Chapter 8: To Honor Your Wishes

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                                                                                  Evelyn's POV

I held Oliver's hand, looking at the gravestones that held mine, Oliver's and our Dad's names on them. I let go of Oliver's hand so he could kneel by the gravestones. He was holding the book in his hand, the one with the list of names on it. 

'All that time on the island,' Oliver spoke, 'plotting my return, I didn't realise how hard it would be. To reconnect with Mom, Thea, Laurel. Okay, I didn't... I didn't know how painful it would be to keep my secrets. You asked me to save the city. To right your wrongs. I will. I swear. Evelyn and I both will. But to do that, I can't be the Oliver that everyone wants me to be, which means that sometimes... to honor your wishes... I need to dishonor your memory. I'm sorry.' He stood again and took my hand, then started walking towards the car. 'Take it down,' he said to the workers standing nearby. They moved towards the empty graves. 

'Will you be going out tonight, sir?' Diggle asked, holding the car door open for me. I thanked him and got in as Oliver went around to the other side. 



Oliver picked up a rock, placing it on his father's grave on the island. Just then, there was a thud. A handmade arrow went through Oliver's right shoulder, making him cry out. He turned, his vision blurring already from the loss of blood. A man with shaggy dark hair was standing there by the water, a bow and arrow in hand, nocked and ready to fire. 

'No, no...' 

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