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"(Treys' pov)

"Today is a great day boys because today is the day we show The Shield who the real hounds are". I looked at the squad bobby, Isaiah, Gerald. "belIve It lets make The ShIeld belIve that too."

We sat in the front row all with black hoodies that said Nation on the back. When The Shields music hit I knew there was no turnig back.

The Shield were in the ring looking quite smug about how they beat Evolution, then Dolph Zigglers music hit. He had on a very Shield like outfit. "I Dean Ambrose would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Shield, Dolph Ziggler!" Dean announced that and I looked at our numbers and noticed it was dead even four to four

"You guys ready?" I looked at them and they nodded. Kanye West Power instrumental hit and that was our cue to put out hoods up. In one quick motion we hopped over the barricade and into the ring. I gave Roman a taste of his own medicine he caught a spear Ambrose was getting completely destroyed by Isaiah Rollins and Ziggler were forced out of the ring. We did good clearing house. "Hello guys, it's really nice to meet you guys we, are The New Nation of Domination. We were called to exterminate some pest, that means you so we just decided to clean up the ring. Oh and you can belive that." And just like that we left the ring Shield style through the crowd.

Backstage was electric we were all the talk I mean wow I let the guys go on ahead because I had a meeting with Hunter about some story changes for our script and when I walked into his office I saw something nice. There was a girl in NXT that I thought was very pretty and I kinda got nervous around her. When she got called up I was sad but her she is along with Aj. Her name back in NXT was Layla I think she goes by that her too.

"Trey sit down I want to talk to you about something. By the way you and the Nation did great on your debut today". Hearing Hunter say that made me hype to tell the guys. "Thanks, so what were these changes you wanted tp talk to me about?" I asked him he reached inside his desk and pulled out four new scripts and handed them to me. "The Shield will be receiving two divas to thier group as a means of distraction for you guys in a tag match on Smackdown. So Layla and Aj here will run out and stop the distraction in its tracks and once Reigns turns around you spear him and win the match." Sounds easy enough. "Okay anything else"? I asked, he gestured for Layla and Aj. "These two girls will be joining your stable. You will have a romantic relationship with Layla and Isaiah will be with Aj". Oh yeah I get a relationship with her sweet! I kept my composure on the outside. "They will also travel with you and your hotel rooms have been made to fit all six of you. You all are dismissed." Ibegan to walk before he called my name. "Trey please tell Isaiah to take it easy on Ambrose." like that's ever going to happen Isaiah down right hates him. "Will do sir. Layla, Aj if you guys need help taking your stuff to our SUV I'm glad to help." I said that and winked at Layla, I could have sworn she blushed. I probably should have texted one of the guys for help.

"You sure you have it all?" They asked in genuine concern for my back. "Yeah I'm fine its the one with all the guys around it." I told them as we reached the truck. "Um bro what's this? You leave and come back with two girls." Isaiah asked while helping me load the girls gear. "Well there's been some script changes. I'm going to explain in the car. Layla up front with me, bobby, Gerald you guys in the back. Aj you will be in the second row with Isaiah." I did that on purpose. "So Hunter said that The Shield are getting two female members to distract us in our tag match Friday. Layla and Aj will run out and attack Summer and Eva Reigns will check on them and turn around to a spear and we win. Bobby and Gerald however will be the ones to take the tag titles. On Raw Monday. You guys caught up? Good Layla and I will have a romantic relationship. Aj and Isaiah will be right after us. Hunter said he will tell me if Bobby and Gerald receive lady-friends. Oh he also told me to tel Isaiah to take it easy on Ambrose". I explained to them all Isaiah looked satisfied with being with Aj because they are already together so they had to do life as normal. But I keep feelimg someone looking at me I glance at Layla she shifts her body to look out the window. She's so beautiful especially when she bluses.

We were the only people on our floor us having the biggest room but there was only three individual bedrooms. One with two beds obviously for B and G they always share a room them being twins and all. Isaiah would sleep with Aj like always. So that leaves me and Layla for the last room. "So I'll just sleep in this chair here." I said being a gentlemen and giving her the bed. She went into the restroom for a while, when she came out I think she got even more gorgeous. She had on sweats and a #ALPHALIFE t-shirt her makeup was gone and her hair was in a high ponytail. "Man you look beautiful." Shit I said that out loud. "What was that?" She asked I responded with a simple "nothing."

"Can I ask you a question?" She surprised me as I came out of the bathroom myself with shorts and a UnderArmor sleeveless shirt on she stood mesmerized for a moment. "Shoot anything you ask you will get an answer." Tried to stay so cool. "How come you don't have a girlfriend. I mean not to pry or anything just word around the women's lockerroom is that your a hot commodity." I was kinda put off by the question. "Well it's a long story. Back in high school I dated this girl she acttually works for the WWE her name is Eva but I know her as Natalie. We were together from middle school all the way to our junior year in high school. Me, her, my brother Isaiah, and my twIn cousIns Bobby, Gerald we made the plan to fly through the ranks of wrestling from OVW to the WWE. But one day she just left her house was empty and she never returned any of my tries to contact her. But I wrestled through college and in OVW with my friends and we all got the call to NXT the same day. That's actually the next time I saw her. I didn't recognize her at first but she came up to me and said hey. I wanted to see if she still liked me but she was and is dating Ambrose." I was telling her this story as we ate our dinner. "Is that why Isaiah hates him?" She asked out of curiosity. Some of it is. See Dean hit Isaiah with the NXT title to ensure Seth Rollins win. No one really knew Shield were forming in NXT. But back to the story, I began to like this girl she has this beautiful auburn hair and smells like chocolate. She got called up and I was saddened by it but it pushed me to be the best." She perked up when I started talking about my current crush. I wonder if she knows its her. "Do I know her?" Yeah you do you know her very well. "Maybe. So how about you?" I have to know now. "I have been single since my junior year also that asshole Ambrose is the first guy I every loved. Then one day removed from graduation he left a nofe on my pillow saying" "I'm going to follow my wrestling dream you go follow yours -Dean" I don't believe that prick did that to her. I pull out my phone to text Isaiah. "We must destroy Ambrose first" all I heard was a loud yes going pass my door. I had to laugh to myself. "So are there any guys you like or something of the matter." I asked bluntly. "I'll tell you if you tell me." She's clever. "Okay same time." I will say it really quickly. "1, 2, 3. LAYLA! TREY!" I could have sworn she said my name. "Wait did you say me?" She nodded I guess she heard me say her name because she grabbed my face and began to kiss me. Now yes this is my greatest dream come true but I was so not prepared for that I relaxed into the kiss and I started to take control I brushed my tounge up against her bottom lip wanting access to her mouth and once I was in it was over from ther

(Laylas pov)

Ugh what happened lastnight? I'm trying to move but there's a large weight holding me in place. I look up and smile at Trey remembering what took place lastnight. But did we? Do it? I finally got from under his arm without waking him he is cute when he sleeps. I slip into the restroom and begin to splash water in my face. I get kinda scared when a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Goodmorning beautiful". It's only Trey. He doesn't have a shirt on though did we do it? Eh I don't mind though, he spins me to face him and picks me up to sit me on the counter I let out a squeal. "That's the cutest sound that I have ever heard you make." I blushed again how does he do that. "Wait Trey I wanna know somethIng before we do somethIng we wIll regret." I saId "I won't regret anythIng" he saId I rolled my eyes "Really Trey promise that you won't do what Dean did." I asked. " I promise." And with that I melted.

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