Chapter 19

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I woke up and saw that I at home. Shit! What is my dad going to do to me?! I began to feel very tense. I heard noises in the kitchen. The was footsteps and the banging of glass bottle. The noise began to get louder and louder as my dad got closer and closer.

My heart began to pound harder and harder as he got closer. Finally I was looking right at him. He turned to look at me. "Finally your up. I fucking had to leave early just because you were in the hospital." I jumped up and ran.

I remembered that there was a bathroom downstairs. I ran passed my dad and straight into the bathroom. "Get back here you teen whore." My dad yelled. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I started to feel tears run down my cheek.

I heard the banging of his feet as he stomped on the ground. He then started to bang on the door. "Unlock the door ana. Now!" he demanded. I yelled back, "No!" he banged on the door harder. "What the fuck did you just say?" he questioned. "I said no." I yelled back.

"Open up the god damn door or else I'm going to tear it down, pull you out of there by your hair, and put the belt on your entire body." He yelled. I stood there in silence, crying. "Did you hear me whore? I'm going to put a belt on your entire damn body. Now open up the door." He kept yelled.

I turned and saw that there was a window. "I can't deal with this shit anymore!" I screamed, still crying. I stood up on the toilet and opened the window. I kicked one leg through and then the other. "Open up you little bitch!" I heard my dad yell. I jumped down onto the ground and began running.

I looked ahead and say a quarter on the ground. I stopped, picked it up, place it in my pocket, and ran again. I didn't stop this time. I couldn't believe myself. I was finally doing it. I was finally running away.

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