Chapter 32(Deku): Shizuno Urushibara

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Deku and Ochako were wandering around in the Jura Forest. The two were enjoying their lovely walk when Ochako looked at his boyfriend and asked him something.

Ochako: Hay, Deku. There is something I need to tell you.

Deku: What is, sweety?

Ochako: There is someone I need you to meet. And I need your help saving her.

Deku: Saving who?


Ochako used teleportation magic to transport her and Deku into a dungeon. Later they arrive at one particular room where they see a huge block of ice with a person inside it. Deku was surprised.

Deku: Whoa. Is this what you meant?

Ochako: *Nods*. I met her when I was hanging around with Kanao and Noir. She told me that she was sealed away for some reason, and the only way to break it is for someone who was a dragonoid.

Deku: And since I'm a dragonoid now, you needed one that can break her icy seal.

Ochako: *Nods*. So, if you don't mind, would you help her?

Deku nodded as he walked towards the ice seal. He then places his hand on it and starts chanting. Ochako was amazed by Deku's magic chanting. It took 1 minute for the chant to be done. As it was done, the ice block starts to melt. It took about 10 minutes for it to evaporate as the person was now free. But she was unconscious as she fell back. Deku grabs the person in time before she hits the ground. Deku noticed that the person was a woman who was about his and Ochako's age and was wearing a black dress. She slowly opens her eyes as she says a few words.

???: Kento Greyheart?

Deku: *🤨* Who?

Suddenly, the woman holds Deku's face and does something unexpected. She gets close to Deku's face and kisses him on the lips in front of Ochako.


Ochako grabs Deku and pulls him away from the woman.

Ochako: *Mad* Deku, why did you let her kiss you like that!?

Deku: *Blushes like a tomato* It was unexpected!

???: *Falls asleep*

Deku: Hay, don't fall asleep!

Ochako then grabs the woman by her dress.

Ochako: Hay! What were thinking of kissing my boyfriend!?

???: I thought he was someone else.

Ochako: And you didn't think to check first!

???: I was half asleep.

Ochako: So you kiss people when you're asleep?!

???: I don't understand why you're upset.

Ochako: Because I ain't kissed him yet!

Deku: *🤨* But, didn't we kiss each other two times before?

Ochako: *😐* Oh...right.

The woman then grabs her staff and wipes the dust from her dress.

???: Sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Shizuno Urushibara.

Deku: My name is Deku Heiwato, a Dragonoid hero in training.

Shizuno: Ochako told me stories about you.

Deku: What kind of stories?

Shizuno: Lots of things. Anyway, was the kiss good?

Deku and Ochako: *😦* Huh?

Ochako: You're seriously asking for feedback!?

Deku: You know, you've been very calm since you first woke for a while. It's kinda shocking, you know?

Shizuno: Not at all, actually. It really isn't that much of a deal.

Deku: I guess so. Anyway, ready to leave?

Ochako and Shizuno: *Nods*


Deku and the girls made it out of the dungeon by Ochako's teleportation magic. Deku, Ochako and Shizuno were walking back to Tempest when our the green dragonoid had something in his mind he wanted to ask Shizuno.

Deku: Hay, Shizuno. How did you get sealed in that ice block in the first place?

Shizuno: I guess I won't mind telling you about what happened. 2000 years ago, my boyfriend's kingdom was attacked by an ancient monster. It wreaked havoc all over the kingdom and destroyed everything in its path. My beloved tried his best to defeat it, to no avail. So in a last ditch effort, he sealed me in a block of ice and sent me into the dungeon.

Deku: That must have been terrible.

Ochako: *Nods*. What happened to your boyfriend afterward?

Shizuno: I don't know. He probably might have died after sealing me away.

Deku and Ochako felt bad for Shizuno. So they have an idea and decide to take the lady into tempest. When they reached there, Shizuno asked the two if she could change her dress into something else. Deku and Ochako nodded as they headed to the cloth store. It didn't take long for her to pick the right clothing. She also changes her hairstyle because why not.

Shizuno: So, what do you two think of this?

Deku: I think it looks perfect on you.

Ochako: Agreed.

Shizuno then shows a small smile at them. Later, Deku and Ochako guide her to the city of Rimuru to eat, meet some friends, and find her house to live in. Shizuno suggested that she want to live with Deku and Ochako. Ochako was against it at first, but decided to let her live with them anyway. Later, they head into the hot springs where they are in the mixed one. Deku was kinda embarrassed because she sitting next to two beautiful girls. The only thing why he goes to the mixed area is because Ochako asks him to join in with her every time.

Shizuno: Ahh, that feels good.

Ochako: I know right. Are you enjoying it too, Deku?

Deku: *Slightly blushes* Y-yeah

Ochako: You know Deku, I have to ask. Why do you blush when a girl gets close to you?

Deku: Well, that's because I never talked to a girl in my life when I was young. The only people I talked to were only Kacchen and some of my other male friends. And every time a girl gets close to me, I blush and start freaking out.

Shizuno: So had zero experience with girls in your entire life?

Deku: *Nods*

Shizuno then crawled towards him while grabbing his face and placing his face in her breast. This made Deku blush like a red tomato.

Shizuno: I certainly hope that I'm not being too forward to you?

Deku tried to speak but couldn't because his face was inside her bosom. Ochako was irritated by this and decided to also join in the fun. Ochako places her breast on the back side of his head.

Deku(Mind): *Blush like a tomato* Ochako, you too?!

Ochako: Sorry, Deku. But I'm not going to lose to this woman no matter how big her breasts are!

The two girls then started rubbing their breasts on him which made him go beyond rad. Deku can only watch as Ochako and Shizuno continue spoiling him. 

Deku(Mind): Oh god! This getting out of hand! If this keeps up, my dragon instincts will kick in!

After 20 minutes of spoiling Deku, the three head back home after enjoying themselves. Deku, Ochako and Shizuno are in their futons as they look up at the ceiling.

Shizuno: Well that was fun. I think I'm going to enjoy living here.

Deku: Glad to hear it.


Deku: *Looks at Ochako* Are you okay, Ochako?

Ochako: There's something in my mind I wanted to ask you... Have you ever wondered what is like to touch a woman's body and feel what is like in such?

Deku and Shizuno were surprised by Ochako's question. Deku looks at her and slightly blushes.

Deku: To be honest, that's the same question that Shion asked me.


When Deku was helping Shion with something, the Kijin looked at her breast and then looked at Deku. 

Shion: Say, Deku. Have you ever wanted to feel what a woman what is like to touch a woman's body and feel what is like in such?

Deku: *Blushes like a tomato* W-W-What made you ask that?!

Shion: I was just wondering. Besides, you and Ochako have been together, so I was wondering if you have ever done it before?

Deku: Well, no. And well... to be honest, I always wanted to give them a feel, but I doubt that would ever happen...

End of Flashback

Ochako: I see...

Ochako then stands up and sits by Deku.

Ochako: Deku, be honest. Do you like my body?

Deku: *Blushes but nods*

Ochako: Well then...

She placed Deku's hand on her right breast. His face started to glow red, the same as hers. Shizuno was impressed by Ochako's boldness

Ochako: Sorry I didn't mean to!... Well, I definitely did but I just got excited when Shion asked you about my... y-you know what I mean...

Deku didn't respond. He was only staring at her, his blush increasing. But inside his mind was going wild.

Deku: So... you mean you like, that I think you have a nice body? I mean I totally think you do. I just didn't have the courage to say it directly to you because I was scared of...being slapped in the face.

She gave Deku a reassuring smile and shook her head.

Ochako: Why would I slap you? Out of all the men I've met, you are very nice, gentle, caring and...

Deku's hand begun to gently squeeze Ochako's breast as he wasn't looking.

Deku(Mind): Wow!

Ochako: Um... Deku-kun?

He quickly stopped and removed his hand.

Deku: Yes.

Ochako: You know Deku, there's nothing really exciting about that. Touching me through my Yukata.

Deku: D-Did I wrinkle it or anything? I know it's your favorite Yukata and...

Ochako: *Smiled* No, Deku, don't worry.

Deku: Oh. Well, if it's an option...maybe I could take a look or touch them directly. *Blushing dark rad* I mean it's not like anyone's gonna see us.

Shizuno: Aham.

Deku and Ochako then realize and blush more as they forgot that Shizuno was here in their room.

Shizuno: To be honest, I don't mind. But on one condition.

Deku: Like what?

Shizuno then gets up from her futon and sits beside Ochako in front of Deku.

Shizuno: I want to be your second girlfriend. I know quite bold of me, but I want to date someone again. So if you don't mind, can I be your other girlfriend, Deku?

Deku: Well... that's up to Ochako.

Ochako: I mean, I don't mind. You did say that you wanted to be his second girlfriend. So, sure.

Shizuno: *Small smile* Thank you.

Ochako: Anyway, where were we?

Deku: It's about if you want me to touch your breasts directly... *Mind* But I doubt she would let me.

Ochako: Of course, Deku. We've been friends for a long time, so I don't mind. *To Shizuno* Do you also want to join being touched, Shizuno?

Shizuno nodded as she and Ochako took both of Deku's hands and put them on each side of their breasts. Deku was surprised.

Deku: Wow, they're so soft, warm, big and very squishy. They're... they're both like marshmallows each.

He squeezed both of them lightly, and with each squeeze, they moaned.

Shizuno: Not to mention sensitive.

Ochako: True. I've had them touched a few times with my female friends. One of them even though they'd get bigger being touched.

Ochako and Shizuno stepped closer to their hands still on Deku's guiding them on their breasts.

Ochako: But to be honest, out of all the people who had touched my breasts the most... is you.

With a blush on her face, she and Shizuno guided both of his hands under their Yukata placing them on her breast. Deku looked down and back to the two who gave them a nod. He continued to lightly rub them.

Deku: So you two really don't mind me doing this?

Ochako: Of course we don't.

Shizuno: In fact, we like it.

Deku: *Smiled* I'm happy.

Ochako and Shizuno smiled. Deku continues massaging their breast and doing other stuff.

(Booglé: *😉* I leave it to your imagination)

The next day, Deku, Ochako and Shizuno were eating breakfast as Ochako and Shizuno enjoyed Deku's cooking.

Ochako: *😊* This taste so good, Deku.

Deku: Thanks. And it's all thanks to Rikidou's cooking skills.

Later after eating breakfast, they went to work. But not before getting each other a goodbye kiss. Elsewhere in the village, we see a young man in his 40s chopping down.

???: Sweety, dinner is ready.

Yorriichi: Coming.

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