As the alarm clock finally rang, Merida Lazuli slammed it off, and got up, the circles under eyes getting a bit darker. She had been awake for about 5 hours now, and hadn't been able to go to sleep. Maybe it was just excitement. Maybe it was anticipation.
She immediately smiled, and walked over to her window seat, and opened the blinds, allowing the early morning sunlight stream through. Merida looked in her mirror, and squinted at a pinkish spot in her head.
Merida frowned, and ruffled her hair. She gasped, and pulled out a bit of gum. She fumed, and yelled, "TRENT!!!!" From a room away, she heard two boys laugh, and the stairs creak as their feet pounded it.
Merida almost screamed, but calmed herself, by breathing in and out, and finally walking calmly down the stairs, and into her mother's room. "Hey mom?!" She yelled.
An older women's voice replied, "Yes, love?"
Merida explained, "Trent and Edward stuck gum in my hair, and they knew I was going to camp today!", a frown beginning to form.
Her mother walked out, fully dressed, as frowned at her hair. "That's not good..." She thought aloud, and yelled, "TRENT, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!"
A moment later, the door that Merida had just walked though once again slapped open, and Trent strolled in, smirking in victory. "Hey mum, what's up?" He asked, an eyebrow raised lazily.
The women simply pointed at Merida's hair, and said, "Explain."
Trent smirked. "Well, me and Edward were bored last night, so we thought we would give sister dearest a going away present!" He explained, and started walking out the door when Willow grabbed him by his shirt collar and stopped him in his tracks.
"No, you're not going anywhere!" She yelled angrily, and beckoned me over. I finally smiled victoriously, and walked over.
"Merida, because it's you're going away day, I'm gonna let you decide his punishment. It can't last longer than a year." Willow explained.
Merida squealed excitedly. She had been waiting for this day a very long time, for two reasons at that point. "Well, after he gets the gun out of my hair, Edward can leave, and when I get back from camp, he had to stay away from my room, and has to stay 5 feet away from me, for a year!" Merida listed his punishment off her finger, and finally looked up.
Trent frowned, no surprise evident in his face. "Fine," he says, his tone gone flat, "My room-"
"No, you'll stay in my room, I don't trust you alone!" Willow cut in.
Merida sighed in victory, and sat down on her mother's bed. "Make it quick," she said, "I've gotta get dressed, Cath's picking me up at ten!"
Merida pulled her grey and black top over her head, slipped her jeans on, and tied the laces on her tall, pink boots. She clipped the link on her pink initialed necklace, and put a out of blush, mascara, and lipgloss on, and smiled in her vanity.
"If I could, begin to be-" Merida dropped her duffel bags and fishes her phone out if her pocket. She slid the lock screen open, and asked, "Hello?"
"It's me... Anyway, OI, I'M OUTSIDE, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Cath practically screamed.
Merida laughed, and replied, "I'm trying to lugg my crap downstairs!"
A sigh was heard. "You need help?" Cath asked, the regret in her words evident.
Merida smirked, and replied, "If you could!", with a laugh.
After half an hour of loading luggage, Cath started her car, and the two were on their way.
"Riding down the highway, who wants to be the DJ? I'll find a spot on the radio..."
Merida stuck her hands up and out if the car, and sang along, Cath humming in the background. Merida glance over at Cath, to see her texting Andrew. Merida raised an eyebrow. "I thought you two weren't on talking terms anymore!" Merida said, the surprise evident in her voice.
Cath shook her head. "No, but I'm trying to figure out if you're the only newbie joining!" She responded.
Merida smirked. "I know what you're trying to say, and the chances that he or she's gonna be there are super low, heck, it might as we'll be zilch!" Merida said, amusement in her voice as she made a zero with her hand.
Cath laughed. "Either way, it doesn't hurt to at least ask!" She replied, and looked down as her phone buzzed. She smirked victoriously, and say it down. "So, you got a game plan?" Cath asked.
Merida frowned. "I'm just gonna go like Sierra, just on a lower scale. I know everything about everyone, but they know nothing about me!" Merida exclaimed with a laugh. "The only question is if I'm alone or not!" She finished, and sighed.
Cath smirked, but changed the song to "Smoke Break," by Carrie Underwood. "The first challenge is in Nashville Tennessee, the home of pop country. Chances are that the first musical number will have to be pop country, so you might as well practice!" Cath explained.
Merida gasped. "Cath, you're a genius!" She yelled. She took a deep breath, and started, "I don't smoke, but sometimes I need a long drag, take a swig and let the world fade away!" She frowned. "Wait, that's wrong!" She exclaimed. "Cath, change the song to something I know!"
Cath thought, and smiled, as she changed the song to a more slower tune.
Merida sighed with relief. "Okay..." She said, and began, "Because when you got me boy, yeah you got me boy, holding onto heaven, holding into you!" She sang, and let the song control her thoughts.
"Next!" A southern voice called.
Merida walked up to the guy, a small smile on her pale face.
"Merida Lazuli!"
The guy looked up from his clipboard at her, and looked back down. He nodded, and made a motion with his pen before looking back up and saying, "Alright, go down that hall, and take two rights before going to room 55!" The intern directed.
Merida looked at his name tag, and replied, "Thanks- IAN!" Merida screamed happily, and hugged him.
Ian's smiled. "I was waiting for you to recognize me!" He said, and said, "You better get going, you've got a big surprise coming!" He said, and gestured to the door.
Merida smiled and walked in, and closed the door behind her. From behind her, she her her old friend's voice call once again, "NEXT!"
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