Kanao's eyes slowly readjusted to the evening light as she awoke once more. It seemed she was the first, as the others slowly began rising after her.
Kanao: *Rubs eyes* Ugh... My head feels... full.
Shuna: *Sits up, yawning* So... is that what it's like evolving? It felt weird... weird
Shizu: *Moves to Shuna* Hay, Shuna. You feeling ok?
Shuna: *Smiles* Yes, I'm fine, Shizu. How are you, Kanao?
Kanao: I'm fine. Looks like I have evolved into an Evergreen Fairy. I guess my connection to Tanjiro had evolved me.
Shuna: What about you, Koksuhibo-san?
The three girls look and see Koksubhibo getting up. When he turned his face, the girls were shocked.
Kokushibo: Is something wrong? And why can I only see with only two eyes?
Yoriichi: Michikatsu.
Kokushibo: Yes, brother.
Yoriichi: You might wanna touch your face.
Kokushibo touches his face and notices that he looks human. Later, Insouke, Zenitsu and Shion were starting to wake up.
Shion: *Slowly sits up* Oh god... my head is killing me. How long was I out?
Shuna: Shion!
Shuna runs up and hugs Shion as she tears up.
Shuna: You came back back... thank goodness it worked!
Shion: *Hugs Shuna* Hay pinky! Good to see you weren't hurt. And what about the others? Zenitsu and Inosuke died before me.
Inosuke: *Rubs his eyes* Augh... What the hell happened?
Zenitsu: How are we even alive?
Nezuko and Aoi ran up and hugged Zenitsu and Inosuke with tears in their eyes. Ochako was the last to wake up and saw Kanao and Eri hugging her as well.
Kanao: *🥹* Thank goodness. We were so worried!
Eri: *😭* I really missed you, mama!
Ochako: Sorry for worrying you guys.
Shizuno: *Smiles* It's good to have you back, Ochako.
Ochako: *😄* It's good to be back.
Inosuke: So, is anyone going to catch us up on what's going on?
Shion: Yeah, did we get our revenge on those humans?
Nezuko: Trust me, we got them all. I'll tell you while wait for Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro to wake up.
Shizu: Their evolution hit us all like trucks, as the rest are out cold for now.
Nezuko then told Shion what she had missed for the past week as Denki and Minata helped the others wake up. Rimuru(Slime), Deku and Tanjiro eventually woke up in Shion, Ochako and Kanao's arms. After a small scare with the "Shion's Cooking" incident, they have guests. It was the three Beastketeers. They explain to Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro about what happened in Eurazania.
[Beast Kingdom of Eurazania]
???: *Chuckles* Greetings, Eurazania. I'm All For One. And starting today, I declare war on the Beastmaster himself. Demon Lord Carrion.
Carrion: Seriously?
All For One: The war will begin in one week. That should you enough time before the fight. Until then, enjoy life as well as you can. *Disappears*
Carrion: Hold it right there! Tell me why you want to attack us?!
Suphia: *Holds fist* So it's war, then? Bring it on! I'll even take the lead if you'll allow me to!
Phobio: Wait, Suphia. We still don't know who he is and how powerful this All For One guy is. Even if the entire Brigade were to take him on at once, he might just slaughter everyone without breaking a sweat.
Carrion: Oh, really? So, of the two of us, which one is stronger?
Everyone looks at Phobio with an answer that he cannot respond to.
Phobio: Though it pains me a great deal to admit this, he might be powerful enough to even rival Demon Lord Milim the Destroyer.
Carrion: Hmm. I see. So you're saying he's the stronger one.
Phobio: No, sir! I didn't mean-
Carrion: If I turned tail just because an enemy was strong, then I'd be a sorry Demon Lord. Plus, it'll be fun to fight this All For One guy. I can't pass up such an interesting opportunity, now can I? Go talk to our slime and green dragon friend. And send our citizens to the Great Forest of Jura. If they're still here when All For One and I start our fight, there will be casualties. Furthermore, no one shall engage the guy but me.
Albis: What? But, sir-!
Suphia: Let me fight, too!
Phobio: Please! Allow us to assist you-
Carrion: *Releases Haki* That's enough! Only I am capable of fighting this guy, do you understand?! *Stops releasing haki* I want you three to prioritize the safety of our citizens. I will not allow you to intervene in our battle, got it?
Beastketeers: *Kneels down* Right!
Carrion: Have faith. I'll win this fight... *Mind* I don't know who you are, All For One, but you made the mistake of fighting me.
-End of Flashback for now-
Albis: And that's what happened. This guy declared war ten days ago.
Deku: I see. So All For One decided to make a move well we were busy.
Albis: And then, three days ago...
-Back to the Flashback-
We see Carrion and All For One clash with each other in the sky.
Carrion: Hay, All For One. What's up with the declaration of war?
All For One: *Chuckles* I just wanna test out this new body.
Carrion: New body?
All For One: Yes. You see, I just got this and trying to use this new power I hold. Now that I'm here. Show what you're made of, Demon Lord Carrion.
Carrion: You're on! If I don't beat you at your best, then I'll never be able to prove that I'm the strongest of the Demon Lords!
Carrion then transforms into his beast form.
Carrion: Hehold! What you're seeing is my Unique Skill. It's Royal Beast Form! For I am the Beast King! Carrion the Beastmaster!
All For One: Heh.
Carrion: It's too bad, but I can't let you leave now that you've seen this form. Believe me when I say it's not personal. I'm done holding back. It's time to end this! *Rises his blade* This is where you and I part ways! Beast Roar!
Carrion fires his Beast Roar attack at All For One which hits him and causes an explosion. But when dissipated, he was still standing and laughing.
Carrion: I see. You've been holding back this whole time, haven't you?
All For One: *Laughs* That was actually fun. It's been ages since my body strung like that. It's only fair that I find a way to repay you.
All For One then starts charging up as Carrion was on guard. All For One then fires a large beam attack called White Nova which Carrion barely dodges as the attack destroys his Beast King. As Carrion turns around, he sees the destruction All For One can do.
Carrion: *Mind* He's... on another level. *Out loud* Yes. All For One just be...
Suddenly a woman with wings appears behind Carrion while holding a dagger.
[Sky Queen-Demon Lord Frey]
Frey: Might be what? I'd love to know your thoughts, Lord Carrion.
Carrion: The Sky Queen Frey. Is that you?
Frey: Yes, naturally.
Carrion: Ah. How annoying.
Frey: What? Come now, that's just hurtful. And here I was hoping we could have a nice talk.
-End of Flashback-
Rimuru: Whoa, so Eurazania was totally destroyed?
Phobio: Indeed. I witnessed the whole thing.
Albis: But we did evacuate the citizens in advance, so they are safe.
Rimuru: *To Rigurd* We need to arrange lodging and food for the refugees!
Rigurd: Sir! While I hesitated to do so, I made arrangements without permission.
Rimuru: Oh, good. Excellent job.
Albis: We're grateful to you.
Deku: Still, the Demon Lord Frey was with All For One?
Phobio: We never imagined the two of them would team up.
Tanjiro: Yeah, it definitely seems a bit weird.
Deku: If I know one thing about All For One, he definitely would pull tricks up his sleeves to throw us off his tracks. So I know how he acts.
Phobio: Regarding that... When Demon Lord Frey finally left. She didn't go back home. Nor was she traveling with All For One.
Tanjiro: Where'd she go?
Phobio: Somewhere much worse. Toward Demon Lord Clayman's domain.
Albis: What?!
Suphia: *Growls* But that's madness! I have to go *About to leave*
Albis: Hold it, Suphia! You want revenge? Then the three of us will go there together.
Rimuru: Easy there, sluggers. For what it's worth, I think Demon Lord Carrion is still alive. There's something more to all this.
Tanjiro: And Bet Muzan Kibutsuji is also involved in this.
Rimuru: So don't go flying off the handle and razing any cities just yet. We won't be able to help anyone unless we figure this out and work together.
Albis: *Bows along the two* As you wish.
Suphia & Phobio: Okay./All right.
Rimuru(Mind): Is All For One, Muzan and Demon Lord Clayman the one pulling the strings? If that's true, then we could very well be up against three different beings.
Rimuru(Slime), Deku and Tanjiro moved to the hills to oversee things.
Rimuru: Well... There's still a lot to figure out, huh?
Deku and Tanjiro nodded when they sensed 5 individuals appear. The one demon who Rimuru summoned came up to him.
Black Demon 1: I see you've awakened from your slumbers. We are so glad.
Rimuru: Uh, yeah?
Black Demon 1: We offer my sincere congratulations on your 3's successful evolution to Demon Lords.
Rimuru: For sure. Who are you again?
The demon was shocked that Rimuru didn't remember him.
Black Demon 1: *Holds his head* My... what a wicked sense of humor... I may be a demon, my lord, but I assure you, even I have feelings.
Rimuru(Mind): These dudes have some crazy strong demon vibes. But he is not ringing a bell.
Ranga: He is one of the demons that was summoned when you consumed the souls of the soldiers of Falmuth, Master.
Rimuru: Oh, duh! You still hangin' around?!
Black Demon 1: *Even more dreaded* Uh. Yes, sir...?
Rimuru: I heard you really did me a solid back there! Thanks a lot, bruh!
Black Demon 1: Ah! Please! It was my pleasure. On that note, sir-
Rimuru: Sorry to keep you, feel free to go! It's whatever.
Black Demon 2: Now hold there, Rimuru-sama. We actually came here to serve under you three.
Deku: How come?
Doll Demon: It's because we wish to serve you because you called us from your demon summoning.
Ruby Demon: It'll be nothing more but to be a part of your people. That is all what we wish for.
Rimuru: *Mind* But these guys are obviously a lot higher-ranked than something like a greater demon, right? Are they that hard up for a job? *Whispers to Ranga* Hay, Ranga. Are you positive these are the same demons we summoned?
Ranga: Without a doubt, sir.
Rimuru: I see... Well, okay. *To the demons* You cool with working for free?
Black Demon 2: Of course.
Black Demon 1: Serving you is all the payment we need.
Tanjiro: Then it's a deal.
Big Yellow Demon: *😄* Janemba! Janemba! Janemba! Janemba!
Rimuru goes first on naming his demon, Diablo. After being given him a name, Deku and Tanjiro were next on naming their demons. Deku looks at the Black Demon 2 and Doll Demon and finds the perfect names for them.
Deku: Your names are Susanoo and Pump.
Black Demon 2: Thank you, Deku-sama.
Doll Demon: We are in your honor.
Tanjiro: My turn. *Thinking* Let's see... Ah! How about Galand and Janemba?
Ruby Red: I like that name!
Big Yellow Demon: *Nods* Janemba!
After naming the demons, the magicules they were given to them had evolved them. After the evolution was over they have thanked Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro for the names.
Diablo: Diablo... That is my name. My heart overflows with gratitude.
Susanoo: We thank you for giving us names. From this day forward.
Diablo & Susanoo: We offer you our complete and utter devotion.
Rimuru: Heh. We'll be counting on you.
Diablo: Now. It seemed as though something was troubling you three.
Susanoo: Please tell us if we can assist.
Rimuru: Oh, it's no big deal... Okay, that's a lie. It's about the future.
Deku: I get what you mean. The thing with All For One, Muzan and Clayman and the aftermath of the Kingdom of Falmuth and Norn, and the Forever Knights plan on attacking Tempest someday.
Diablo: Quite the Dilemma.
Repheal: [Notice: I believe there's no need to worry about the Forever Knight army.]
Rimuru: Why's that?
Repheal: [Beacuse the Appraisal of the Unlimited Imprisonment that seals the individual named Veldora is nearly complete.]
Rimuru: What?! So it's seriously possible to free Veldora?!
Repheal: [Seriously.]
Rimuru: I thought that would take hundreds of years! You're amazing, Repheal!
Repheal: [If Veldora is free and able to fight, that should be more than enough to keep the Forever Knights and other places in check.]
Rimuru: That's true. As warriors, they can't afford to be careless and anger a dragon.
Deku: Hay, Rimuru. Is anything okay?
Rimuru: Yeah. It's just that I can now free Veldora.
Tanjiro: Veldora... Isn't he the true dragon you have in smile stomach?
Rimuru: Yap. And I doubt those people would be stupid enough to anger a True Dragon. And even if they were, he'd be more than able to handle them alone. That leaves Clayman to us.
Deku: Good. I've wanted to give that bastard a piece of my mind since the war started. He tried to wipe us out, so I think it's fair we return the favor.
Rimuru: Don't worry, Deku. We will, and I'll let you and Tanjiro land the first punch if you'd like. In the meantime, I'd like to free Valdora as soon as possible. Care to come with me and meet him? He's kinda the reason I've been able to get this far.
Deku and Tanjiro: Sure./Of course.
Rimuru: Diablo, I want you and the others to help prepare the feast tonight. Just don't tell anyone about what we're doing, alright? I want it to be a surprise.
Diablo: Leave everything to me, Rimuru-sama. I'm sure the citizens will be quite overjoyed when you bring the Strom Dragon back.
Rimuru: Perfect. Let's go, Deku and Tanjiro. We don't want to get back late.
Tanjiro: We're right behind you.
Rimuru began bouncing away, and Deku and Tanjiro were right behind him. It didn't take long to get there, and both agreed that Rimuru's human form appeared more mature. When Rimuru(Human) released Veldora from his prison, Deku and Tanjiro could almost feel the power of the dragon. He had to take a step back before Veldora entered his new body.
Veldora: Ahahahahahahah! I am the Strom Dragon, Veldora Tempest! Revived! And those who defy me will be slaughtered! Ahahahahahahhahaha!
Rimuru: Jeez, I didn't expect him to be so loud. I'm pretty sure even people in Tempest heard him.
Deku: Honestly, this is nothing to me. My mentor was pretty loud back home, and there was someone else who almost made us deaf every day.
Tanjiro: Same thing with my friend and Rangoku-san.
Veldora: *Floats down* Rimuru! It is good to see you again, my friend! And I see you've brought some people with you! Who might they be?
Rimuru: It's good to see you too, Veldora. This is Deku and Tanjiro, they are otherworlders, and they are also my friends.
Deku: It's an honor to meet you, Strom Dragon Veldora.
Tanjiro: Me too. Rimuru speaks very highly of you.
Veldora: Hahahahaha! Well, this is a surprise! Two more otherworlders made their way here. And one is a dragonoid this time. You're quite strong just like me. If you don't mind me asking, are you any good at Shogi? I've been waiting for some new competition for a while now.
Deku: *Rubs head* I'm afraid I might be very rusty. I haven't had time to play since I came to this world and been in Rimuru's country.
Tanjiro: Same here, sadly.
Veldora: His own country? How there's a surprise I didn't see coming! You've been quite busy, haven't you best buddy?
Rimuru: "Best Buddy'? Where did you learn to talk like that?
Veldora: Well, I didn't have much to do inside your stomach, so I read through your memories. Mainly, the Manga you have memorized. I also noticed a fair bit of... not safe for work stuff. I didn't dare look at it, but perhaps you can enlighten me. What exactly... is Fut-
Veldora: *Rubs cheek* Ow... that hurt. I've just been revived and you're being so mean. *Pouts*
Deku(Mind): Wow, he wasn't kidding about being a Tsundere. And here I thought Jirou was the biggest Tsundere I knew.
Tanjiro(Mind): And thought Sanemi-san and Obanai-san were the biggest Tsundere.
Veldora: Anyway, tell me about
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