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William's P.O.V

I sat silently among all the madness. The obnoxious hushed talking, knocking of silver wear against porcelain plates and the many failed attempts made by my countless exes who all 'coincidentally' decided to show up for diner at the palace tonight all attempting to start a conversation. One I wasn't in the mood for but the truth is I wasn't in the mood to put up with any of this. My Mother's antics, my ex girlfriends nor was I in the mood to put up with my nagging sister and her bratty kids. If I heard my mother mention this imaginary wedding that was supposedly taking place in two months time one more time I was going to lose it. I was holding on my a thin thread and I felt as though I was drowning in the very gas I needed to survive.

It's been a month since Amora 'fainted' and she's still in a coma which was a topic I'd leave to discuss at a later time because just the mention of her name upsets me.

"Hi uncle William." My four year old niece greeted shyly while attempting to climb onto the empty seat next to me. With a huff I lifted her off the floor placing her on the chair seeing that her feeble attempts were beginning to irritate me.

"Hello Valerie." I answered curtly before turning my attention to my vibrating phone.

"Uncle William where's aunt Rosalie?" She asked nervously while tugging at the dress of the hideous doll she held in her tiny hands. I'll be honest by saying that I didn't have a relationship with any of my nieces or nephews because I really didn't see the need to. They were all ill mannered and bratty with the exception of the youngest Valerie but that didn't mean I cared to have a relationship with her this being the closest to a conversation we'll ever have and that is whenever she attempted to talk to me. Yet looking down at my somewhat cute niece it made me wonder what my unborn child would look like. Was I even ready to become a father? Would Amora and I be able to give our child what he or she needed?

"I don't know Valerie sorry." I muttered quickly patting her on her curly hair that was held in a high bun before leaving the table when I saw one of my securities nod at me which was strange.

"What?" I growled into the phone I was handed.

"Uhh pleasant good evening your majesty...she is awake." Dr. Kells' voice nervously muttered through the speakers.

"Ok." I said shortly before ending the call. At that precise moment all the anger I tried to keep in for the past month erupted within me. Any trace of logical thinking was long gone I needed my questions to be answered.

Amora's P.O.V

Silence. Something I once dreaded yet at a time like this it was all I really wanted. Not that I wasn't happy to see Rose and Dora but the words that rapidly flew out of their mouths didn't register. Although they were speakingΒ  English the only thing I could focus on was the crippling pain that raged on behind my cranium. My tired eyes lazily roamed the once well lit room that was now being shielded from the afternoon sun by the drawn blinds.

"You scared us." Rose whispered placing her pale hands on mine giving it a soft squeeze. Her words caused me to pay less attention to the ache that brutally assaulted my cranium and to the crying teenage girl who looked at me as though I was broken. She looked at me like I was an injured bird she would try to nurse back to health. But why? The last thing I remembered was upsetting William and going to apologize....before everything around me faded into darkness.

"How?" I managed to ask my voice coming out gruff.

"You tried...,"

"Amora that's not important what is though is that you are fine and so is the baby. You've been out for quite a while and Doctor Kells just went to get you some medicine and to contact William." Dora cut in her brown eyes momentarily glaring at Rose before softening when they landed on my confused ones.

"Don't worry it's all good." Rose added I'm guessing she noticed the worried look that found its way onto my face. Looking down at my hands where they sat on my roundedΒ  stomach a small smile found its way on my lips one that didn't last very long.

"The both of you need to get the fuck out!" William's voice roared.

"William you need to calm down." Rose gasped stepping away from me while Dora stood looking at the heaving red faced man.

"Rose I told you I didn't want you anywhere near her and don't tell me what I need to do." He growled the once peaceful room was now flooded with his anger. After a long pause Rose and Dora silently walked out the room leaving me alone with him. Naturally my eyes feel to the marbled floor I didn't have to look at him to know that he was glaring at me though. I felt his burning gaze on my skin the intensity of his gaze caused my head to feel as though it was about to explode.

"Kells get in here." He ordered before fully walking into the room opting to sit in a chair in the farthest corner of the room. His cold blue eyes were focused on his destination it was as though I didn't exist and to confirm my suspension the grey headed man who followed closely behind William paid no mind to my sitting form.

"Your highness she's fine she just needs to keep her stress level down for the sake of the baby and of course keep a close eye on her around medication." He said finally throwing a glimpse over his shoulder at me. His dull cement grey eyes closely resembled the color of his hair yet somewhere in those hollow pits of grey I saw pity. The emotion being shownΒ  towards me... it was as if he was silently apologizing for whatever I had to face next.

"Get out." William demanded which caused him to scurry out of the room. I didn't miss the cold undertone to his usually deep voice nor did I miss how tired his once vibrant eyes looked. To say that I was confused would be an understatement but whatever happened surely wasn't good seeing that I just woke up from a coma and Dora seemed a bit on edge about the topic. The thick silence that hung in the cool still air felt a little more suffocating with each passing second. I guess this would be a perfect example of the famous saying 'be careful what you wish for.' Because although I wanted a brief moment of peace and silence to regain my thoughts in this moment it did the complete opposite. I knew William well enough to know that by the way his clouded blue eyes lazily assessed the machines that were hocked up to me and the constant flexing of his jaw all being signs that he was angry. What I didn't know was if he was angry at me and if so why would he be?

"What happened?" I found myself asking fed up of the silence and the fact that I couldn't remember anything at least after walking into William's office.

"Why you happened Amora that's what happened." He growled his eyes now focused on his glowing phone he gripped tightly.

"I don't remember anything after...,"

"Amora if I were you I would shut up because all you're doing right now is testing patience I don't posses." He said lowly looking up at me for a second before returning his gaze to his phone.

"You don't have to be so mean William." I mumbled hopefully just loud enough for me to hear...or not.

"Mean. I may be a lot of things Amora heartless maybe one of them but at least I had the decency to appreciate and respect the formation of a new life. Something pure and innocent that you tried to corrupt. God Amora I told you I loved you and wasn't a hundred percent sure about it and yeah we argued but why would you do this? We ... I would've fixed it." He lashed back his once dull blue eyes seemed to glow in the soft darkness that now cloaked the room showing hurt and pure anger his words causing my heart to ache.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I whispered while a salty stream of warm liquid raced down my puffy cheeks. He looked at me as though I committed some heinous crime.

"You sit there looking confused and innocent. You attempted suicide while carrying my child and then came to apologize to me. Was it supposed to be all apart of your sick game... for you to die in my fucking arms?!? I must assure you Amora I'm messed up enough and I don't need you to add anything else to my list!" He screamed.

Though I knew he continued his sentence I blanked out after the words attempted suicide. The simple words, easy to spell yet the power the two small words had on William, Rose and Dora and I made my somewhat forgotten headache to instantly rare it's ugly head once again yet ten times worst. One fact stood out among my blurry memories was that if I attempted to kill myself I think it would be something I would remember doing before my entire world gave way to darkness. Right?

My world was literally spinning at this point and the screaming man that sat a good distance away from me didn't help calm my racing heart.


Hey people thank you for reading I don't really have much to say but this chapter is dedicated to all my readers from Paris (if I have any😳) my prayers are with you πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

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