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"I'm calling because I have an idea that you might like." Hunter said. we were on the phone for a while then after we hung up I left to go get Isaiah and AJ from the airport.

"What's got you all happy dude?" Isaiah asked as he got in the car AJ is still very disappointed in me after what I did at the wedding over a month ago.

I'll tell you later.

"Why not me!? I wanna know." AJ yelled like a child being left out of a grown-up conversation

"Are you still mad at me? I mean yes what I did was stupid and maybe cost me everything with Sasha but I'm good." I said then I turned to Isaiah

"Oh yeah dude guess who I hooked up with while you guys were gone." His eyes lit up. ever since Sasha left we play this like it's a car game.

"Okay is she a celebrity?" I nodded yes

"Athlete?" he's righ again


"Your getting warmer


"Dude your almost there."

"Famous wrestling family?"


"You didn't, you didn't, you didn't."

"I did,  I did, I did." We were like kids on the playground.

"Okay you man sluts who is she? You both know I hate when you play this." AJ yelled

I sighed "Flair, Charlotte Flair." Both of their mouths went agape. As I pulled into our driveway

"What?" I asked as I got out and walked into the house.

"Dude you banged Flairs daughter? You do know he could end your career right?" I thought about that.

"Her dad loves me we are on great terms and if me and her break up I know I can still go over his house to watch the football game."

He nodded in approvement. Then AJ hugged me.

"I can't stay mad at you. You and JOJO are like brother and sister to me." I hugged back

"That is the most beautiful thing in the world!" I said faking sobbing.

"You play so much. Trey your phone just vibrated."

I looked at my phone text from Charlotte.

From: CharChar <3

um didn't know how to tell you lastnight so I'm just going to say it. I'm pregnant.....

I dropped my phone and flopped down on the couch. AJ being nosy as she is picked it up.

"Okay one CharChar? Two I thought you always used protection." I looked down and pondered.

"I do when it's a girl I don't know nor trust. But I know and trust Charlotte. And she put it in there like that." She sat crossleged on the couch and put her head on my shoulder.

"I really don't know T I really don't know."


I haven't worn this black hoodie since my debut. Good times good times.

The knock at the door it's a stage hand telling me it's my time. I walked to the gorilla with the hood on there has been some alterations. There's a blue wolf with piercing red eyes and VENGEANCE in blue lettering. I watched Hunter go out and tell Randy that the Authority has decided to go with a new plan A.

I had to do a double take because Sasha was there with him I knew there was a reason I had the ring I gave her on a chain around my neck. And there's a new tattoo on my chest it's of the ring but the diamond is shattering and the band is breaking to show the engravement. -Sasha my heart

I take him saying plan A as my que to signal for my music.

Burn it Down by linkin park started playing the song was my new theme so nobody knew it was me.

Hunter had this smug look on his face. "Randy this is your opponent for Night of Champions."

The crowd came unglued when they saw it was me when I took the hoodie off completely.

That vein on in Randys head looked like it was about to pop out. And the look on Sashas face was like "Again!"

"Hiya vipe. Thanks for holding on to my title. Seems like your good at holding onto another man's treasure."

I pulled the ring up slowly to my lips and kissed it then stuck it down my shirt.

Then I slid into the ring and speared Orton. He tried to get up but the disrespect levels were so high I just had to do it.

I dropped to one knee and then the other one then banged my fist into the mat. I started doing Randys viper taunt.

"RKO TREY JUST HIT RANDY WITH AN RKO!!!!!" usually I would be aggravated with Coles girly shouts but I'm basking in it.

This is a heel turn but everyone is loving it like I'm a face.

"Sasha sorry but I gotta do this for closure." I said as I dropped the mic and grabbed her waist the kissed her.

It didn't take long for her to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around my neck then......

"RKO RKO TREY JUST RKO'D SASHA!" I slid out if the ring and jumped over the barricade to leave. My theme song hit

Fans slapped my shouders one girl jumped out and hugged me it felt really good to be back.

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