A change of Heart

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(Y/N)- Your Name

(Y/N)'s POV

The teacher asked a student to be the model for the class. Surprisingly Aphmau excitedly raised her hand.

"How very brave of you, but some people won't draw you very nice."

"That's okay! I want to know what everyone thinks of me!"

"Alright. Class you all have 45 minutes. This is to see where you have skill and where you're lacking it."

The teacher set a timer.

I started off with a doodle but eventually I actually kinda tried.

When I finished I wasn't too mad at it, considering I didn't actually want to draw her well. I added in some doodles to kill the time I had left.

A few more minutes and the timer went off.
"Alright class everyone turn in your drawings with your names on it and we'll go from there tomorrow!"

Aphmau approaches us.

"Can I see your guys' drawings?"

Laurence proudly showed her. She commented on it. Then Garroth shyly showed her. She giggled but complimented it as well. I left the doodles on there and I showed her my drawing with a big smile on my face.

She went red, she complimented it while she stuttered. The teacher went up to her.

"Since you didn't get to draw today you can turn in a drawing tomorrow, of anything."



"Thank you!"

He nodded and walked off.

The bell rang and we had to go to the third class of the day. I grabbed my things and said goodbye to the guys.

"What class do you have baby sister?"

"I have gym."

Aphmau peeped up.

"I-I do too! C-can I walk with you..?"

I glared at her and before I could answer Garroth butted in.

"Great idea! You guys should get to know each other.!"

I scoffed.
"Come on freshman I won't be late because of you."

I looked over at the guys.

"See you guys at lunch?"

They both nodded before going their own way.

I started walking away and Aphmau was behind me. I could hear her muttering apologies to people she bumped into. I stopped in front of the coach's office.

"Well, here we are. Go get changed into your gym uniform. If you don't have one talk to the coach."

"Y-yes ma'am! I mean (Y/N)!"

She walked into the office and I walked towards the changing room. Outside was Travis and Dante.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

I smiled and looked at them.

"Hey, guys! I guess we all have gym together?"

"I'm just walking by."

"I do!"

"Hey Travis, can you excuse us for a sec?"


Dante pulled me to the side.

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Me avoid you? Why would I do that."

He smiled.
"Okay good! I thought you were for some reason! I don't like being away from my best friend you know."

"Right, well Dante you should get to class."

"Right, I'll see you later?"

I nodded. He said goodbye to Travis and left down the hallway.
"You know Dante?"

"Yeah! He's like my bud, I kinda admire him. He dated two girls at the same time!"

I looked at him weird.
"I don't think that's a reason to be admired.."

He shrugged.

"I'll see you in the gym, I have to dress out."

"Okay, could you check on Aphmau too please..?"

I smiled.

I walked into the changing room and went to my assigned locker.


I looked back.
A girl with long magenta hair was talking to me.

"So you're Garroth's sister right!"

"Yeah, who are you."

"I'm Ivy, Garroth's girlfriend!"

I smiled.
"I doubt it, he hasn't mentioned you. Besides he's single."

"Well, he doesn't know we're dating yet!"

"Alright, well good luck then."


She walked away to her little posse.

I changed into the gym clothes and put my bag in the locker. I closed it and I was on my way out when I heard arguing.

I didn't pay much attention to it until I heard Aphmau say something. I looked over and saw Aphmau on the floor. Is she being bullied.? She stood up.

"Stop calling me that..!"

She pushed Ivy to the ground, she hit her back on the bench. A teacher came in and she started to cry?

"She pushed me! She's dangerous!"

"No no no! She pushed me first! I-I!"

"Miss Aphmau come with me. You're getting detention."


"No buts. It looks like you pushed Ivy down."

"She did!"

"We were just trying to help her around and she pushed Ivy!"

The two other girls that were with her butt in.

"Let's go Miss Aphmau."

They left and Ivy stood up.

"That'll teach her to stay away from my Garroth."

I scoffed.
"Last time I checked, and do I have to remind you, he's single."

"Were you here the whole time.?!"

I nodded.

"He'd never like someone like you."

"How dare you?!"

She lunged at me.

I moved out of the way and she hit the lockers.

"Trying to hurt his little sister isn't the best idea."

"Whatever! I just have to get rid of that Aphmau girl!"

I headed towards the exit.

"Bully her again and you'll answer to me."

"You don't even like her!"

One of the girls commented.
"Bullying isn't tolerated here, I would hate to take this to the principal and have you expelled."

"He wouldn't believe you."

I shrugged.

"I am one of the favorite students thanks to my father. We have a certain reputation."

She squealed in anger? She sounded like an upset poodle.

"I'll make you look bad to my future boyfriend just you wait!!"

I walked to the door and started to open it. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smirked.
She turned me around and slapped me.

She gasped. "No, wait!"

I ran out of the changing room to look for a teacher. I found the same teacher that took Aphmau.

"Miss Hyria! Ivy just slapped me because I was trying to stand up to her for bullying poor Aphmau!"

I had fake tears running down my face.
"My father won't be happy about this if she doesn't get in trouble!"

"Now now (Y/N)! No need to bring your father in this, I'll take care of it."

Aphmau looks at me shocked.

"She said I'm stupid and mean and that I don't deserve to be here!"


She turned over from her group and saw us. She walked towards us.

"Young lady this is unacceptable!"


"Slapping (Y/N) and pushing and provoking Aphmau!"

She squealed again in anger, this time it was more of a chihuahua.

"But miss Hyria it's not fair.!!"

"No, it's not. You were going to let Aphmau take the punishment for something you started and hurting two students on the second day of school is unacceptable. To the principal's office now young lady."

She started walking.

"As for you two (Y/N) please take Aphmau and yourself to the nurse, make sure you're not badly hurt."

I sniffled.
"Yes, ma'am."

She went behind Ivy, lecturing her along the way.

I cleaned my face and looked at Aphmau.

"Should we get going?"

"T-thank you..?"

"Of course, bullying sucks and nobody should go through that."

"Did she actually slap you.?"

I nodded.
"Of course I provoked her, except if they call me into the office I'll call my dad."

"Your dad must be a powerful man huh.?"

"Oh yeah I guess. Just the owner of the Ro'Meave Corp."
I shrugged.

"No way! That's the one of the biggest companies here!"

I smiled. "Yup it is isn't it?"

We walked to the nurse, they gave Aphmau an ice pack.

"Do you need anything Miss Ro'Meave?"

I smiled.
"I'm fine, thank you."

We walked out and went back to the gym. The bell was going to ring in a few minutes. We went into the changing room. Ivy was there gathering her things. She looked angry with us.

I smiled and waved at her.
"Stop staring hun, don't you have somewhere to be?"

She glared at me as she left.

"You're so strong and confident.. I wish I was like that too.."

"Takes time I guess, don't worry about it. When the time comes I'm sure you'll be fierce."

We got changed into our school uniforms and headed to lunch.
Travis came up to us.

"Hey what happened, why weren't you guys at gym?"

I smiled and explained the situation, leaving out the part where I explain I provoked Ivy.

"Wow. That's really nice of you to help Aphmau like that even if you did get hurt..!"

I smiled.
"Well, what are friends for right?"

"W-We're friends?!"

"Yeah, I mean unless you don't want to be.?"

"No no! I mean! I do- but I didn't think you liked me a lot.."

"Change Of heart I guess."

We grabbed our lunches and sat at a table.
Everybody started to pour in, I called my friends over.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Dante."

"Hello baby sister, Aphmau, Travis."

They stuttered as they answered.


"Yeah?" I looked over at Laurence.

He carefully placed a hand on my cheek, the one Ivy slapped. I couldn't help but blush a little. I mean come on, one of the hottest guys in school is touching my cheek?

"Did someone hurt you.?"

I nod.
"Yeah, I was slapped-"


Almost all of them said out loud.
Garroth moves Laurence out the way and inspected my cheek.


"By Ivy."

"She's not getting off with no punishment."

He stood up, I grabbed his hand before he could walk away.

"I took care of it."
He looked into my eyes, concerned.

"Okay okay sit down and I'll tell you guys what happened."

After I explained what happened, Aphmau telling her side of the story. Everyone looked at us shocked.

"No way I'd ever date her knowing she hurt my sister!"

"Are you sure you're okay? Your cheek is a little swollen."
I smiled at Dante.

"I'm fine."

"Let me know if I ever need to beat her up."

I chuckled.
"Thanks, Katelyn."

We continued having a casual conversation until the bell rang. We all said our goodbyes.

"(Y/N) come here for a sec."

I looked back and walked to my brother.

"Yeah? What's up."



"Helping Aphmau. I know you don't really like her."

I shrugged.
"We're friends."

"I'm glad, if you need anything text me or mom or Vylad or Zane or-"

"Okay thank you Garroth, I'm fine. I'll go to the nurse if it hurts okay?"

"Okay. Now, go to class."

"You too."

We walked away. Heading to the fifth class of the day. I checked my schedule, Theatre...


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Trying to update as much as I can. Hope everybody enjoyed their holidays and are ready for the new year!

Thanks for reading have a good Morning/Evening/Night!

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