Chapter 37: Despair and Hope

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Rimuru(Human) and Shizu were walking back home to Tempest when they sensed someone nearby. As they were looking for the person, both Shizu and Great Sage detected a magic barrier that prevented them from using any teleportation magic.

Shizu: This is bad.

Rimuru: Looks like who did this doesn't want us to escape.

???: Rimuru-sama!

They turned around and saw Seoui's body double by a nearby tree. When they reach him, they see bruises and cuts on him.

Shizu: What happened to you?

Seoui: Please listen. You must flee. Enemies! A lot! They're dangerous!- *Disappears*

Rimuru: Wait, Seoui! I don't get it. What's going on?

Rimuru then tries to call Range but to no prevail. Shizu then tries to call out Dala, but she didn't answer either. Rimuru then detects another barrier so asks Great Sage to use Magic Barrier resistance. It works, but he can only use a limited amount of magic.

Rimuru: Not good. If the person who put up these barriers is out there, Seoui and others would definitely notice. I bet the force field trapped us before Thought Communication wore us about any danger. Which means the user is targeting us specifically.

Shizu: If that's the case, then what are they after?

Rimuru: I don't know, but be on guard.

Rimuru and Shizu look around for the enemy when they see a man covered in silver armor walking toward them. Along the armored man was a red armored ninja with two small dull blades.

Forever King: I would say hello, but this is technically more like a goodbye.

Shizu: Who are you?

Forever King: I am the Forever King, and this is my partner Forever Ninja. We are here to eliminate you two and Tempest.

Rimuru: You want to destroy Tempest? No, you already attacked it, didn't you?

Forever King: Well, someone has.

Rimuru: Tell us why you want to destroy Tempest. Who's behind this and why?

Forever King: Guess I'll tell since I'm a humble Knight. It is because my Lords want to make sure to get rid of the obstacles that might be a threat to their plan.

Shizu: And who are your Lords?

Forever King: Lord All For One and Muzan-sama. But that's enough talking. Let's start are dual.

The Forever King then summons a sword from the ground. The sword he carries is huge.

Forever King: As a knight, I must fulfill my rule to eliminate my Lord's enemies.

Rimuru & Shizu: *Pull out their swords*

Forever Ninja: *Pulls out his dual blades*

Meanwhile, we see Deku face-to-face with two individuals. One was a huge silver dragon with a woman riding on him. Both Deku and the dragon fly down to the ground with the woman getting off its back. The dragon then transforms into a small boy.

Deku(Mind): He may look like a young boy, but I know he's an adult.

Boy: So this is the boy we heard so much about. I have to say, he looks very intriguing.

Sofia: You're telling me. And what's better that he's a dragon making it even more fun.

Deku: Who are you two?

Boy: I am Lancer, but also known as Mitsurugi. And this is Sofia Bulga, currently known as the Dragon Slayer. Now, tell us your name.

Deku: Deku Heiwato, a Hero in Training. Now what do you want from me?

Sofia: It should be obvious. We're to kill you.

Deku: But why?

Lancer: You see, Lord All For One and Muzan-sama wants us to remove those who get in their way.


Sofia: Now then, this won't take long. Time to die!

Sofia dashes towards Deku while she swings her blade at him. But Deku quickly dodges and Roundhouse kicks her away. Lancer fires Fire magic at him but Deku does the same which surpasses his.

Lancer: *😧* What! He has fire magic that surpasses mine!?

Deku: That's not the only thing I can do.

Deku then edited lighting magic into his fire and hit Lacner. Luckily, Lancer summons a barrier but it barely stands the hit. Sofia then appears and swings at Deku, but he blocks with his arms thanks to his dragon scales. Sofia was surprised but continued battling him. The Dragon Slayer does an upward slash with Deku barely dodging her sword.

Deku(Mind): This will get nowhere if I hold back. Time to go full power. One For All 100%!

Deku boosted his quirk and started going faster. Deku rushes toward Sofia and is able to hit her directly and was pushed far away.

Sofia: Now that's more like it!

Sofia leaps towards him and swings her blade at him again. Deku and Sofia clash with fist vs blade with Deku having the edge against her. Deku was going on the offensive and pushed Sofia back instantly.

Sofia: *Painting* You're not bad, kid. But let's see how you handle this!

Sofia swings a powerful slash at Deku at high speed. But, Deku being a champ takes the hit by grabbing the slash attack with his bare hands. Sofia and Lancer were shocked by this. They were even more shocked when Deku crushed the slash with his raw strength alone.

Lancer: No way! He destroyed that slash attack with just his bare hands?

Sofia: *Smiles* Finally, a worthy opponent!

Just before Sofia could think about what to do next, they heard a voice in their head.

???: Sofia, Lancer.

Lancer(Mind): Huh? Is that you, Lord All For One?

All For One: You must retreat. It seems we have miscalculated our enemy.

Lancer(Mind): *Nods* As you wish.

Sofia: Looks like time for us to leave.

Deku: Already?

Lancer: Sadly yes. But I'm sure next time we will meet again.

Sofia: Until next time.

Lancer then transforms into his dragon form with Sofia riding on his back and flying off. Deku continues heading toward Tempest using his Fa Jin to boost his flit. Meanwhile, Rimuru and Shizu are having a hard time dealing with Forever King and Forever Ninja as they clash swords.

Forever King: *While fighting* Even with your skills block, you're still able to stand up against me.

Rimuru: Thanks for the compliment.

Forever King pushes him back and fires magic bullets at him. Rimuru deflects and dodges the magic bullets. Forever King then uses a powerful dark blast which Rimuru avoids and appears behind him and was about to jab him until the sliver knight disappears and reappears beside him.

Forever King: It's over.

Rimuru: *Smirks* Are you sure about that?

Forever King: !?

Rimuru: Tempest Breathing-Seventh Form: Unsure Gust!

Rimuru speed past Forever King's sword and appears behind him and slashes him at high speed. Forever King tries to block with his sword but gets hit by a few slashes and falls back.

Rimuru: Tempest Breathing-First Form: Thunderous Churning Ocean!

Rimuru dashes towards Forever King at high speed again and hits him on the side leaving a large slash on his armor. Forever King was surprised to see his armor being cut by Rimuru. We then focus on Shizu clashing with the Forever Ninja. Shizu seems to be keeping up with the ninja. The Forever Ninja throws his ninja stars at her but Shizu deflects them. Shizu gets behind him and upward slashes at the ninja. Forever Ninja uses his dual blades to block the slash and swings them at her. Shizu quickly avoids the blades and leaps away. Shizu dashes back to the fight again and they clash again.

Shizu(Mind): *While fighting* This will get nowhere if I hold back. Guess I have no choice but to use that style.

Shizu backs away for a bit. She then takes a deep breath and flames appear from her mouth as her sword was covered in flames. Shizu dashes at the ninja at full speed and upward swings at him. Shizu smirks as she takes this chance and swings her blade downward.

Shizu: Hinokami Kagura-Dance!

Shizu downward slashes at Forever Ninja cutting his arm off. Shizu then gasps as she notices that Forever Ninja's arm was mechanical as speaks of electricity.

Rimuru: Wait, Forever Ninja is a robot?!

Forever King: Looks like my partner also underestimated you friend as well.

All For One: *In Forever King's mind* Forever King.

Forever King(Mind): My Lord?

All For One: You must head back. It seems we misjudged them.

Forever King(Mind): As you command.

Forever King puts away his sword and shuts down the two barriers and calls out to his partner to stand down.

Forever King: I must retreat to my lords. It seems we have made the wrong choice of fighting. But don't think this is over. Until we meet again, Rimuru Tempest, the ruler of the monsters, and Shizu the conquer of flames. I bid you farewell.

Forever King then uses his teleportation magic on him and Forever Ninja to disappear immediately.

Rimuru: That was close.

Shizu: *Walks in* To close for that.

Rimuru: Come on. Let's head back to Tempest and see what's going on.

Shizu: Right.


We see Tanjiro, Yoriichi, Koksuhibo, Hinata, Keyaru, Flare, Blade, Bullet, and the rest of the demon slayers arrive at Tempest only to see it in ruin. Towns burning, blood everywhere and so many dead bodies of civilians. Tanjiro looks around seeing the place in ruined and destroyed.

Gyomei: *Tears* These poor souls. All of them have lives.

Rengoku: Who could have could have done this?

???: Falmouth did this!

Everyone turns around and sees a female Ice wolf who Keyaru and his party recognize.

Keyaru: Setsuna-san.

Setsuna: Long time no see.

Tanjiro: Tell us what happened.

Setsuna: Three visitors from Falmouth arrived at Tempest and started causing chaos around the city. But Inosuke and Zenitsu were able to deal with those guys. But then a man named Hawkeye appeared and Zenitsu and Inosuke had to fight him.

Flare: *Gasp* Thrist Organ?

Blade: Why would Hawkeye would join with Falmouth?

Setsuna: You see, he was forced by a girl named Norn.

Flare: My sister?!

Keyaru: Now it makes sense why she after our the demon village incident.

Bullet: She must be planning her revenge on us by attacking anything that involves with us.

Shinobu: If so, then we have to do something.

Tanjiro: We'll worry about that later. First, let's find Rimuru and the others and see if they are okay.

Everyone: *Nods*

Everyone looks around the city as Tanjiro calls out Inosuke and Zenitsu's name. But when they saw Rimuru and Deku, they were relieved. Rimuru told them what happened and about it all part of Clayman's idea. Tanjiro and Deku were upset by letting it go for now. But later, after some of their friends have recovered, Shuna and the others show them something that made them grief in rage and tears. Rimuru was shown the bodies of Shion and the other monsters which made him rage inside, but then showed Deku and Tanjiro the bodies of Ochako, Inosuke and Zenitsu. This made both of them break down in tears and blame themselves after seeing their loved ones dead in front of them. Deku and Tanjiro were hugged by their other friends trying to comfort them. But not all hope was lost. That's when Eren steps in.

Eren: Actually, I might be able to help you guys do one better.

Deku: *Wipes tears away* Wha...?

Tanjiro: What do you mean?

Eren: Well you see, I'm not actually a human. I'm an Elf, and back home, we have a legend about a lost kind of magic. *Reveals ears* Resurrection magic.

Rimuru: Really? You think... you can help us bring everyone back?

She nods and then tells the same story as canon. Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro decide they have to become demon lords if they want to bring their friends back to life, even if that means taking 10,000 human souls.

Rimuru: Souei, tell me again how many Falmuth and Jiroal soldiers came for this attack?

Souei: *Kneels* The Kingdom of Falmuth and Jiroal sent 40,000 soldiers for this attack. Why do you ask?

Rimuru: Because...

Tanjiro: We going to use them to evolve into Demon Lords.

Deku: Falmuth and that Norn girl wasn't alone in this, and we're gonna crush the man behind it all.

???: May we join?

Everyone turns around and sees four figures walking up to them. And alongside them is Millim

Millim: Hi, besties.

Rimuru: Millim? And who are you three?

White: Guess it's been a while since you last saw me.

Tanjiro: Wait, Kamoko, is that you?

Kamako: Yap. Long time no see. Sorry we could've arrived sooner.

Deku: That's fine. So what brings you guys here?

Milim: When I heard about what happened, I went sight away towards Tempest to tell you that there is a way to bring back you people from the dead.

Tanjiro: Sorry, but someone already told us about the Demon Lord revival thing.

Milim: *Looks down* Oh...

Deku: Don't worry, Milim. You can watch us as we awaken into Demon Lords.

Milim: Really? Yeah!

Ariel: I also came here to see the awakening of the Demon Lords. Oh yeah, I'm Demon Lord Ariel, the Demon Lord of Ancient Divine Beast.

Deku : *To Sophia and Wrath* And what about you two?

Sophia: I'm Sophia Keren.

Wrath: And I'm Wrath.

Rimuru: Well then. Let's talk about our plan against Falmuth and Jiroal in the meeting room.

Everyone: Hai!

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