Clayman's P.O.V.
Yes. I remember the time I met them back then. When I was walking down at the town's back alley when I met someone who appeared in front of me. It was a man with red eyes and cat-like pupils. I can sense that he's a demon.
Muzan: Hello there.
Clayman: Who are you?
Muzan: Me? I'm just a humble demon walking the streets.
Clayman: Is that right?
Muzan: Would you care to have a drink with me?
Being a gentle as I am, I accepted his offer. We want to bar where we can drink some wine. I was keeping my guard up since I don't know this man.
Muzan: Tell me? What is your goal, Crazy Pierrot Clayman?
Clayman: How do you know my name?
Muzan: I was invited by your Master, Lord Kazalim.
Clayman: *Surprised*
Muzan: You see. I'm here because I want to make a deal with you.
Clayman: A deal?
Muzan: Yes. All I wanted was to rule the world with my partner, All For One. We both wanted to make this place as our own world domination.
Clayman: I see. But what's in it for me?
Muzan: Hmm? How about the revival of Lord Kazalim?
I accepted his offer as we drank our wine. He also told me I should be part of his member of his Twenty Kizuki. He said if I drink his demon blood, it would make me stronger. Determine, I took that offer. After I became the lowest rank of the Twenty Kizuki, but I felt like I was powerful enough to rival some of the demon lords. My friends, Laplace, Footman and Tear warned me to not fully trust him and All For One. I told them that I was fine and was confident that I could handle it. But boy was I wrong. I should've listened to them when I had the chance. But now here I am at my Awakening power.
3rd Person's P.O.V.
Clayman: HAHAHAHA! All of you have made a fool out of me! I will make you pay for all you're done! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Rephael: [Notice: There's a steep possibility that Clayman thinking of fleeing.]
Rimuru(Mind): Figured.
Deku: You're already cornered, Clayman.
Tanjiro: Just give up quietly and tell us what All For One And Muzan are up to.
Clayman: Impudent to no end, aren't you?
Clayman charges up a mana ball and launches it at the four.
Clayman(Mind): Fool. The moment they dodge that-
Kumoko(Mind): He's planning to make it blow up in midair and use it as a chance to run.
Deku(Mind): *Smiles* But all four of us are a bad match up for you...
Rimuru: Suck to suck! Beelzebub!
Kumoko: Devour!
Both Rimuru and Kumoko use their eating magic to eat up the mana ball. Clayman was shocked.
Rimuru: We already told you before...
Kumoko: You're already cornered... *Standing at Clayman's left.
Deku: So just give up now. *Standing at Clayman's right*
Tanjiro: Cause it's over.
Both Rimuru and Deku snap their fingers as the barrier appears and surrounds the five of them. Kumoko then opens her eyes as she and the boys get ready to fight Clayman.
Tanjiro: This is the end for you, Clayman!
Clayman: Hahahah... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! You four are indeed powerful. I'll admit that much. However, you have yet to witness the full extent of my power!
He starts charging up an attack as various dragon heads form appear around him.
Clayman: Do you think you four can handle it?! Take this! My Ultimate Technique! Demon Blaster!
The heads split evenly and attacked all four of them at the same time.
Rimuru: Swallow it up, Beelzebub!
Kumoko: Evil Eye of Gluttonly!
Deku: Detroit Smash!
Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura-Clear Blue Sky!
All four of them dispose of Clayman's Ultimate Attack with ease.
Clayman: IMPOSSIBLE!!! It's Impossible! That was my ultimate technique!
Rimuru: It's useless, Clayman. You're way weaker than the four of us. Tell us everything you know, and I'll bless you with a painless death.
Clayman: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *A crimson deadly aura surrounds him* I am a Deathman! Even if you kill me here, I'll soon be revived and come to kill-
Clayman was cut off when Rimuru dashes at him and punches him hard in the face.
Kumoko: Evil Eye of Extnction!
Kumoko looks at Clayman's legs as it starts to decay. Clayman screams in pain seeing his legs crumbling. Rimuru punches him again with Deku joining in. Tanjiro uses his Katana to cut Clayman's arms and stab him in the chest. Deku and Rimuru continue punching him multiple times.
Guy: So the two are using Thought Acceleration on Clayman.
Shizu: Well, from all the stuff he has done, he deserves it for everything.
Ariel: He only brought this on himself... Shiraori even opened her eyes for this fight... She must be really pissed at him.
Sophia: *Nods* Mhm.
Rimuru and Deku continuously send a barrage of punches at Clayman as Tanjiro's Katana starts to cover up in flames.
Kumoko: Thread Manipulation.
She makes her threads which binds Clayman to the ground. Tanjiro then uses his blade to stab Clayman multiple times as he screams in pain. Rimuru walks up to the now heavily injured Clayman.
Rimuru: Clayman... This is your last chance. What are they planning?
Clayman: Don't underestimate me. I would never betray my friends... And especially not my clients. That, and that alone, is the ironclad rule of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance!!
Rimuru: I see. I should probably just tell you. You won't be able to be revived.
Clayman: W-What do you mean?
Rimuru: You're a Deathman, right? It's obvious that you're planning to run away with your Astral Body.
Clayman: Wait!
Rimuru: Seems like there's nothing else we can get from this guy. I'm going to execute him now.
Clayman stumbles back out of fear as Rimuru raises his hand at him. Tanjiro asks if every demon lord objects, but every demon lord tells them to go ahead.
Clayman: Hold on! Please! I beg you!
Rimuru extends his hand to Clayman.
Rimuru: Your death will be agonizing. The brief moment you'll have before your soul dies will feel like an eternity. Use that time to think about what you have done.
Clayman: Just spare me! Don't do this! Stop! Please help, Footman! Save me, Tear! I can't die here. And not like this.
Clayman then tries to crawl away. Kumoko was about to do another Thread Manipulation until Deku and Tanjiro stopped her and let Rimuru finish Clayman off.
Clayman: Please save me! LORD KAZALIM!!!
Rimuru: Beelzebub.
Clayman then gets devoured by Rimuru's Beelzebub.
Clayman(Mind): Laplace, You were right all along.... It would seem I went too far this time... I should have just listened to the advice that you gave me and been more careful... Truly... you were always right.
Beelzebub fully devoured Clayman with only the remains of his damaged mask. After it was over, the barrier went down. Guy then starts clapping his hands.
Guy: Well done. From this day forward you three are officially acknowledged as Demon Lords. Are there any who would object?
Ramiris: I've always believed those three could do it! In fact, I would be happy to take on the three of you as my apprentices!
Rimuru: I refuse, so find yourself another one.
Deku: Thanks but no thanks.
Tanjiro: I appreciate the offer, but someone already got me as their apprentice.
Ramiris: Aw man.
Milim: All three of them are my besties, after all! Looks like they don't want to get along with you!
Ramiris: What? No way! Rimuru, tell me she's lying!
Milim: Wahaha! Sorry, Ramiri, it seems like you aren't part of our team!
Ramiris: What did you say?!
Ramiris tries to hit Milim but it was ineffective as the female dragonoid dodges and easily catches her.
Dino: Well, fine by me.
Leon: Hmm. I don't care who becomes a Demon Lord. Just do whatever you want.
Roy: If you ask, I would never allow low-born monsters to become Demon Lords-
Veldora: *Laughs* You dare insult my friends, you buffoon!? *Looks at Luminous* What's up with this, Miles? You're attended's acting kind of rude! Should I teach you a lesson for you?
Luminous: What are talking about? I'm afraid I'm merely a humble maid serving Demon Lord Valentine.
Veldora: Hm?
Milim: *Files towards Veldora* What are doing?! Valentine is disguised as a maid because she hiding her real identity. You can't just go telling everyone who she is.
Rimuru & Deku(Mind): You just told the whole room!
Tanjiro and Hinata facepalm in disappointment as Luminous was now mad at Milim for revealing her secret. Milim notices what she has done and turns away whistling terribly.
Luminous: You're a troublesome dragon. *Walks to Veldora* It seems you have forgotten my name as well.
Veldora: It's not Miles?
Tanjiro: It's Luminous.
Luminous: Tanjiro, I congrats you on becoming a Demon Lord.
Tanjiro: *Bows his head*
Luminous changes from her maid outfit to her black goth outfit.
Luminous: Leave us, Roy. You may proceed me in returning.
Roy: Please wait, Lady Luminous.
Luminous: *Sighs* Since my true identity has been revealed, to all these people, there's no reason to continue concealing it. *Glares at Veldora*
Veldora: *Floats away* What's with the angry glare? It's not like I know it was a secret.
Luminous: What's more, I'm curious about something. When Clayman looked at you earlier, he froze only for a mere moment. I suspect he may be involved with the insect who was lurking in my domain recently. When you and Hinata return, tell everyone to strengthen security.
Roy: Understood. *Walks off*
After Carrion and Frey stand down as Demon Lords and now serve under Milim now. There were now 15 Demon Lords remaining. Tanjiro suggests that they should call themselves as The Infernal Pantheon. Everyone agreed to Tanjiro's name idea and it became their official name for the Great Demon Lords. But then there was something else that Guy wanted to ask Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro.
Guy: You know, you three. There's something on my mind I wanted to ask. Who are Muzan and All For One?
Milim: You know, I also want to know about that as well. Who are Muzan and All For One?
Rimuru: Don't look at me. The only people who know those two are Deku and Tanjiro. Even I want to know who they are.
Deku: Well, I guess it can't be helped.
Tanjiro: It was about to happen eventually. But I guess we can tell you guys about them so you all can be aware of them.
Deku: Tanjiro, I let you go first.
Tanjiro: Alright. *Sighs* You see, Muzan Kubtsuji is not your typical demon. He's a heartless being that only caress about himself and want to obtain perfection. And has an army of demons under his control.
Guy: I see. So what kind of skills or abilities does he have?
Tanjiro: He has the the ability to turned people into demons by transferring his blood in to them. Muzan can even give them more blood to make them even stronger.
Milim: Like how strong?
Tanjiro: Well, not like in your guys' level that for sure. But I doubt that here in this world that they're much stronger.
Echidna: Hold on, you said this world. Are you saying that he is from a different world?
Tanjiro: Yes. From some of you who don't know, he and I are from a another world.
Deku: That goes for me too.
Guy: Well I guess that make sense.
Tanjiro: Anyway, Muzan Kibutsuji has a group called the Kizuki.
Anos: Kizuki? That sounds familiar.
Lucifer: Would you mind explain it to us about the Kizuki.
Tanjiro: Sure. The Kizuki are a group of demons that played a rule. Some are Lower ranks and some are Upper ranks.
Arial: So there is a rank tier.
Luminous: Question. What do these Kizuki have that makes them a member?
Tanjiro: The Kziuki would have a number gouge in there eye balls. If you remember my fight with Clayman, he had one that said Lower Moon 10. Which means he's part of Muzan's Kizuki. It also shows that he was one the weakest of the Kizuki.
Dagrual: So you're saying that they're might be stronger ones out there?
Tanjiro: *Nods*
Ramiris: But what about Muzan himself, is he powerful?
Tanjiro: Maybe. He might be powerful enough to rival some of you guys.
Guy: I see. So this Muzan fellow is not to be taken likely. *Looks at Deku* But what about you with this All For One Guy?
Deku: Well, All For One is like a Demon Lord in my world. All he cares about is world domination and stealing powers from people. All For One has the ability to steal or give people powers like it was nothing. And he can uses multiple powers at once.
Milim: Is he strong?
Deku: Yeah. He also has a partner that can create monster beings called Nomu. If you remember from the fight against Clayman, he had two of them by his side. And they also can uses multiple powers.
Rimuru: But what about them now?
Kumoko: Are they working together?
Deku: I'm afried so.
Tanjiro: With those two working as a team, I bet they are plotting something that might help them rule this world.
Leon(Mind): Hmm... So those two are bad news. I should keep my guard up just in case. Besides, I don't want them getting in my way of my goal.
Deku and Tanjiro look up at the ceiling thinking about their enemies and what they are plotting.
Deku & Tanjiro(Mind): Make my words, All For One/Muzan, I will defeat you, once and for all...
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