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 P.J. O'Rourke said, "Cleanliness becomes more important when Godliness is unlikely."




"It's unlikely, sexual sadists attack anonymously." Sparrow and Spencer say at the same time, the former giggling under her breath afterward.

"They have to sever their personal connection," Spencer pauses, giving enough time for Sparrow to jump in with the last bit of the reply.

"To perpetuate this level of torture they have to see their victims as objects."

"Prentiss is right, the victimology is too different. We will build two separate unsub profiles, one for the prostitute killer and the other for our new unsub. Reid, work up a geographical profile, focus on the locations of the murders. Prentiss and Rossi, concentrate on the prostitutes. JJ, Morgan and I will deal with Vanessa Holden. Reid 2.0," Hotch hesitates squinting his eyes at Sparrow who smiles innocently, "You coming with me."

"Pack your bags, ladies and gents, we're going to South Carolina!" 


"RiCh -----, eIgHt-FiGuRe, ThAt'S mY tYpE,

ThAt'S mY tYpE, ----- ThAt'S mY tYpE,

EiGhT-iNcH bIg, OoH, tHaT's GoOd PiPe

BAd bItCh, I'mA rIdE tHe DiCk AlL nIgHt

RiCh -----, eIgHt-FiGuRe, ThAt'S mY tYpE

ThAt'S mY tYpE, ----- ThAt'S mY tYpE," Sparrow and Morgan both belt out the lyrics, bouncing around in the backseat with the radio on full blare.

Hotchner sat in the front, the glare on his face slowly getting darker and darker, JJ giggling in the passenger side. When the two children in the backseat both squealed and demanded he turns up the radio he should have instantly known they were going to destroy his mind and eardrums. How one of them was one of the smartest people on the team he would never understand, she was a literal child.

"Enough!" Hotch screeches, right as the song goes off, causing both Morgan and Sparrow to freeze and give him innocent eyes, like they hadn't just caused him to age seventeen years and lowered his own IQ. Ridiculous.

"No need to get bitchy Mister-Boss-Man! It's only eleven in the morning!" Sparrow said with a cheerful voice, bouncing up and down in her seat once again despite the radio now being off and the looks from hell she was getting. She loved pissing people off. Truly.

"Sparrow, I have said this three times since we landed this morning. When we get to the door, you are to stay quiet and absolutely not interject with anything that will compromise the case or get yourself shot."

Rolling her eyes, Sparrow levels Hotch with her own glare, the blue eyes flashing an icy color as she sarcastically smirks, "And as I have said three times, when you don't die by climbing your ego and jumping to you IQ, you can boss me around. Sadly, I am not your employee, and you are not my daddy."

"Sparrow," Hotch groans, contemplating banging his head against the steering wheel, he could never win when it came to her, "Please, just behave. I'll take you to a fair if you don't sabotage the case or put yourself in danger."

Tilting her head, and ignoring the phone Morgan is holding recording the entire conversation, probably to show to Rossi, Prentiss, and Spencer later, Sparrow considers the compromise.

It was like she purposefully sabotaged the cases, she just had a trigger happy finger and fine-tuned flight or fight responses. And a horrible habit of sacrificing herself for others. When she figured something out she generally didn't stop long enough to tell someone, especially if it was critical and meant life or death. Thankfully, the only times that she had ever actually been injured had been with her brother, on the multiple occasions that the two of them had been drugged, kidnapped, or nearly serial killed.

"Can I have cotton candy when we go?" Sparrow asks, smiling shyly at Hotch who quickly nods his head.

The only person on the team who didn't get the emotionless mask of indifference happened to be Sparrow, she exhausted him so quickly and easily that he never had the patience to keep his emotions in check. Plus, she was like a younger sister to him, and Morgan. Rossi automatically thought of her as a grand-daughter. She was only twenty-one after all.

"Yes, you can have cotton candy and however much coffee that you can stomach. Just don't do anything stupid."

"Why are we at the Morgan residence?"

Sighing at the fact that she hadn't been paying attention when they were in the police station for a debriefing this morning, Hotch answers in an incredulous voice "Because Mrs. Morgan was trying to set her son up with one of the Holden sisters, to increase societal standings. Victor Morgan is in a relationship, so he was not interested, however, to ruin the relationship Mrs. Morgan moved the girls into the house."

"I thought Victor Morgan left home as soon as he turned eighteen? Why is he living here again?" Sparrow asks, tilting her head to look at the mansion in front of them. She could have a lot of fun playing in that house.

"You know the Morgans?" Morgan asks, looking over at Sparrow's twinkling eyes with a role of his own. Of course, she did.

"Of course I do! My first undercover mission was playing the daughter of an oil empire king, I had to infiltrate the Morgan estate with Spencer in order to save Victor Morgan from that crazy serial killing bitch. The one with an obsessive-love problem. Remember, it's how Spencer and I met Hotch?"

Hotch smiled slightly fixing his suit and putting on his sunglasses, "It was my first day on the job, Muriel was her name, she killed seventeen men that looked like Victor Morgan, and then kidnapped his girlfriend, him, and three of his friends before holding them all hostage for three days. In the end, Spencer and Sparrow managed to capture Muriel while the BAU released the hostages."

"According to the file, those two were only fourteen at the time. Fresh out of the Academy, and not on a sanctioned mission at all. It was before they got their Ph.D.'s and everything." JJ adds, grinning at the blushing Sparrow and smiling Hotch while filling Morgan in on the details, "They were little babies!"

"Was not!" Sparrow mutters.

"They definitely were, though they were the smartest ones in the room even then, especially when they worked together," Hotch grumbles, opening his door, which prompts everyone else to open their own doors and step out into the sunny humid weather of Charleston.

"So Mrs. Morgan is going to know you?" Morgan asks, nervously glancing down at the bouncing brunette beside him.

"Yuppers! Which is why Hotch wanted me to come with y'all and not stay with Spencer. The Morgan's have been refusing to allow Ashely Holden to talk to the cops, but, Ashely Holden would definitely talk to the daughter of the largest oil empire in the west!"

"I thought you weren't listening to the conversation, Sparrow?" Hotch asks as he knocks on the door.

"No, no I was! I just wanted to tug on your chains a little! You keep that stick way too far up your ass!"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Morgan," Hotch says, not even sparing a glance at Sparrow despite her teasing comment.

"I apologize that you came all the way out here, Ashely knows absolutely nothing, and we want to get this behind us as soon as possible." Jasmine Morgan says, not even pausing to look at the badge in Hotch's hands as she glares icily at the four people in front of her.

"Mrs. Morgan, we know you weren't related to Vanessa, but we can't begin to fathom the loss you've suffered..." Morgan is cut off by the fake-teary eyed expression and angry outburst from Jasmine.

"That's right, you can't, so get off of my property."

Hotch's hand slides behind his back, where Sparrow sat hidden from view, the sign language being picked up as soon as he started. It was time to cause a scene.

"Oh Mrs. Morgan!" Sparrow side stepped Hotch, who pretended to try and grab her for her safety, flinging herself into Jasmine's arms with hiccups, "Daddy sent me all da way out here after we heard what'as happened! I jus' can't believe it!"

Tears slid down her face as she hiccuped lightly into the older woman's arms, the southern accent that she definitely did not actually have coming in so thick that Morgan and JJ struggled slightly to understand her. Jasmine squeezed her tightly, mumbling sweet nothings in her ear to try and calm her down.

"Dear one, it's okay, why don't you all come in? I assume that your Daddy hired some of the FBI to take care of you because of the targeted attacks on the higher class?"

And just like that, they were in the Morgan estate.

Tears continued dripping down Sparrow's face, sobs wracking her frame as Jasmine held her to her side and maneuvered them upstairs, to the second floor of the house, where most of the lounge areas sat.

"Now you sit right here with your guards, I'll go fetch Ashely and you can talk everything out with her. I know that y'all are really close, your Daddies are in the same business after all. I won't be able to see you again till dinner tonight but feel free to stay in the house, and you can even meet my son Victor if you'd like. Y'all would get along great."

Jasmine rushed out of the room, a malicious smirk on her face the second she turned her back to the sobbing girl, she would be the perfect candidate to marry her son.

As soon as the lounging room door shut with a bang, Sparrow unhunched her form and quickly wiped her eyes, "Your just lucky that I still look the same as I did when I was fourteen. That would have been hellishly awkward if not."

"You terrify me when you cry on command and then just stop like you didn't just have the wife of a human trafficker, that you busted, wrapped around your finger," JJ mumbles under her breath, pulling out her phone to record the interview when it starts.

Morgan hands Sparrow a couple of tissues before moving away from her to stand next to the windows, watching outside for any threats.

"I'm going to go explore, something tells me this interview will be useless and full of emotional shit that I definitely do not want to handle," Sparrow says, winking at Hotch who rolls his eyes, before skipping out of the door she just came in towards the third floor of the Morgan Estate. 


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