50k One Shot!

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Thank you guys again for getting my book this high in reads, it means so much to me! Enjoy the one shot! -A

(Y/N)- Your Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Do I really have to go to the stupid pool party?" "First of all its not stupid, second of all, it was literally your idea." "You did say in the group chat you wanted all of us to hang out." "Dante just happened to be the first to reply with 'POOL PARTY AT MY PLACE PEEPS'." "And then proceeded to send us the details."

"Nervous because your boyfriend is there." "We are not dating!" "They are not dating!" Garroth and I said in unison. "Calm down Garroth, they'll start dating soon enough."

I threw the towel I had with me at Vylad. I turned to look at my other younger sibling. "Don't you dare, Zane." Zane crosses his arms and glared at me, he was going to say something, probably something embarrassing I did around my crush.

"Alright.. let's go!" Vylad grabbed my hand and began walking towards the front door. "I'll drive, don't want (Y/N) driving when she's in a bad mood." I sighed. I fixed the duffle bad on my shoulder, inside the bag were our clothes to change into once we were ready to leave The party.

Garroth was driving, Zane was in shotgun, Vylad  was sitting behind Garroth and I was behind Zane, duffel bag in the middle of Vylad and I. The latest pop songs filled the silence of the car ride.

When we got there our other friends were either already there or they were just pulling in as well. I pulled out my cover from the duffel bag and put it on, feeling a bit self conscious.

My brothers were also in their swimwear, swim shorts and just regular t shirts, Zane of course was wearing his mask. "Alright we're here! Get out the car." He turned the engine off and we got out. I grabbed my phone before closing the car door behind me.

We walked into the backyard and were greeted by our friends and a couple of randoms Dante Or Gene must've invited. Dante and Gene were by the grill, Laurance, Travis and Jeffory were in the pool, Kawaii-Chan was with Katelyn, Aphmau, Cadenza and Lucinda. Nichole was, surprisingly, not here.

The girls started waving me to come over and my brothers went with the guys. I walked over to the girls. "Oh my god! That swimsuit on you is super cute!" "Mhm, if you want to catch someone's attention I think you definitely will~." I got embarrassed. "I'm not trying to get anyone's attention.! T-this was just the only one I had that was new."

"Can't use swimsuits you've already used?" "My mother wouldn't have any of it." "Kawaii-Chan doesn't understand why (Y/N)-Chan's mother would be upset." "She takes me shopping for new swimsuits every summer, she buys me enough so I'll never have to wear one twice, don't really know why though.."

"Okay sweetie, keep telling yourself that." "Lucinda stop teasing her, she's obviously super flustered." "Okay okay." Lucinda raised her hands in defense. "I'm done." I sat down between Aphmau and Cadenza. I glanced back towards the grill, Gene looked up from it and looked at me. He gave me a wink. I turned away and towards the girls, joining in whatever conversation they were having.

Suddenly Lucinda grabbed my shoulder and pulled me around and back towards her. "I think Moto Moto likes you~." Aphmau and Katelyn started laughing. "What?" I looked forward and saw Gene in the pool looking towards us, towards me. "Oh god.."

He started moving his eyebrows up and down while walking towards us. "He's really doing it!" "Pftt." Aphmau and Katelyn commented. "Is this planned?!"

He stepped out of the pool and if there was a god, I was looking at him. Wet hair, shirtless, water droplets on his toned chest, and his usual smirk. Suddenly I was brought up to my feet and shoved forward. "Hey-!" I fell on top of Gene which caused us to fall into the pool. I opened my eyes and saw Gene 'on top' of me, swimming towards me. I extended my hand and he took it, he pulled me closer and held me close.

He swam to the surface. I took a big breath of air and started moving my hair from my face. "That was not part of the plan Ginger Ale." "You we're taking too long Punk Boy, besides, other guys were staring at her too~."

We swam to the edge to get up, I placed my hands on the edge and pushed down to get up. I sat on the edge and Gene rested his arms on my lap. He was looking up at me. Pretty sure I was blushing, my crush was resting his arms on my lap, how couldn't I be.

"Y-Yes Gene?" "Be my girlfriend." "You're supposed to ask, idiot." "Scared she'll reject you?" I saw Gene's facial expression change from relaxed to annoyed. He stood up and started to get out to im assuming walk towards Lucinda and Katelyn. Oh no.

I placed my hands on either side of his cheeks and pulled him in, I started kissing him. He didn't kiss back at first but then he started kissing back, eagerly.

I pulled back and gave him a smile. "Sure."


Gene won this One Shot voting, Laurance was second best. Thanks for reading!

PLEASE go vote on the poll that's on my page, it holds the FATE of this book and future books!!

Thanks for everything you guys <3

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