Chapter 4(Akaza): A Corrupted Capital

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 (Booglé: Akaza and the other Upper and lower demons have their normal human eyes, so remember that)

Akaza's P.O.V

I'm sure you guys remember me; how did I become a demon, made a donut hole out of someone's favorite Hashira, got beheaded by a forehead boy, and then kill himself just to see his dead fiancé? you get the rest.

I am Upper Moon 3 Akaza, and I was sent here by God, to have a second chance in life and away from Kibutsuji. But in my mind, I always ask why me after everything I did? I keep thinking about it all day and night. I was teleported along with my fiancé into a forest and it was sunny, which meant, I could walk in the daytime freely without getting burned. Right now I'm at an inn talking to the owner.

Inn owner: Sorry sir, but without money, you can't stay in the inn.

Akaza: I understand.

I just asked the owner can I stay for a few days, but I don't have money so, I have no choice but to stay outside for the night... again. I was making a campfire as my fiancé, Koyuki, watched me

Akaza: Sorry that I couldn't find a place for us to sleep...again.

Koyuki: *😊* It's fine, Hakuji-kun. As long I'm with you, nothing really matters.

Akaza: *Sighs but smiles* I'm grateful.

Is about to turn night and I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish we could say it in a building. Every night we encounter monsters called "Danger Beasts" and other monstrous animals that are nocturnal. I have no problem dealing with them since I used to be the Kizuki's 3rd strongest demon. And lucky for us, we found a cave that we could sleep in for a while. I decided to stay outside the cave watching out for monsters that might attack us again. Guess you might say I'm also nocturnal.

Koyuki: Don't stay up too late, Hakuji-kun.

Akaza: I won't. *Mind* Haaaa...I wonder how Tanjiro, Kyojuro, Kokushibo and the rest are doing? Hope they have an easy life unlike us right now.

(Next Morning)

3rd Person P.O.V

It was morning now, and Akaza and Koyuki were walking around the village looking for a job. One of the people told them that there was a guild they could try, but also told them that the guild master was a jerk and only cared about their status. After hearing this, the two decided to look for another job or a guild that didn't care about status. As they were walking, Akaza and Koyuki walked passed four people. Two were knights, one was a blonde girl, and the last one was a teenage boy with light brown hair.

Knight 1: Hay did you see that stripe guy that girl was with?

Knight: Yeah, you're right.

Boy: I wonder if they are a couple.

Girl: Maybe? I'm kinda jealous of those two.

Akaza and Koyuki continued walking until they saw wanted posters of 9 individuals. Two posters caught their attention since they were very familiar with them. Akaza's eyes widen in shock.

Akaza: Is that, the sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui? Why is he wanted? And that that two-bun girl, she was with us back at the God's place.

Koyuki: Why did they become criminals?

Akaza: That's what I want to know.

Akaza and Koyuki continued looking at the posters as they also noticed their team name.

Akaza and Koyuki: "Night Raid".

Akaza then looks at one of the posters and sees a girl with black hair which the striped demon was familiar with.

Akaza: (Head) Wait! I know her.


Akaza was walking down the road until he pumps into someone and then sees a girl with long deep black hair, wears a black and red dress, and has red eyes.

Akaza: Oh! Sorry about that I was just passing by.

???: Is fine.

Akaza(mind): I can sense her spirit; it feels like she has been through a lot.

???: Is something wrong?

Akaza: OH! Noting! Is noting. Anyway, I'll be heading out now. About to leave.

???: Wait.

Akaza: *turns around* Hmm?

???: You might be hungry after traveling. Here

The girl breaks a piece of her sandwich and gives it to Akaza

Akaza:  Thanks

The girl nods with a smile and then walks off. Akaza then walks to the opposite direction with the sandwich piece.

Akaza(Mind): Who is she

???: Hakuji-kun...Hakuji-kun

(End of flashback)

Koyuki: Hakuji-kun

Akaza snaps out of his flashback as he shakes his head.

Koyuki: You okay, it looks like you remember something.

Akaza: "Uh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just keep looking for a job.

(That Night)

Somewhere inside a mansion, we see a blonde woman walking down the hallway while holding a diary.

Blonde Woman: Well, well. Now I can add another entry to my diary. *Chuckles* What an addicting little hobby this is.

From out of nowhere her legs and arms were cut off before she even knew it. A girl with long purple hair, has glasses and carries a giant scissor that is now stained in fresh blood.

Purple girl: *Bowed* I'm sorry.

???: Aw, don't feel that bed.

Someone appears from the shadowy hallway with a vampiric smile on their face.

Besides, is the right thing to do.

Back with Akaza and Koyuki, they were strolling around the forest until our good boy Akaza sensed something bad was happening. Koyuki looks at her fiancée in worry.

Koyuki: Hauji...Is there something wrong?

Akaza didn't respond and kept looking at the sky. That's when he and Koyuki spotted something in the air. The two sew seven people standing on thin strings that somehow hold their weight as they also see a blood moon that is illuminated in the night sky. One with gray armor that had a white cape behind him, and he held a spear. The next one was a girl wearing a pink dress that matched her hair and she carried a large rifle. Then there was one of the men that wore a brown trench coat and his gloves seemed to have string attached at the end of his fingers. Then the other one was a woman who had long wavy yellow hair and she had cat-like features. Then there is a girl that looks like she is 13, and she wears a black and red dress and she wields a purplish axe. Then Akaza was surprised that Uzui was with them. Then the final one was the same girl with long black hair, that he met but now she was carrying a katana. And they knew who they were.

Akaza/Koyuki(Mind): "The Assassins of Night Raid".

Akaza asks Koyuki to hide somewhere as he runs off to find out why the Night Raid is here.

(With The Night Raid)

The guards charge at Akame, Rory, and Uzui. But the three were just too fast for them before they even knew it.

Uzui: "Sadly, we're killing people and not demons, but since these guys hurt innocent lives.

 Uzui spins his cleavers around him and smiles in a flashy way.

I'll protect these innocent people, in a Flamboyant way.

Rory: *Giggles* I see, you still doing what should be called, Flamboyance?

Uzui: Hay now, you know is my motto.

Rory: *Looks at Akame* So, should we continue executing are playful targets?

Akame: *Nods*

With Koyuki, she somehow found the mansion and went inside to see if someone was there. Koyuki was running inside the mansion to see if there were any survivors, he then stopped and saw the dead body of Aria's mom with blood on the floor. Koyuki can't believe how unmerciful Night Raid can be, she then looks at the mom's dairy.

Koyuki: Looks like one of the Night Raid members killed her when she was writing her diary, but I wonder what reason they did that?

Akaza's fiancé picks up the dairy and then reads it. Koyuki reads through the mother's diary trying to figure out why Night Raid is doing this.

Koyuki(Mind): Dear Dairy, my daughter was super jealous of a girl named Sayo because her black hair was longer and more beautiful than hers, so she tortured the young lady until she died. It was sad that I didn't get the chance to play with her, but there are more playful things to have fun with. I joyfully played a boy named Ieyasu by injecting him with the Lubola virus, he was quite the resilient, but this night he will die soon as his body started to get weak. I love how

Koyuki drops the dairy and zones out in horror as she realizes that the family are psychopath murderers while carrying her mouth.

Koyuki(mind): They did that to someone's friends!?... I knew that something was off!

She then realizes that her fiancée was heading toward the group not noticing that the Night Raid are the good guys. So Koyuki runs off out of the mansion to search for Akaza. Elsewhere we now focus on Tatsumi staring at Akame in a sword position well protecting Aria. Leone is watching from a distance seeing Tatsumi going up against Akame.

Leone: Geez, that guy can't catch a break, can he?

Tatsumi and Akame stare at each other waiting for one of them to make a move.

Tatsumi(Head): She's better than me...I won't stand a chance against her...But, if I can't save one can I possibly expect to save my village?

The wind blows around them as Tatsumi and Akame charge at each other ready to clash with their swords. Suddenly something crash-landed in between them which caused a big dust cloud. Leone covers her eyes as the dust clears. When she opens her eyes, she sees Akaza blocking both Tatsumi and Akame in the middle of their fight.

Leone: *😃* Woah! Where did that guy come from!?

Tatsumi: W-Who are you?

Akaza: Call me Akaza. I'm here to-

Akaza was interrupted by Akame as she tried to slice him. The stripe demon dodges her blade in mere seconds. Akaza looks at Akame and sees how sharp and intent her spirit is.

Akaza(Mind): Man, her fighting spirit It's insane. And how calm and serious she is.

Akame then decided to speak.

Akame: I see that you're doing well...

Akaza: Thanks, it's been a while.

Tatsumi: Wait you two know each other!?

Akaza: Kind of, but that's not the main thing right now. Kid, that girl your-

Tatsumi: Akaza, look out!

Akaza was cut off again by Akame and dodged her blade.

Akaza(Head): "Looks like I have to knock or slow her down to explain to the boy about that girl she's protecting

Akaza does a battle stance and a snowflake symbol circles around him.

(End it at 0:21)

Tatsumi looks at Akaza in awe seeing his power for the first time.

Leone(Mind): Now this is something!

Akame: Hope you're ready?

Akaza: I'm ready when you are.

Akame looks at Akaza without making a single facial expression, but she can tell that this guy will be difficult to beat. She ran towards Akaza with her blade in seconds, our martial arts demon blocked the blade with his right arm, his skin had handled many slayers in his previous life, so the sword didn't cut through his arm all the way. This surprises Akame a little and steps back.

Akame(Mind): I can tell that this man fought sword-wielders before, not to mention the poison isn't affecting him after getting in contact with my Murasame...Could he be a living Teigu?

Akaza leaps into the air and calls out his next Destructive Death.

Akaza: Destructive Death-Air Type!

Akaza punches the air leaving Akame on guard and puzzled about Akaza's powers. She looks around trying to block or counter the incoming attack, then she feels a strong impact hitting her midsection.

Akame: GAH!

Tatsumi/Leone(Mind): Did she get hit by something!?

Akaza continued creating shockwaves by punching the air. It didn't take Akame long to figure out about Akaza's Air Type attacks.

Akame(Mind): So when he punches the air, it creates an invisible shockwave that hits the target without knowing it." Dodges well in thought.

Tatsumi was distracted by battle not noticing that Aria ran off into the forest away from the scene. But what Aira didn't know was that someone was following her from the trees.

???: And where did you think you're going, little missy?

Back at the battle, Akaza and Akame clash with each other with Akaza using his fist against Akame's Murasame.

(Imagine Rengoku is Akame and the flames are just normal slashes)

Akaza: *Smile* Of all the sword wielders I faced many years ago, I never fought someone as skillful as you! The only two people who gave me a battle this intense were full of capacity.

Akame: Is that so...It's breathtaking that someone who knows martial arts can square up against me.

Leone(Mind): Now this is wild! I've never seen Akame having a hard time, fighting someone this long before! And this Akaza guy, he sure can pair up with her, and his Descusve or what it's called is something else. I wonder if that is his Teigu or a living Teigu himself? Hmm, I wonder?

Tatsumi(Mind): ...Akaza, how strong are you?

Akame ducks down and charges aiming for Akaza's throat, but then she notices that he's smirking and it doesn't take her long to know it was a trap.

Akaza: Leg Type-Explosive Flurry!

Akame was engulfed by the shockwaves, she was quick enough to block but she still got hit and it made a big explosion that could be seen by some raiders. Tatsumi who was watching covered his eyes

Tatsumi(Mind): Is that it...did

When the dust is clear, Tatsumi sees Akaza perfectly fine, but as for Akame, she's on the ground trying to get up by using her Murasame and she has a few bruise marks and feels a little weary.

Akaza: It's done. Stops fighting.

Tatsumi: Wait what!? Confused.

Akame: So have no interest in killing me? 

Akaza: Correct, I never planned on killing you in the first place, my real plan was either exhausting you or knocking you out. Oh, and you come out of the bushes I know you're there." Turns and looks at the bushes.

Leone: Haha, you got me. 

Tatsumi: Hay! You're the girl with boobs!

Akaza(Mind): *🤨* Is that how he describes her?

Leone: Hahaha, yap that's what they call me.

???: Hauji-kun!

Everyone turned to see Koyuki running towards them. Akaza was confused about why his fiancé was there until she whispered in his ear. Akaza's eyes widen in shock after what he just heard.

Akaza: *😨* Seriously?

Koyuki: It's true. I read it in the woman's diary.

Akame/Leone(Mind): Did she figure out the secret about the family?

They walk towards the warehouse as Akaza kicks the door down and looks inside to find out that the mom's diary is telling the truth. Tatsumi follows behind him and sees Akaza and Koyuki freeze in dismay.

Tatsumi: Akaza you can't...just...what hell is this!?

The boys stared into the shed seeing dead people hanging with ropes tied around their hands, mutilated bodies of men and women alike on the ground, and some are inside cages.

Leone: Welcome to the capital.

Akaza: ...What the hell...are we looking at!?

Leone: We learn that the family picks out newcomers from the countryside and tortures them to death for their sick entertainment.

The boys look up and see a woman with long black hair which Tatsumi recognizes in gasp.

Tatsumi: Say-Sayo?

Akaza brings Sayo's dead body to the ground and checks to see if she has a pulse. He then looks at Tatsumi with a hint of sadness on his face.

Akaza: ...She's...gone.

Tatsumi tried to hold back his tears until he and the others heard a voice.

???: " that really you...

They turn and see another of Tatsumi's friends who is in a cage covered in bruises.

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