Chapter 1

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Three thousand six hundred and fifty days, that's five hundred twenty-one weeks, but ten years? That's how long I have been serving Anubis, the god of the underworld, my whole existence since my reincarnation. This was the only life in which I discovered my true past as Lotus-kasi the daughter of Seti the first, the first woman Medjai warrior, and the performer of the Hom-dai. I cursed Imhotep to endure the Hom-dai for the death of my father and sister and in doing so, I've condemned my own soul to serve the dark god Anubis until he decides when to release me...and so I wait.

Lurking in the shadows I watched my target receive another contract from a few men in red turbans covering their faces passed them the paperwork. I peered around the corner of the building I sat on blending into the structure confirming that the short, fat short tempered soul was my target. He had two accomplices with him. A skinny jumpy man in his twenties with no clue or common sense. He often tried to cover up his stupidity with jokes or smart comments. I simply rolled my eyes trying to dump out what I heard from him out of my memory. The last man was smart, clever and cautious. His partners would often say he was being paranoid, but they were wrong. He was handsome with his well cropped beard along his jaw and his hawk like eyes occasionally landing on me only for a moment before I would vanish without a trace. I loved playing games with his mind getting the others to discredit his word. It made following them easier.

The man in the turban interested me more than my contract. I let them leave the meeting allowing my target to live another day as I followed the messenger through Cairo's streets. With dusk fast approaching my black assassin suit practically turned me invisible. I allowed him to hear and get a glimpse of me causing him to panic and change route. I herded him to a dark quiet alleyway with no way out. His hands brushed the tan wall debating to climb it or face me as I drew my dagger waltzing over to him. His breaths came out in rapid pants and sweat dripped from his brow.

"Good evening." I purred. He paced the space between me and the wall. He swallowed hard and tried to bolt past me as I held my arm up locking it in place. His neck caught my arm forcing him back to the ground with a large huff rammed out of his lungs. I knelt holding my blade against his throat. "Well now, all I wanted to do was talk. Tsk tsk you should not be so rude to a lady." I straighten out the collar on his tunic. "Now I'll make you a deal. You tell me what I want to know, and I'll let you live." I purred in his ear.

His eyes stared at me widely debating his options. "I sent them to retrieve the bracelet of Anubis."

Chills ran through me at the mention of Anubis' personal belongings. The bracelet was to be a pure myth. Even I did not know where the bracelet was hidden. "Where are they going to find it?"

"I-I don't know." He stuttered. "Mr. Hafez said the O'Connell's were on the trail and to send Spivey, Willits and Clemons to retrieve it from them. Please that's all I know."

I cocked my head smiling wickedly under my mask. "Then you are no longer of use to me." I slit his throat spilling his blood on the cold pavement in the shadows. I cleaned my blade on his shirt before vanishing into the city.

Anubis' word had been true. I was still needed.

I had been wondering how my cousins had been. I suppose this would be a good time to drop in on them.

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