one person on whom the mission relied had betrayed them. Or so he thought . That person was standing next to him in the motorboat, with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His mind was left blank and it was overcome by a sickening feeling of anger as he vomited again. He never thought that he would be seasick. The sense of betrayal deepened as the blinding lights of the coast guard ship drew closer and closer every passing second.

A cool salty breeze made him feel a lot better and now he found the strength to turn abruptly to the companion who had betrayed him.
"You fool!", he bellowed. "What have you done! You betrayed us to the Lucremesians. We trusted you!", and he lurched forwards and grabbed the collar of the other man.
"I have done no such thing!" The other person replied with equal rage. "I had no idea that-"
"SHUT UP! You are the only one on this planet who knows the Lucremesian coast guard routine in and out. You knew very well that they were going to be here. Tell me how much money are they offering you to help them catch us?"
"I DID NOT betray you! I am not greedy for money. I believe in your cause as much as you do. You people know that very well. First of all, calm down we can still fix this."
"Yeah, right. The only way now is to-", just then there was an unexpected loud sound. Someone from the coast guard ship was speaking to them through a megaphone.
"This is the Lucremesian coast guard. Motor boat, you are requested to identify yourself."
The seasick man let go of his companion and began contemplating whether to answer back confidently or to just turn the boat around and speed away. The latter did not seem like a wise option. Do the coast guard realize that their motor boat was not meant to be there? Were they tipped off? How much do they know? If his answer was not satisfactory they would surely come aboard and once they do that, there was no escape. He had to act fast. He thought of pretending to be a fisherman out at sea to catch a rare tropical fish which comes out only at night, but they would then ask to see his license. Besides, he did not have any fishing equipment which would certainly be suspicious.
His thoughts were interrupted when the person on the megaphone spoke again. "This is your final warning. Motor boat, you are requested to identify yourself."
He now saw the silhouette of a second man appear on the deck of the ship. The seasick man glanced at his companion, still wondering if he had betrayed them.
There is no other choice now, but to trust him. Lets hope that I was wrong about him.
He whispered to the companion, "Ill shoot at them and you speed the boat away." The other man nodded in agreement. It was time to go offensive.

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