Episode 5 // "ITALEEE" Pt 2

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Merida's performance outfit above ^

(So assuming that you just read the lat chapter, you can ignore this. To those of which haven't, know that the final part of the last chapter I erased, meaning that it never happened. So Merida doesn't know what actually happened with the pic. Keep that in mind)

Harvey's eyes slowly opened, taking in the room. It was practically white, white, and more white.

"He's awake, somebody tell the doctor!" Somebody shouted as he finally sat up. Soon, a strange man in more white walked up to him, the curtains closing behind him. His black hair fluttered lightly as the open window squeaked open and shut.

"Who am I?" Harvey asked, an eyebrow raised. "Where am I, and who are you?"

"Woah, woah!" Chris exclaimed, laughing. "One, your name is Harvey. Two, you're in a hospital. Three, I am Chris, the host of the show you're in!"

"What happened to me?" Harvey asked. "Did I lose my memory or something?"

"Well it depends." Chris replied, frowning in worry. "What do you remember?"

"I remember all the way up to seventh grade." Harvey replied after a moment.

Chris smirked. "Good. Now, the doctors have said that as long as you take two of these painkillers everyday until you run out, you should be fine to return to the show!"

"Wait, I thought you were the doctor!"

"Nah, not my kind of thing!"

"So... What's next?"

"Me!" Layla popped up behind him. Harvey screamed in fear, and the two jumped away from each other.

"H-Harvey...?" Layla asked, fear present in her wide eyes.

"Oh, I thought you were Brook! Hey!" He yelled, suddenly hugging her. Layla was stuff from surprise, but quickly hugged back. He doesn't remember! She thought, smiling happily.


Merida shrieked happily, as she ran out of the plane. "PARISSSSS!" She screamed, jumping up and down.

"And I thought Sierra was bad..." Noah trailed off under his breath. Sierra somehow heard him, and stepped hard on his foot. He grunted, and mumbled, "Jez."

"Oops!" Sierra smirked as she ran to fangirl along with Merida.

Cath patted Noah comfortingly on the shoulder as he rubbed his toes. "She hurts." He hissed.


Cath took in the scenery, smiling. Suddenly, she felt a hand go around her arm, and yank her into the shadows. Before she could scream, a hand went over her mouth, and a poke in her arm was the last thing she felt as she was dragged away.

"Alright guys, the tip says to go to the louvre and sing!" Merida announced. The gang cheered, Noah simply raising a fist out of anger, as they all got in the taxi.


L: Okay, so what's up with Harvey?

C: He only remembers till 7th grade.

L: ...


C: Wait, What, Why?

L: Me and Harvey dated after seventh grade, and he hated me after! He still likes Brook, and think of me and Merida as friends!

C: More drama?

L: Maybe!

"So how much do I need to catch up on?" Harvey asked, smiling goofily.

"Well, me and you are racing around the world with Merida and Cath! You and Brooks dated back in eighth grade, and you hated each other after she called it off!" Layla partly lied, frowning sympathetically.

"Why would I hate her? I LOVE her." Harvey asked, frowning.

"Yeah, well you don't anymore." Layla snapped.

Harvey raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "So what is this show we're on?"

"It's called the Ridonculous world tour, and we're racing around the world! If I'm correct, we're flying to Paris today!" Layla explained.

"And what's in this for us?" Harvey asked, smirking.

"One. Million. Grand." Layla whispered, as if it was a dangerous secret.

Harvey paled as he realized how far he was from home, and asked, "And I signed up for this?"



When Cath stirred, she was in the dark. 'Well I can see, which means I haven't been kidnapped. I'm not naked, which means I'm not about to be rapped, and I see no knives, so no sort of torturer. So what's up?' Her arms were tied to the back of her chair

After a few moments, the door to her left opened, revealing Andre in a black tux, his usually messy hair was slicked back.

Cath gasped, but quickly masked her expression, frowning. "What the heck?" She asked. "Surely you aren't the person behind this!"

Andre shrugged, smirking. "Honestly, it wasn't my idea, more..." He glanced up at the cameras watching, his face darkening. "I can't say."

Cath raised an eyebrow. "And you... They... Somebody brought me here- why?" She asked.

Andre looked away, and sighed. "I... Um... Okay Cath, I- we've both known for a long time they we liked each other, and we've been friends for too long."

Cath slowly nodded. Inside, she internally pleaded, 'ASK ME OUT OR DIE.'

"Will you go out with me?"

"Yes!!!" Cath squealed, but winced as she tried to get out of the ropes tying her to the chair. "But can you get me out of this chair?" She asked, smiling.

When Andre untied her, Cath sighed in relief and the two smiled at each other, and leaned in to kiss. It led on before the two parted, and The two grinned at each other before Andre frowned.

"Don't tell anybody. Not even Merida." Andre whispered to Cath, his eyes strong and commanding.

Cath gulped and nodded. "So where's the exit?" She asked, frowning.

"To the left."

As she walked out, she turned and looked at Andre, before walking out.

Once the door shut firmly, Andre sighed in relief. "Okay, can I go now?" He asked the camera.

When the red light flickered off, Chris stepped out from the shadows, and replied "Yeah, don't keep Claire waiting!"


When the gang made it to the louvre, Merida giggled at the thoughts forming in her head.

"What's so funny?" Noah asked, frowning.

"W-What if Chris makes us hunt for art while being chased by a yeti?" Merida asked, giggling.

Noah and Sierra suddenly stopped walking and paled, flashing back to the challenge from years ago. "No." They whispered, and kept running.

Merida laughed, but followed after them anyway, smiling sheepishly.

When they got to the stage, Merida smiled sadly as she re-ran the song she was singing.

Oh, Harvey, you should know, Harvey.

Merida frowned upon the thought, 'What if it wasn't him?'

The thought was quickly dismissed as she heard Sierra start singing,

Oui, my friend, You must never trust a boy,
Oui, my friend, they will treat you treat you like a toy.
Oui, my friend...

Merida quickly ran onstage. She wore a white crop top with a red vest on top, with black jeans.

I met you when I was a teen
But then you were one as well
And I could play a guitar
Just like ringing a bell
Sometimes I wonder
In any other summer
Could you have been a part time lover to me
Listening to Stevie Wonder
Under the covers where. we used to lay
And Read Stacks is. what the speakers played
I'd be on tour almost every day
When I was home up in my flat is where we used to stay

Sierra carried on,

Cody broke my heart and
chewed it up and spit it out and
then, stepped on it and
threw it down a sewer
and called it names
and then laughed!

The two smirked and sang in harmony,

Oh Harvey,
You should know, Harvey! Oh Harvey, you should go, Harvey
Cause I ain't ever coming home, Harvey.       Oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin' on the road, Harvey.      But then again you should know Harvey. Cause that's you and me both Harvey
Oh won't you leave me now, now!

"This is for all those girls who thought that they had it all, and then it all came down!" Merida and Sierra yelled.

Love will come and love will go
But you can make it on your own
Sing that song
Go oh won't you leave me now
People grow and fall apart
But you can mend your broken heart
Take it back go oh won't you leave me now!

( Now the added part on the end is where Sierra is adding her song in, but she joins Merida after! )

Oh Harvey, (You must never trust a boy)
You should know, Harvey! (They will treat you like a toy!)                                                        Oh Harvey, you should go, Harvey (They'll break your heart)
Cause I ain't ever coming home, Harvey.       (They'll chew it up and spit it in a sewer!)             Oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin'  on the road, Harvey.  (I've been living on the road)                                      But then again you should know Harvey. Cause that's you and me both Harvey (Cause that's you and me both -)
Won't you leave me now, now!

When the piano creased, The crowd applauded, and the girls quickly left, laughing.

"Hey, Merida?" Sierra asked her, smiling.


"If you ever need somebody to talk to, come to me or Noah. We may look like a bunch of fakes, but you'd be surprised how much we know!" She exclaimed in her fangirl tone, but when she wasn't in the camera's view, her face held a different expression.

"Alright!" Merida cheered, going along with it, although she was truly confused.


Harvey frowned as he stared out the window of their taxi, thinking over his day.

So far, he had woken up to the sound of a doctor mumbling, the doctor had explained that he was on a game show with his friends going around the world, Layla picked him up in a taxi, and he was now riding to the louvre where they were supposed to sing.

'Wait, what if that guy lied, like in the fic I read?' Harvey suddenly thought. Then, 'I bet I could re-search the show to find out!'

"Hey Layla, what's this show called?" Harvey asked her, making her jump.

"The Ridonculous World Tour, why do you ask?" She replied.

Harvey didn't reply as he took out his phone and googled it. He smirked and clicked the first link, leading to a wiki page. (There's a TD wiki, so why not?) He clicked the link leading to the episode descriptions, and began reading.

Layla sighed, shaking her head, and returned to her book. She was re-reading the Total Drama graphic novel (Now I wish there was one of these) and to be honest, it was quite boring.

Either way, her mind wasn't on that, it was on the fact that Harvey still hadn't remembered anything after eighth grade. It was good and bad. Good because he wouldn't remember her causing his memory loss, bad because that was causing her serious guilt.

'But it's not like I have a choice... It's either this or death.'

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