I rose from my seat, putting the book down. Concern filled my body as I took in his appearance, his eyes bloodshot. "Le-" was all I could get out before he had me up against the door and attacking my lips with his.
His tears touched my lips as he kissed me roughly, begging for my forgiveness, and telling me that he loved me. His kiss was rough, far rougher than yesterday, but I didn't care as I kissed him back just as hard.
I didn't care that we weren't alone as his need became my own. I need him as just as much as he needed me. I clutched his shirt and started to fumble with the buttons.
Levi seemed to know what I wanted, and without breaking the kiss, he helped me remove his shirt and toss it somewhere. He placed his hands underneath my butt and picked me up.
I wrapped my legs around him and moved my hands through his hair. I clutched the back part of it and pulled, and he groaned.
Levi growled out in want and stuck his hands in my hair. Skillfully, he took the hidden bobby pins out of my hair and tossed them wherever.
My hair uncurled as he took all the bobby pins and bows out of it, showing everyone just how long it was. I groaned when he started to attack my neck and moved my head to the side to give him more access.
Levi groaned and pressed his member to my clothed core. His hands went down and started to unbuckle my belt when a book startled us out of our lustful haze.
My grandmother narrowed her eyes at us when we jumped apart and wagged her spoon. "No matter how much I like seeing you undress, I do not want anyone to have sex in my kitchen."
Levi's face turned red with embarrassment. He was still breathing hard, and so was I. He gently placed me on the ground and "hid" behind me. He placed his arms around me and stared at my grandmother.
My grandmother smiled and nodded her head. She placed the spoon on the table before opening her arms to him. "My sweet boy," she crooned. "Come here, and give me a kiss. I have missed you."
Levi hesitated and tightened his grasp on my waist. He didn't say a word and looked down, embarrassed with the way that "he" had acted.
"Levi," my grandmother warned. "Come here." She looked at me. "Move out of his way, please," she said.
He pressed his growing member against my back. It was his way to tell me that he was still aroused, and he didn't want my grandmother to see it.
I took a deep breath and kept my face blank. I was still aroused, and his member was not helping me any. "I don't think I can move," I said, and she raised an eyebrow. "He has a problem."
"Lexi," he warned.
My grandmother smirked and raised her eyebrow higher. "Oh?" she asked. "And what is his problem?"
Levi grunted out a warning. He gently pushed me aside and picked up the book that my grandmother had thrown at us. He placed the book near his crotch and hesitantly walked over to her.
He grunted when my grandmother pulled him into a hug. He looked stunned but hugged my grandmother close to him.
"It is good to see you," she said, patting his cheek. She smiled, and I could tell that she adored him. "Would you like some tea?" she asked, moving away from him.
"N-" He stopped when he caught her look and nodded his head. "Qǐng, (Please,)" he said.
My grandmother nodded her head and gestured to the kitchen table. "Sit, sit," she said. "I would say for you to go into the living room, but it is a complete mess."
Levi sat down in one of the seats and tossed the book onto the table. He looked at me, his deep blue eyes filled with humor. "Ó? (Oh?)" he asked. "Wèishéme? (Why?)"
I picked up his shirt and tossed it to him. "I have papers strewn over everywhere," I said. "I am in college and have a big test coming up in a couple of days."
Levi frowned, hurt filling his eyes. "Ó, (Oh,)" he said, looking at his hands.
I understood why he was hurt. We had been discussing going to college together. We wanted to take the same classes, so if the pack needed something, then one of us would take the day off and help with the pack. The other would take care of the classes and take notes and teach it to the person that was dealing with pack business.
"I have been taking only one or two online classes per semester," I said, and he looked at me. I walked over to him and sat down beside him, my body turned away from the door as Levi thought of what I had said. "I am still undecided major wise."
"Wèishéme? (Why?)" he asked.
I shrugged my shoulder. "We never decided on what career we should take," I said. "I wasn't going to pick a career that both of us couldn't handle."
Levi stayed silent as he took the cup of hot tea from my grandmother. He took a sip and studied me, trying to see past the mask that I had up. "Nǐ wèishéme juédìng shàng dàxué? (Why did you decide to go to college?)" he asked, and I looked down. "Lexi?" he asked, softly. "Nǐ shìfǒu..? (Did you..?)"
My throat closed up, and I shook my head. "Uh... Miguel stopped me," I said, finally. "I was about to. The numbness..." I shook my head and sighed.
Levi didn't need me to say anything else. He knew what I had almost done. He took my hand and kissed my wrist. His mouth was soft, and he was so gentle that I forgot how to breathe.
I took a deep, shuddering breath and sighed when he pulled away. I squeezed his hand, reassuring him that I was well for the moment. "So," I said, closing my eyes and putting up a wall. I opened my eyes and stared at a frowning Levi. "Should we discuss the reason as to why you barged in so late?"
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