Meanwhile, Gabiru and his lackeys were thinking of a plan to overthrow the Lizardmen chieftain AKA Gabiru's father. They also met Laplace who pushed their actions further so they would actually do it. Elsewhere we go to Lake Siss where the Lizardmen are.
Gabiru's Sister: Chieftain, what are we going to do? The Orc army's quickly approaching...
Lizardman Chieftain: There's not much we CAN do except wait here... We have no means of fighting an army of 200,00 strong.
Gabiru's sister: Right...
Lizardman Guard: CHIEFTAIN!!!! *Runs in the room*
Lizardman Chieftain: Hm?
Lizardman Chieftain: Right! Well...allow them inside!
Gabiru's sister: But, Chieftain, it's not safe!
Lizardman Chieftain: So you feel it too it seems... It's their aura...
Gabiru's sister: I do...They're no simple intruders...They're strong... I doubt even 100 of our best men can stand against them...
They hear footsteps in the hall. 3 people emerge from the shadows of the hallway
Lizardman Chieftain: Forgive me, we're currently in a tough situation. I can't spare much hospitality.
Giyu: Don't trouble yourself.
Shinobu: We're only envoy.
Souei: We come here today bearing a message from my lord and master
The Chieftain then tells his men to lower their weapons.
Lizardman Chieftain: Very well. What's the message?
Shinobu: An alliance.
Giyu: His master or rather our friend wants to join forces with you.
Lizardman Chieftain: An alliance? I see... Unfortunately, I have no real knowledge concerning your master or friend.
Souei: My master and their friend is known as the great Rimuru Tempest. He recently received a request from the dryads. And he has sworn that he will defeat the orc army.
The Lizardmen were surprised by what they just heard.
Lizardman Chieftain: A request from the Dryads?! Truly!?!
Shinobu: It's true. We saw it with our own eyes.
Giyu: She told us that this army is being led by an Orc Lord.
Lizardman Guard: IMPOSSIBLE!
Giyu: You want to keep that in mind as you consider our proposal.
Lizardman Guard: Yeah right! Rimuru! I've never heard of him! This is all a ruse! He probably sent you weaklings because he's afraid of the Orc Lord! He should admit his weakness and just ask for our help!
Lizardman Chieftain: Enough! You need to hold your tongue!
Lizardman Guard: But, sir, I cannot! They're clearly here to-
Suddenly the guard's neck was snared by thread by Shinobu with a dark smile on her face. She then pulled on the thread making it tighter.
Shinobu: *๐* You know, I can kill you without care. Those who insult my friends will pay the price.
Lizardman Chieftain: Please, hold. I apologize for this one's rudeness. And I ask that you forgive him. I believe that your offer would benefit us both equally.
Shinobu looks at Giyu who nods at her. With a deep sigh, she lets go of her thread which the guard can finally breathe as he collapses on the ground.
Souei: Pardon us. But we did not come here to make trouble. But you just saw, that she along with us won't let my master be insulted.
Lizardman Chieftain: *Mind* Strong words... Had I not stopped that woman, she would've easily taken his head. *To Souei* Judging by your aura, you appear to be an ogre.
Souei: Was an Ogre. My master granted me the name Souei and then I evolved into a Kijin.
Lizardman Chieftain: What!?
Gabiru's Sister: But isn't that superior born only rarely from ogres?
Lizardman Chieftain: If that's true... then that would mean that your master is very powerful. And you two, may I ask what race you both belong to?
Giyu: I'm Giyu Tomioka, an Oni, a subspecies of ogres and trolls
Gabiru's Sister: This is the first time I ever heard of an Oni before. *To Shinobu* And what about you? Judging by your threads, you seem to be an Insectoid.
Shinobu: Correct. I'm Shinobu Kohco, a butterfly insectoid.
Lizardman Chieftain: I see... Anyway, concerning this alliance I have one condition.
Giyu: Which is?
Lizardman Chieftain: I wish to meet your master. It was Rimuru Tempest, yes?
Souei: *Nods* Very well. Then we shall begin preparations immediately. We will meet you here in 7 days' time. You can have an audience with my master once he arrives
Giyu: All you need to do is ensure that none of your men engage in battle with the orcs before we get here.
Lizardman Chieftain: I understand.
Shinobu: *๐* Then it sattled.
Giyu: Let's go.
Souei: Right.
The three disappear as Lizardman Chieftain's legs give out and falls on his throne.
Gabiru's Sister: Chieftain!
Lizardman Chieftain: *Sighs of relief* Don't worry. There is light at the end of this tunnel. Gather everyone at once.
Gabiru's sister gathers all the Lizardmen for his speech. You guys know what happened next. Gabiru interrupted the speech and encage his father and sister. Gabiru immediately led a charge to fight against the orcs. It was going well at first due to Gabiru's tactical talents, but he didn't know one thing... the Orc Lord's terror...The orcs quickly ate the corpses of their fallen comrades and this led to fear overcoming Gabiru's confidence. Thus leading them to retreat and eventually getting into "trouble". This happened within the span of 6 days. Rimuru and his friends are heading to the marshlands.
Rimuru's P.O.V
We're headed to the marshlands to meet with the Lizardman Chieftain. Once we're there we'll sign the treaty and help defeat the Orc army. The members of my party include: Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, Souei, Deku, Ochako, Kumoko, the demon slayers, Ranga who I'm riding on, and our Goblin Riders. I left Rigurd and the rest of our gang to guard the village. I've instructed them to evacuate if anything happens to us.
3rd Person's P.O.V
Rimuru then gets a call from Souei whom he, Giyu, and Shinobu were scouting.
Souei: {Rimuru-sama}
Rimuru: {What's up Souei?}
Souei: {Giyu, Shinobu and I have come across some sort of skirmish. We believe it's the personal guard to the Lizardman Chieftain. She appears to be fighting a high-ranking Orc. What are your orders?}
Rimuru: {Well, I mean... It only makes sense to help her out. Can you win?}
Souei: {With or without the two, it's quite easily}
Rimuru: {Do it! We'll be there soon}
Souei: {Yes, sir}
Rimuru: *To everyone* Assume battle formation. We're riding to help Souei.
Everyone: Sir!
But when they arrive, they only see dead orcs.
Deku: Looks like we came a little late.
Kumoko: You're telling me. They got all the fun.
Rimuru(Mind): Oh, man. Gotta give it to them, those three have some mad skills.
Rimuru then spots Souei holding Gabiru's sister who is injured. Rimuru heals her with a healing potion which she gets up completely.
Gabiru's Sister: What? My wound? But I was certain that it was fatal. *Looks Rimuru* Who are you?
Rimuru: I am Rimuru Tempest.
Surprised, she gets on her knees and bows.
Gabiru's Sister: Please, I need your help. Will you save my father, the Lizardman Chieftain, as well as my brother, Gabiru? They're in grave danger.
Rimuru: Wait... You're Gabiru's sister?
Gabiru's Sister: Yes!
Tanjiro: What happened?
Gabiru's Sister: My brother led a rebellion and imprisoned both me and my father. To make matters worse, he and his men are attempting to fight the Orc army. But he... He's underestimated the Orc Lord. If we don't act quickly, then the Lizardmen will be exterminated. When the guards weren't looking, my father helped me escape so I could warn you. I know that this is a selfish request, especially after we broke our promise to wait for you, but still, a powerful majin such as yourself could surely help! I'll do anything you want! I'm begging you! Save my people!
Deku: Raise your head...
Gabiru's Sister does so and looks at him and Tanjiro.
Deku: Look... if you couldn't control it then it wasn't your fault. Don't blame it on yourselves.
Tanjiro: And it's not a selfish request to seek help from strong people to save those you hold dear.
Deku/Tanjiro: Now stand up...
We have people to save
Everyone(Mind): *๐* So pure.
Rimuru: All right then. You said you're the Chieftain's daughter, right?
Gabiru's Sister: Uh, yes. *Bows* I'm your to command, my lord.
Rimuru: Good. Then you'll act as the chieftain's proxy. Do you object to forging an alliance right here and now?
Gabiru's Sister: No! Not at all!
Deku: Then it's settled.
Tanjiro: Consider us your new allies.
Gabiru's Sister: Right! Thank you!
Rimuru: Souei, can you use Shadow Movement to get to the Chieftain?
Souei: Of course, I can.
Rimuru: *Mind* Man, his skills are legit. *To Souei* Please go and rescue the Lizardman Chieftain.
Souei: *Bows* Yes, sir. *disappears*
Gabiru's Sister: You have my gratitude.
Rimuru: *Nods*
Deku: *Looks at everyone* Everyone else, continue the march!
Everyone: Sir!
???: May we join?
Everyone turns around and sees Akaza and Uzui.
Tanjiro: *๐ฆ* Uzui-san and Akaza. What are doing here?
Akaza: Our crewmates are also having a pig problem.
Uzui: So now we're here heading to the marshlands to fight the Orc Lord.
Kumoko: The more the merrier.
Just then, Deku taps on Rimuru's shoulder.
Deku: Hay Rimuru...
Rimuru: What is it?
Deku: There is something I need to tell you, Kumoko, and Tanjiro in private.
Rimuru: Gotcha.
Somewhere we go to the forest where we see Laplace, Gelmud and an Upper Rank Demon watching from far away.
Laplace: Yes! Goodie-good-good! It's going splendidly wouldn't you agree?
Gelmud: Indeed.
Laplace: Looks like everything is unfolding just as we planned.
Upper Rank: Let's just make sure that it goes as Muzan-sama predicted. After all, making the Orc Lord a Kizuki will make us unstoppable.
Gelmud: It won't be long until my child gains complete control over the forest. And then my ambitions will finally-
???: We, you three seem to be having quite the little party.
The three turned to see Treyni. The three were surprised to see a Dryad here.
Upper Rank: A Dryad.
Treyni: I am the Dryad, Treyni. And you are trespassers in my forest.
Laplace: This puts a kink in our plan, you two. Dryads are the caretakers here.
Gelmud: Are you serious?!
Upper Rank: It's no joke. Looks like we got her attention.
Treyni: For the disruption you've both caused, I'm removing you from these woods.
Upper Rank/Gelmud: Oh deer/What?!
Treyni: Now, Spirit Summoning. Sylphide!!!
Laplace: Whoa, hold on a second. Can't we talk about this?
Upper Rank: I don't think she will.
Treyni: I will pass judgment. Pray in repentance for your sins. Aerial Blade, go!
The Sylphide sends multiple air slashes at the three. One of the slashes was able to cut off Laplace's arm.
Gelmud: H-Hay! Laplace, your arm!!
Upper Rank(Mind): So this is the power of the Dryads.
Laplace: Come on, lady, you're being irrational. Looks like talking is out. Not that it matters, since we've achieved our goal. I guess this means the party's over. See you later!
Laplace then grabs 4 balls and throws them on the ground creating a smoke screen.
Treyni: They've escaped me. *Looks at the night sky* This is not a desirable outcome. Rimuru Tempest and Deku Heiwato, I'll leave the rest to you. Defeat the Orc Lord. *Disappears*
With Gabiru
Gabiru did his best to beat the Orc General but was outclassed and sent crashing towards the ground. The Orc General walks up to him ready to finish him off.
Orc General: Looks like you'll die crawling on the ground like a lizard should. Say-
???: Delaware Smash!
The General was hit in the gut by Deku's fist which caused him to be sent flying and crash into the ground. Deku then turns and offers a hand.
Deku: You okay, Gabiru?
Gabiru: Hay, I know you. You're that dragon kid from the goblin village!
Deku: Nice to see you again. I'm Deku Heiwato, a hero.
Gabiru: Hold on, did you come here to save all of us?
Deku: *Nods* Cause that's what heroes do. And I'm not alone.
Ranga and Gobta then appear behind Gabiru.
Gabiru: *๐ฎ* You're that Direwolf!
Ranga: My name is Ranga. My master, Rimuru told me to come help you.
Gabiru: But how did you get here so quickly?
Ranga: Shadow Movement. Try to pay attention.
Orc General: *Chuckles* Rimuru, you say? I don't know who any of you newcomers are, but if you stand in my way, I'll show you no mercy!
Then a massive sphere of black flames suddenly erupts from behind him. Many orcs are burning to a crisp.
Gobta: Oh, nice! Heh. Looks like it's starting!
Orc General: The time for playing around is over. I have to find whoever is using that magic and end them!
Deku: Gabiru, form a defensive formation.
Gabiru: Right, but what's causing those flames!?
Deku: There from a friend, so don't worry.
Meanwhile, Benimaru, Hakuro and Shion have begun their assault. Elsewhere, Inossuke and Akaza ran towards the army at full speed.
Inosuke: You know, I never expected that I would be sided with a demon.
Akaza: Me neither. But since we are no longer enemies, let's have some fun, shall we?
Insouke: *๐* You took those words right out of my mouth! Beast Breathing-Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice!
Akaza: Destructive Death-Air Type!
Inosuke delivers multiple diagonal double slashes and Akaza sends out shockwaves from his fist at the Orc army. Later, we go see Tanjiro and Tanjuro using their Hinokami Kagura as they slash through the Orc army. Then we see The butterfly slayers using their powers and breathing to several a few Orcs. Nezuko and Kumoko fire their fire and Abyss magic at the orcs which causes an it explosion. With Ochako, she uses her magic and Vampire powers to take out some Orcs, Anji the Anjanath joins his owner and kills off several Orcs. Rimuru is watching from the sky.
Rimuru: Amazing.
Back with Deku and the others.
Orc General: It appears you've come to assist the lizards. How foolish. Goblins, dogs, and a dragon? A pathetic rescue team. As if any of you weaklings could ever possibly defeat a superior monster such as myself.
Deku: Then let me show what Ranga and I can do. Dragon's Roar!
Deku then starts to inhale some air and fires a massive shockwave from his mouth.
This massive shockwave blast which hits the Orc General and the army at full force.
Deku: Your turn, Ranga.
Ranga: Right.
Ranga body starts to glow in a red aura and his eyes glow red as well.
Ranga: Death Storm!!!!
Dark clouds then start to appear in the right sky as Rimuru looks up and sees multiple tornadoes.
Rimuru(Mind): WHAT THE WHAT!?!?!! Are those tornadoes?
Great Sage: {Answer, this is the wide-range attack of the individual Ranga, Death Storm.
Rimuru(Mind): Oh...Sweet.
This attack completely obliterated the Orc General and the rest of the army. Ranga then howls and starts growing a new horn.
Gobta: *๐* No way! Ranga turned into a Tempest Star Wolf!
Deku: *๐* Awesome!
Ranga: Do you see now, filthy Orcs? This is a fraction of the power wielded by someone you mocked as being pathetic!
Gobta: *๐* There's nobody there...
Ranga: EXACTLY!!!
Meanwhile, we see the Kijin killing the orc army with their powerful attacks and magic. We see Shion's sword slash the army which completely destroys them. She then looks up and waves at Rimuru.
Shion: Did you see me?
Rimuru: *๐ * Uh...yap. *Mind* Remind me to never piss her off.
Rimuru then sees Deku and Tanjiro flying up to him.
Deku: Looks like things are going smoothly.
Rimuru: Yeah, more importantly, what used to be a sizable Orc army is now shrinking. Those guys really know how to bring the pain.
Deku/Tanjiro: Agreed.
Deku: I wish Kacchan was here to enjoy this. He would love to cause some havoc.
Meanwhile, we see Gelmud see everything from his crystal ball which he then throws it into the ground and stomps on the shattered pieces.
Gelmud: *๐ก* Danm them all! Stupid, useless Orcs! And the Kijin? I do remember having Geld attack an Ogre village. Does that mean the survivors from there somehow evolved? Not to mention the wolf creature. No one said there was a beast like that in Forest of Jura! And those majins that appeared, who are they? There are far too many unknown variables in this equation that I've somehow missed... *๐จ* This is terrible. I must do something or risk my plan falling apart after I've come so far
Worried, he starts flying in that direction at light speed.
Gelmud: If this continues, then I will most certainly be put to death by... "Them!"
Meanwhile, Rimuru, Deku and Tanjiro look around the
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