The rose and the stick section 1

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So I was born in Truffle town on ave dr I was born with upper class parents and had a lot of friends and had a football player boyfriend. So I went to school and I couldn't believe what I saw by the way I'm 15 in ninth grade but so I caught my boyfriend kissing little ms.perfect lily .I went up and confronted him I said "after all the things we've been through and you cheat on me with her we're over". After I told myself I would take a break I took out of school for a week . I went to a coffee shop and I saw this really cute guy he had brown hair and brown eyes. I asked him if he lived around here terns out he was in my science class he asked me why I wasn't in school. I had told him that my boyfriend had broke up with me but then he gave me a hug and I said "I really needed that". He said "wanna get another cup of coffee on another day" I say " ok" . I finally decided to go to school I went to school it was 4th period and we had science class and we had  to pick partners and  I chose him . My ex said " ha everybody look at her siting with a loser" I said "cut it out chase" Me and him got an A+ on the science project.I got to know him better his name was Liam he was so dreamy and soft his parents were middle class but that didn't matter.We started to hang out more and more. I finally had the courage to talk to him about me liking him I said "I really like you Liam" he said "I really like you too" I say "I like you more than a friend so I what do you say" He said " I say that I like you too". So it was official he kissed and than we made out we decided to be partners for the next project. We had sat next to each other and he had put his had on my lap and was rubbing it I was getting horny. So I decided to put my hand on his bulge and he had got hard .

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