I stared out of the ceiling to floor window, the full moon being the only source of light in the darkroom. My back was turned to the door with my hands behind it, clutched to keep them from shaking.
Everything was quiet, most of the pack either asleep or on patrol. There was the occasional movement in the trees as Wolves went back to their house or start their patrolling time. Some glanced up at the sixth-floor window, probably sensing me watching, and bowed their heads in respect.
I should be asleep, I knew that, but I couldn't. The thoughts of this morning kept returning to my brain, causing me a major headache. "What happened to you, Lev?" I asked, rubbing the bridge of my nose as I tried to stop it. "What is happening to you?"
There was a knock on my door before it opened a bit. Hallway light streamed into the room as the Gamma popped his head in. He didn't enter fully, which was a shock to me because he normally did. "Umm... are you asleep again?" he asked, hesitantly.
"No, what is it?" I asked, keeping my back turned to him. I frowned when there was some shuffling and the sound of someone cursing. It didn't bother me that much to turn around, because it was normal to hear cussing every so often.
Someone grabbed my arm and before I could throw them out the window, they kissed me. His scent filled my nose, and against my better judgment, I kissed him back.
"Well... that was unexpected," Miguel said, causing us to pull away and look at him. He stared at us with a raised eyebrow, his eyes shining with amusement. A small smile of happiness flickered on his face, and I could tell that he was happy because he knew how much I loved him. "It was bound to happen, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."
"Bì zuǐ (Shut up)," Levi scowled. He pulled me closer to him, causing me to stiffen. He narrowed his eyes at the other male, claiming me as his own.
Miguel's eyes flickered in confusion as he turned to look at me. "Close your eyes. I am turning on the light. I do not know how long you had been in the dark again." Worry filled his voice because he knew that nights were sometimes my hardest times. He had seen the pain that I was in, but he didn't see as much as Levi had.
I rolled my eyes and closed them. I was still stiff in Levi's arms, causing him to rub my back and relax. I took a deep breath of his scent before pulling away. I opened my eyes to see Levi looking at me with a defeated look, and I couldn't help but wonder why.
I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms across my chest. I gave him a look, causing the Alpha to shift on his feet and look down as if he was a child being scolded "Care to explain about this morning?" I asked, raising the eyebrow higher. "What was the attitude for?"
Levi furrowed his brows and looked down. He opened his mouth to say something but didn't, closing it without making a sound He moved a hand through his blonde hair and shook his head, making me want to run my fingers through it. "Hébì? Nǐ bù míngbái wǒ zài shuō shénme. (Why bother? You will not understand what I am saying.)"
I shrugged my shoulder, annoyed that he forgot that I had known multiple languages. "You do realize that I have learned Mandarin when I was a kid, correct? My grandmother has some Chinese blood in her, and her mother had taught what her grandmother had taught her."
Levi looked at me in confusion before a smile broke out onto his face. He pulled me in for another kiss, causing my heart to skip a beat. He pulled away when Miguel cleared his throat and scowled.
I huffed and again pulled away from him. I wanted to be in his arms, but I needed answers first. I needed to know where he had been. I wanted to break down, but I didn't like showing Miguel that I was weak, even though he had seen me at my second weakest part.
Levi frowned, and he looked so much like a lost kid that it broke my heart. "Lexi..." he said, trailing off when I shook my head.
"Miguel, can you leave us, please?" I asked, not looking at the other male.
"But..." He stopped when I looked at him and nodded his head. He knew better than to argue with me and knew that I only trusted Levi to see me when I was weak. "I'll be in the kitchen getting food before heading to bed." 'Link me if you have problems. I do not care if I am asleep or not.' He gave Levi a warning look, causing the Alpha to growl a warning.
I gave him a small nod of the head, causing him to leave the room. I kept my walls up as I turned to look at the person that had stolen my heart, not sure if I could trust him. I knew that something had happened to him, but I was scared. I was scared of hurting myself if I tried to figure him out.
However, my Wolf and I agreed that we would get hurt if it meant protecting the pack. I just had to make sure that I wasn't going to fall more in love with him than I all ready was.
Unfortunately, I knew that I was going to fall more in love, and there was no way I could stop it.
Maybe, just maybe, there was a second chance mate for me. And, Levi was it.
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