We see Dragon Deku exploring the cavern in an unknown cave while using his Float Quirk.
Izuku's P.O.V
I have been exploring the cavern for a while now ever since I was reincarnated. I was reincarnated as a dragon some short. However, I'm getting the hang of being a dragon easily, and thanks to my other quirk Float, it makes flying very smoothly. While roaming around, something in my head started talking to me.
???: I see you have been proving yourself well.
Deku: What, who was that?
???: Is me Nana Shimura.
Izuku: Nana I'm so geld to see you again.
Nana: Me too. When you are reincarnated, G.O.C also places our consciousness with you.
Deku: I see. So, is everybody here?
???: Yes they are, young Midoriya.
Deku: All Might! Is that you?!
All Might: Yes, Young Midoriya it's me. When I gave you one for all, my soul was also in this quirk.
Deku: WOW! I was sad that I might not see you guys again.
Banjo: I was thinking the exact same thing.
En: looks like all of us are here.
Yoichi: Midoriya, make sure if you see Nana's grandson tell him that she is okay.
Nana: Yes, please. Tell Tenko that I'll see him soon.
Deku: Right, I promise if I see him.
After that, I continued my journey to find a way out of this cave. But I don't know where to go. But then I forgot that I have the journal G.O.C gave me. The journal led out of my hand and I started to flout, this surprised me. Then the book showed me a map of the place I'm in "This is awesome, now I can find my way out of this dark chasm" I was thinking. I remember the map image, that the journal showed me, so I followed the trail to find my way out. Then I see a blue-colored frog who is looking at me. My danger sense is telling me that, this frog is about to do something crazy. The frog then spits some poison liquid at me, but thanks to my fa jin I could easily avoid it. Then I use my black whip to hold the frog in place, and then I slam it to the ground hard. After that, my instincts are telling me to eat it for some reason. But my decision was cut short when I saw four more frogs approaching me. My Danger sense was set off as they spit more acid at me. Thanks to my speed, I was able to dodge them without getting touched by their acid. I use my Black Whip to grab one of them by the waist and lift it into the air. One of them which I did not grab was about to use its acid spit on me until it forgot I still had its buddy, so I slammed them to one another and used my other whips to grab a big rock and throw it at the last two before they can even react in time. The result of the battle only left me with four dead frogs so I piled them up with the first one I killed. I Do feel bad killing these guys, but that's how the circle of life is, you have to be on top of the food chain or you'll be their food instead. And I was on the defense so it was either that or at least knock them out. I decided to walk to the pile as I looked at them in discussion.
Deku: *😰* Agh, do I have to eat them?
I still feel anxious about eating these frogs but it would be a waste to just leave them here, and they might attract more creatures way stronger than these amphibians. So I let out a huge sigh and opened my mouth as I took a huge bite of one of the frog's flesh. It tasted so awful that it made me want to barf, but I endured even though my body was telling me to stop. 20 minutes later, I ate all five frogs I had taken down, the flavor that I tasted will never go away for a while.
Deku: Aaagh...
???: Bad taste, huh?
Deku: Yap... *Realized* Wait who said that?
I turned my head around to see a spider on a small rock while waving at me.
Spider: *😁* Hi!
Deku: Huh... H-Hi. Umm, how long where watching?
Spider: When you used your black tentacle things to kill the frogs. For a dragon hatchling, you fought way better than I did. So I'm jealous.
Deku: Haha, thanks for the comment... Oh! I need to introduce myself. My name is Izuku Midoriya."
???: Wait!? That's a Japanese name, are you from Japan?
Deku: *Nods*
???: "Huh. OH! Right, I need to introduce myself as well. My name is Kumoko I'm also from Japan, but I don't remember my original name."
Deku: You can't remember your Japanese name?
Kumoko: *Shake her head* Nope. Say, those black tentacles from earlier. That was from you?
Deku: *Nods* Yes, they're called black wipe is part of my One For All.
Kumoko: One For All?
Deku(mind): Should I tell her? I mean, I'm not in my world anymore and she can be trusted.
I explained to Kumoko about His quirk and where he came from. Kumoko has sparkles in her eyes, she never knew that there were other universes unlike hers.
Kumoko: *🤩* OMG! I NEVER UNEXPECTED THEY BE DIFFERENT UNIVERSES FROM MINE. *😭* Maaaan I wish that I was in your universe instead of my old one.
Deku: "Too bad it doesn't exist anymore."
Kumoko: "Huh?"
I also tell Kumoko about what happened to his universe.
Kumoko: Whoa. Talk about a freak accident. Say, that is almost similar to what to me.
Deku: What do you mean?
Kumoko: Well, you see I do remember that I was doing math or biology class, and then a big light came to my school killing me and the rest of my classmates, and now I'm reincarnated as a spider.
Deku: Well, that was an odd coincidence."
Kumoko: You can say that again. Say, are you trying to find an out just like me?
Deku: *Nods* I am.
Kumoko: Awesome. I see us being adventurous, trying to find a way out of this dungeon-like cave like that one anime I watch.
Deku: You watch that too, uh?
Kumoko: Wait a minute?! Your universe also has that anime series as well!?
Deku: I guess some universe might have the same show as we do.
Kumoko: Probably. Say, do know the way out of this cave?
Deku: I do, kinda. *Pulls out his journal* I'm using my journal that the God gives me, to find the way out of this cavern.
Deku: Uh are you okay, you seem down all of a sudden?
Kumoko: Huh? OH! I'm fine, is noting. (lie)
Izuku: All right then. Journal, show us the out.
My journal opens itself as it shows me and Kumoko the map of the cave.
Kumoko: Whoa!
Deku: So all we have to do is follow this path and then we are out of this place.
Kumoko: Then let's go!
Kumoko went in the direction where the map showed us even though I'm holding the journal. As I was following Kumoko, I was thinking about my friends and Tanjiro and his friends.
Deku(Mind): *🤔* I wonder how everyone including Tanjiro are doing?
I hope someday when we get out of this cave, I might encounter them again. Looks like my adventure in this new world is only just the beginning.
|With Tanjiro and his family|
Creator's P.O.V
somewhere deep in the mountain forest is a house. We go around it as we see Tanjiro chopping wood, his appearance doesn't change but he and his family are a different race they made them look like humans until he spread out his black wings.
My name is Tanjiro Kamado, me and the rest of my family are reincarnated as tengus. After G.O.C sent me, my family, Rui, and Mukago somewhere deep in the mountains, we built a house that we could all live in. Even though we live in an isolated area, there's a nearby village about 29 meters away from our house. My dad's body is still weak but a doctor from the village said that he'll recover in the next few days. I continued chopping wood, I heard Takeo's voice calling my name behind me, so turn to see my little brother along with Rui walking up to me.
Tanjiro: Oh! Takeo whose dad doing?
Tekeo: Dad still recovering but he will be better soon.
Tanjiro: That's good to hear.
Tekeo: What are doing anyway Nii-chan?
Tanjiro: *Chops wood* Just chopping wood and making charcoal.
Tekeo: Ok, then. Mom making dinner tonight, so come back before dark. *Walking back to house*
Tanjiro: I will. *To Rui* How's our family treating you?
Rui: It's been doing well. It is much more better than my previous life when we were... well you know.
Tanjiro: *😅* Hahaha.
G.O.C wanted me to bring Rui with us along with Mukago to become a part of our family to let them experience on what is like to be a Kamado. my family has been getting along with the two very easily. So now my younger siblings are enjoying having them around. Also if you're wondering if Rui and Mukago are still demons and have their demon art, well Mukago is but G.O.C changed Rui from a demon race to an Arachne. Rui's powers are the same just like his demon art but different, and he can communicate with spiders. So we use them as security if we have intruders invading our home. For Mukago's... It's a... Uh... unique one. Her powers which are similar to her demon art is to... inflate herself like a balloon... (Booglé: I'm barring my AU Mukago's demon art from Demon Hero to this AU Mukago) But it's still useful for some occasions, just not in a serious way yet. Rui went back to the house as I continued chopping wood so I could make charcoal. I have one of my skills that G.O.C gives me is called Alchemy, it makes things a lot easier for me to create charcoal. My alchemy skill depends on what my mind wants to create. I took a deep breath before saying my skill.
Tanjiro: Alchemy!
A red circle appeared around the wood and instantly turned into charcoal. I told my family that I was off to sell some charcoal, and my mom and dad told me good luck and be careful. I told them that, I well be okay, and now thanks to my wings I was off to sell some charcoal as I headed to the village. 20 minutes later, I made it to the village and landed at a nearby house. I was about to knock on the villager's door, but then I smelled something.
Tanjiro: *Smell something very wrong* I small something like there's... blood!
I bust through the door and I see dead bodies on the floor and a big bag that is moving, then I smell someone behind me, so I easily dodge the attacker. The person who tried to attack me was wearing a white and purple colored mask, had a green hood, and his clothes were all grey.
The masked man used his knife to try to stab me but thanks to my senses and smell I was able to dodge his knife attack. Then I use my hardhead to headbutt the mask man. The masked man was knocked unconscious then I tied him up so couldn't do anything else. After that I look at the moving bag for a minute, I hesitate because I don't know what's in the bag. After over a minute I opened the bag, and what I saw was a girl with light purple hair along with her eyes as she was tied up her mouth was folded, so I unfolded the ribbon on her mouth and then spoke as she gasped for air.
???: *Crying* Please! Please! you have to help me escape! Is there any way... that you might bring me to the castle?
Tanjiro: Th-The castle?
The girl looked at me desperately with tears in her eyes.
???: Please Mr, I'm begging You... If you just take me to my father... he will reward you...
Tanjiro: *😧* P-Please don't cry! I promise that I will take you back to your father!
???: *🥺* You well?
Tanjiro: I promise.
I calmly walked behind her as I untied her from the ropes. It didn't take me to untie her as she was now free from her restraints.
???: What's your name, Mr?
Tanjiro: I'm Tanjiro Kamado. But just call me Tanjiro. What's yours?
Flora: Flora, Flora Beltrum.
Tanjiro: *😁* Nice to meet you, Flora.
Later I took her outside with me as I dragged out the unconscious Masked man from the house. I told the chef of this village that if anyone is looking for a light purple-haired girl, tell them to go east into the mountain forest where my house is and I told her to keep an eye on the masked man that knocked out.
Female Chef: Don't worry young man, we'll keep an eye on him.
We bowed at the Chef for kindness. I carried Flora onto my back and told her to hold on tight. We waved her goodbye while I flew off back to my house. It was dusk, so I had to hurry and get back home. A few minutes later, we arrived at my house where my mom, Rui, Mukago, and siblings greeted me. Flora hid behind me since this was her first time coming here.
Rokuta/Hanako: Welcome back Onii-chan/Nii-san.
Shigeru: Nii-san, who's that on your back?
Tanjiro: This Flora. She was kidnapped by a masked man, so I saved her.
Nezuko: Classic, Onii-chan.
Takeo: Is she okay?
Tanjiro: Yeah, she's unharmed. *To Flora* Flora, these are my family. So they won't hurt you.
Flora was a little shy but she trusted me well nodded her head. Flora looked at my family as she nervously tried to greet everyone.
Flora: *😖* I-It's nice to meet you! Hope we can get along with e-each other...
My mom was the first to walk up to Flora as she patted her head. Flora was stunned but smiled a little.
Kie: Oh, you poor thing, you must have been terrified after being taken away from your home.
Flora: *😊* Thank you for your kindness, Mrs.Kamado.
Kie: *😊* Please, call me Mrs.Kie.
Flora: Okay, Mrs.Kie.
Nezuko: Let's bring you inside. You must be tired and hungry after what you just went for the day.
Kie: Thank you, I appreciate that.
We took her inside the house and my dad greeted me when I returned home. My dad asks who is that girl, so I explain what happened. My dad said it was okay, later, Mom, Dad, Rui, Mukago, and the rest of my younger siblings had dinner with Flora.
Flora: How long have guys been living here?
Tanjiro: 2 mouths.
Nezuko: We're still getting the hang of living here.
Flora: But don't guys want to live around in the nearby village?
Tanjuro: We normally live like this in the family.
Flora: *😐* Huh...
Tanjiro: Say, Flora. When we met, you said earlier that wanted me to bring you back to the castle. Are you some sort of royalty?
Flora: I am. I'm actually the second princess of the Kingdom of Ruberios.
Everyone and I were surprised to hear that she was a princess. My younger siblings were so excited that they were eating dinner with a princess and asked her questions, my mom and I told them to calm down and let her eat. She said it was okay and thanked us for the meal, later, it was time for us to go to bed for the night, Flora is sleeping with Nezuko, Hanako, and Mukago's bedroom.
Kei,Tanjuro: Time to say good.
Kamado kids: good night Mom, good night Dad.
Flora, Rui, and Mukago: Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Kamado.
Kei: Good night, princess.
Kei: *Giggles*" And you two as well my little princesses."
Then we all want to sleep. The next morning, I just woke up after a good night's sleep then I heard voices that I wasn't familiar were talking to my mom and dad. So, I put on my Haori and walked out of my room. Then I saw five individuals one who had the same color as Flora, a blond-haired one, one girl with white hair, and then two grown-up women one with a brown ponytail and one with short black hair and she was carrying a long sword with it. Then they stopped and they were looking at me.
Kei: Tanjiro, you're a wake.
Tanjiro: Mom, Dad who are these people?
Tanjuro: These are Flora's friends, her sister, and her knights. They are here to talk to you.
Then the two grown-ups along with the white-haired girl walk toward me.
White hair Girl: Are you Tanjiro Kamado?
Tanjiro: *Nods* Yes.
All three of them then bowed on their knees right in front of me
Short Black Hair Woman: Thank you. If it wasn't for you, she would have been in deep crisis.
I give the three a big smile as they feel my present is pure.
No problem
All(Mind): So pure!
Ponytail Woman: Aham... Anyway, would you and your family come to the Kingdom of Ruberios?"
I hesitate, so look at my parents for a minute, and they nod their heads at me.
Tanjiro: "Sure.
White hair Girl: *Smiles and bows* Thank you for taking our offer.
Me and my family pack our stuff and we head to the Kingdom of Ruberios. As we walked outside, we saw some sort of thing that was being pulled by two horses.
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