Chapter 42

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When Timothy, Chairman Rose, Oleana, and Electchu got up in the chairman's private box, the chairman ordered lunch to be delivered to them while they waited for Ezria's match to start. As soon as Ezria entered the field, people screamed and applauded as though she had already won the match. Several of her fans, both men and women, took out their jackets and hoodies to reveal they were wearing dark orange t-shirts with Ezria's face on them. Some of them held banners saying things like "We love Ezria," "To the Championship Cup," and "All hail the future Galar Champion." Ezria blew kisses to the audience as she did in Hulbury Stadium before Raihan came to the field, taking a selfie.

The battle began with Ezria taking out her Avalugg and Weezing while Raihan took out Goodra and Flygon. The former created a sandstorm that began to cover the battlefield, but by standing still to use its move, it left itself open for Avalugg to mercilessly hit it with Ice Beam until it was frozen in a block of ice, and the sand storm instantly disappeared before it could cover the battlefield. At the same time, Goodra used Hydro Pump, but Weezing avoided the attack and hit it using Gyro Ball.

Raihan took a second to keep his cool before he returned Flygon and took out Sandaconda. Before he had a chance to make a move, Avalugg created a great blizzard under Ezria's command. The Ice type move made Goodra and Sandaconda shiver as they grew weaker at a rapid pace. Raihan ordered Goodra to use Surf, and it summoned a wave of water that protected it and Sandaconda before crashing onto Avalugg and Weezing. Raihan ordered Sandaconda to use Glare on Ezria's Pokémon, but Ezria commanded Weezing to use Smog, creating a large cloud of black smoke that kept Avalugg and Weezing out of Sandaconda's line of sight. Ezria then ordered Avalugg to use Blizzard again, creating another blizzard that blew the black smoke at Goodra and Sandaconda. The smoke made Raihan's Pokémon cover their eyes before the blizzard hit, and they screamed and shivered, growing weaker again. Finally, at Ezria's command, Weezing flew over to Goodra and used Dazzling Gleam, and Avalugg fired an Ice Beam at Sandaconda to finish the job.

The crowd grew ecstatic, with many of them on the edge of their seats. Raihan returned Goodra and Sandaconda and said a few words before taking out Duraludon. Duraludon was out of its Pokéball for a moment before Raihan put it back in as he used his Dynamax Band to Gigantamax his partner. Timothy anticipated that Ezria was going to Dynamax Avalugg when she returned it to its Pokéball, but to his surprise, she put Avalugg's Pokeball away and took out another. Galar Particles came out of Ezria's Dynamax Band and phased into the Pokéball, enlarging it before Ezria threw it. The Pokéball snapped open to reveal Doublade Dynamaxed and its swords slightly unsheathed to show it was ready to crush Duraludon. The audience cheered again for Ezria's dear partner. Timothy shook his head, knowing Ezria wanted to Dynamax Doublade so that both it and Knightblade beat Duraludon, thus winning their respective trainers' eighth badge. Raihan kept his confident grin to hide that he was growing uneasy.

Ezria ordered Dynamax Doublade to use Max Knuckle, and it unsheathed its swords. Gigantamax Duraludon used G-Max Depletion, creating a vortex that knocked the swords back, sending them crashing into the forcefield that protected the audience. Weezing tried to weaken its opponent with Belch, but Gigantamax Duraludon protected itself with Max Guard. Raihan felt more confident with his partner protecting itself, but Ezria's grin grew. She ordered Weezing to use Belch again, knowing Raihan would tell his partner to use Max Guard to protect itself. While Gigantamax Duraludon protected itself, Dynamax Doublade used Max Strike, creating an explosion from underneath Gigantamax Duraludon. With their target distracted, Weezing flew over and used Dazzling Gleam, and Dynamax Doublade hit Gigantamax Duraludon's sides with its swords.

Ezria and Raihan's partners returned to their normal sizes. Raihan had a mind to have Duraludon focus on dealing with Weezing with Metal Beam and Metal Claw, but his hopes were instantly dashed when Ezria returned Weezing and brought Avalugg back into the field. Many "oooo"ed and laughed as Raihan's confidence faltered. Avalugg was also weak to Steel type moves, but now both of Ezria's Pokémon had moves that could severely hurt his partner. He looked at Ezria, who looked back smugly with her rose-red eyes. She had him backed to a corner, and they both knew it.

Ezria commanded Avalugg to use Ice Beam, but Raihan had Duraludon use Iron Defense. Raihan then ordered Duraludon to use Metal Beam. He knew even if the attack took out Avalugg, Duraludon would still take damage, leaving it open for Avalugg's battle partner to attack. Regardless, the Dragon type Gym Leader was determined to give it his all to the end, using every battle to get stronger and work his way to facing Leon again and finally beat him.

Unfortunately, Ezria saw Raihan's move coming. She ordered Doublade to use Aerial Ace while Duraludon was still preparing its attack, knocking it to its side. Ezria followed with Avalugg using Blizzard to keep Duraludon immobilized with the pain from its part dragon-type body growing weaker. With its opponent helpless, Doublade turned to Ezria, who gave it a grin and a nod. Its blades glowed blue, and it struck mercilessly at Duraludon. First, it struck with the right sword, then the left, then it finished it off with both swords cutting simultaneously. The referee checked Duraludon and raised his arm to Ezria, declaring her the winner.

Though the glass window dulled sound from outside, Timothy, Rose, Oleana, and Electchu could perfectly hear the audience roar in thunderous applause. Timothy and Rose stood up from their seats to clap while Oleana, beside the chairman's seat, politely clapped for her niece. Ezria kissed her Pokémon, and together, the three met Raihan at the center of the field. After saying a few words, Raihan gave Ezria her final badge. She attached it to her ring and held it up for everyone in the stands to see. The crowd roared again, with several people using their Pokémon to send bouquets to Ezria. She caught one of the bouquets and blew kisses again with her free hand with Doublade and Avalugg beside her. When the cheering died down, Ezria returned her Pokémon, and several League Staff members carried the bouquets for her as she exited the stage with her Pokémon.

"Rai, Raichu, Chu, Rai, Raichu, Rai, Rai," Electchu said.

"Yeah, it's obvious she used my battle and probably Venarge's battle to figure out how to beat Raihan. No doubt she intended to end the battle the same way I did with Avalugg keeping Duraludon at bay so Doublade could finish it off," Timothy whispered. "But the important thing is she has all her badges too, so she has to uphold her end of the deal."

Raichu nodded in agreement. Several minutes later, Ezria and the staff members carrying the flowers entered the private box. Ezria raced into Chairman Rose's arms like a child running to her father. The chairman let out a hearty chuckle as he hugged Ezria back.

"Magnificent. That was a truly magnificent battle, my dear," Chairman Rose said.

"Yes, congratulations on your victory, Ezria," Oleana said in a mild-mannered tone. "You and your Pokémon battled well."

"Thank you, Uncle Rose and Aunt Oleana," Ezria chirped. "I couldn't have done it without my lovelies."

Her rose-red eyes turned to Timothy, and he reluctantly opened his arms with a fake smile. Ezria ran over to Timothy with a squeal and squeezed the air out of him.

"Con... gratulations...Ezria," Timothy gasped.

"Thank you so much, Timothy," Ezria said as she broke the hug and took out her ring of badges. "We did it. We completed the Gym Challenge. Aren't you glad to be done? "

"You have no idea," Timothy said.

"You should both feel proud of yourselves, my boy. Finishing the challenge is a rare accomplishment," Chairman Rose said. "As a matter of fact, you two and Venarge are the only Gym Challengers to complete it this year."

"We are? Did all of the other remaining Challengers quit?" Timothy asked.

"All other Gym Challengers have relinquished their part in the challenge. You two and Venarge are the only ones who made it past Gordie or Melony in Circhester," Oleana reported.

"Yes, it's unfortunate that so few made it through this year, but I'm confident we will have a memorable Championship Cup with our three new contestants," the chairman said. "Speaking of which, Ezria, let me see your badges, please."

Ezria turned to the chairman and handed her ring to him. Chairman Rose examined the badges like he did with Timothy and gave Ezria a heartwarming smile and a nod. Ezria squealed again while Oleana sighed and took out her phone to make a call. Timothy and Electchu looked at each other smiling, hoping Ezria's aunt was arranging for her to take them to the Energy Plant. After several minutes of waiting, Oleana lowered her phone and turned to Ezria.

"The head scientist wants to know if you're coming as soon as you heal your Pokémon," Oleana said.

Timothy and Electchu fought the urge to show their excitement, thinking the time it would take to heal their Pokémon would be more than enough time for Coovers to put the listening equipment on Timothy. Their excitement faded when they realized Ezria wasn't answering. The raspberry-haired woman scratched her chin in thought with a smirk until she turned to Timothy with her hands behind her back.

"Timothy, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to add one more thing to your side of the deal before I fulfill mine," Ezria said.

"And that would be?" Timothy asked.

"There is a hill with a tree on top out in the Wild Area just a mile outside of Hammerlocke," Ezria said. "Meet me there, and we will have a little picnic just the two of us, before I show you our special project."

Electchu turned away to scoff secretly and roll its eyes. Timothy mentally grunted in annoyance and dread. If Ezria holding off honoring her word wasn't bad enough, the fact that she was practically using the deal as leverage to lure Timothy into another attempt to woo him was torture. Timothy looked past Ezria to see the chairman watching with a half smile, expecting him to say yes. With no other choice, Timothy forced another smile on his face.

"I'd love to have a picnic with you," he said. "What time?"

"I'm thinking about six o'clock sharp," Ezria said. "Just leave Electchu with Coovers and Gwen, and dress nice."

"Dress nice? Why?" Timothy asked.

"Because I want you to," Ezria said as she turned around to leave. "I need to go run some errands. See you in a few hours."

"Wait. Hold on, Ezria," Timothy called out.

But before he could say anything else, Ezria was out of the room with the door closed behind her. Oleana watched her niece leave, then sighed and rolled her eyes before finishing her call. Rose chuckled with his mouth closed before he walked over to Timothy and patted him on the back.

"She's some lady, isn't she, Timothy?" He said. "When Ezria puts her mind on something, nothing stops her."

Timothy hung his head in defeat.

"Yeah, she is pretty stubborn. She gets on my friends' nerves, to be honest," he said.

"Oh, I'm sure she does," Rose chuckled. "But I think you have more pressing matters than dwelling on that. Do you have a nice outfit to wear?"

Timothy hesitated and said with a nervous chuckle, "Honestly, Rose, I rarely wear anything nicer than my jeans and T-shirt."

"I thought as much," Rose said. "In that case, we should use this time before your picnic to get you ready. Oleana, call the nearby boutique. Tell them to be ready to take Timothy's measurements and prepare a suit for him immediately. Oh, and make sure they put it on my tab."

"At once, Mr. Chairman," Oleana said.

"What? No, Rose, please. You shouldn't feel the need to help me," Timothy said.

"Nonsense. Ezria wants you to dress nice, and I want to help," the chairman said.

"But I don't feel comfortable with you spending money over something like this," Timothy said.

"Oh, come now, Timothy. What's a little money between friends?" Chairman Rose said. "Think of it as my gift to you for completing the challenge."

Timothy and Electchu looked at each other again, feeling awkward. While Timothy was still okay with manipulating his target to the end, he was unsettled by the irony behind the chairman assisting him in ultimately shutting down his project was unsettling. After several seconds Timothy forced another smile on his face and turned back to Chairman Rose.

"Well, when you put it like that, how can I refuse?" Timothy said.

"Excellent," Rose said. "Oleana, have you finished the call?"

"Yes, sir. The manager of the boutique has been informed of Mr. Durbin's arrival. I have given the description of his attire, so they will know it's him," Oleana said.

"Good thinking. It shouldn't be hard to recognize them when no one else wears a shirt like that," the chairman said. "Speaking of which, Timothy, where did you get that shirt?"

"I'm afraid that's private, Rose," Timothy said.

"Is it? That's a shame," the chairman said. "In any case, I have Macro Cosmos business to attend to. If I were you, I wouldn't keep the people at the boutique waiting. See you at the Championship Cup, Timothy."

"See you then, Rose," Timothy said.

Without another word, the chairman and his devoted secretary exited the room, leaving Timothy and Electchu alone in the private box. The two of them waited half a minute to make sure Chairman Rose and Oleana were too far away to hear them before they simultaneously screamed in frustration.

"Why can't Ezria just knock it off for once and just take me to that stupid plant?!" Timothy yelled. "Can you imagine how Coovers and Gwen will react to this?!"

"Rai, Raichu!" Electchu agreed.

Timothy let out an exasperated growl and rubbed his face with both hands. He stood still for a moment before he uncovered his face and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Well, at least going on a picnic with Ezria is easier than competing in the Gym Challenge," he said. "I guess we should just get this suit and hope my formal attire doesn't complicate Coovers putting the listening equipment on me."

"Raichu," Electchu said.


Timothy and Electchu went to the boutique, where a young woman in a red blouse standing behind the counter was waiting for them. Before Timothy knew it, the woman took his hand and led him to the back room, where two more women were waiting. They took Timothy's measurements and made him try on different buttoned shirts, vests, coats, ties, bowties, and even different cufflinks. While Timothy was trying on a suit, the women made Electchu try on little suits just to take pictures with their phones, thinking the Mouse Pokémon looked adorable in every outfit.

Finally, after a couple of hours of trying on various clothing, the fashionistas settled on a suit. It had gray pants, and an overcoat, a black and gold belt, a white shirt with golden cufflinks shaped like a ring containing Galar Gym Badges, black dress shoes, a dark gray vest, and a green tie purposefully was the same shade as Timothy's eyes. Timothy felt unsettled as he looked at himself in the mirror. Apart from the cufflinks, the vest being a darker shade of gray, his shoes completely black, and his tie being green instead of red, his suit looked identical to the chairman's. He reminded himself that he was dressed up this way for the sake of the citizens of Galar and thanked the women for their help.

Timothy and Electchu walked to the Pokémon Center with Timothy carrying his regular clothes while wearing his new suit. He dropped off Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, and Knightblade's Pokéballs to Nurse Joy before going up the stairs to the room he and Electchu were sharing with Coovers, Gwen, Ezria, and Winnie. Timothy and Electchu were halfway between the staircase and their room when they heard loud knocking from one of the other rooms on the other side. The door opened halfway to reveal Coovers holding his finger to his lips, then gesturing to come in.

Timothy and Electchu entered the room, confused to find they were in a two-person bedroom. A radio system-like device with a TV and a microphone was set on a desk opposite of the beds. Gwen and Winnie were sitting on the bed farthest from the door with their backs facing Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu, contemplating what the former had done. On the other bed, Venarge lay duct taped to the bed, unconscious with yellow sparks still appearing around his body. His Rotom Phone and Pokéballs were on a bed stand.

"What the heck is-?!" Timothy shouted before Coovers covered his mouth with his hand.

"Quiet!" Coovers hissed.

Gwen and Winnie turned their heads around, and Gwen stood up from her seat to walk over to Timothy, Coovers, and Eletchu.

"Oh, thank heavens. What took you so long?" She asked just as Coovers uncovered Timothy's mouth and closed the door. "And why are you dressed like that?"

"No way. You guys first," Timothy said. "What are you guys doing in a separate room, and why is Venarge here duct taped, unconscious, and paralyzed?"

"I rented this room away from our room with Ezria so I can monitor what's going on when she takes you to the Energy Plant," Coovers answered. "Venarge followed us when we were coming back here from getting the equipment, and he recorded us talking about the mission on his phone. We chased him to the front of the stadium, and after a Pokémon battle, l had Klinklang paralyze him and his Alakazam before taking down his Toxtricity. Then, Gwen's Noctowl knocked Venarge and Alakazam out with Hypnosis."

"You got discovered, so you kidnapped Venarge?!" Timothy shouted.

"He was about to reveal our plan and ruin everything," Coovers said. "If you get the evidence, we'll have him arrested, and we'll already have one less culprit to worry about."

Timothy groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Coovers, I'm saying this with love as your best friend, but you desperately need help being discreet with your missions," he said.

"Duly noted," Coovers said. "Now, what are you doing in that getup? Are you going to a gala or something?"

"Oh, yeah. You guys are gonna love this," Timothy said sarcastically. "So, Oleana was making the call for Ezria to take us to the plant, but then she decided to alter the deal. She's going to take me there after we go on a picnic tonight out in the Wild Area."

"What?!" Coovers screamed. "We're this close to saving the entire region, and she's postponing it for a dinner date outside in your Sunday best?!"

"Oh, you've got to be joking," Gwen grumbled. "I suppose that brazen woman plans to have a plane fly by with a banner expressing her obsession over you. She might even have a television crew hiding so it can be viewed all over the region to crush the spirits of every poor man who worships her."

"Teddiursa," Winnie growled.

"After spending so much time with Ezria on our journey, I wouldn't be surprised," Timothy said.

Coovers sat on a chair by the desk and ran his fingers through his long hair. Gwen stormed to the bed she was sitting on and grabbed a pillow to scream in. Timothy stood in place, watching his friends let out their frustration. He turned to Electchu, who sighed, then he walked over to Coovers

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