Sobs and ice cream

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Poob stood in the elevator, feeling greatly uneasy, it had been a bad day, a terrible day in fact. A terrible day just full of punching, mockery and backtalking the poor party fellow into a completely shitty mood, everyday after the folly thing had been feeling like garbage for Poob actually. and they just couldn't find out why.

"what's so peculiar about you? Party fellow. a lot of us god's have descendants. so what makes YOU special?"

maybe its that. but it shouldn't be bugging them THIS much. they still didn't know.

pest leaned against the wall as they took notice of poob's odd behaviour, a strained smile and a thousand yard stare, that's the indicator that they're probably holding onto a mental string for today. Pest picked up on that.

"...Poob? you ok?" he asked, slightly concerned, which was surprising as he never really liked to asked people how they felt, let alone notice how they were. But growth comes in all manners after all.

"I'm fine.." poob tried to say, just feeling their clammy hands shake from anxiety as they felt pest shuffle near them, holding their hand. seemingly just to give comfort that even he didn't know himself, embarrassed. Poob just hardened their grip, hanging their head slightly lower as they asked pest "Pest?"


"do u think...Appa would've loved me more if I was juzt..born like him?"

"何。 (what?) ...what do you mean "born like him?"

poob just started to tremble more, tears flowing out their eyes. "I dunt know pest...*sniffle* I dunt know....mayb I wouldnt b punched all da time or- or bullied..mayb I wuld have a good life then-"


"I know I know I can just- turn in2 a fire thingy or wutever but I dunt WANT to!! I dunt like scaring peepol pezt..I juzt wanna parti. I juzt want 2 hav fun..why can't I juzt b normal AND likeable??"

"..." pest watched as poob burst out sobbing, and while he might not be the best, and he'll never be the best; he simply hugged poob, staring down any player who tried to see what the hell was going on with Poob as they sobbed into his arms

"listen- hey POOB." he said as he forced poob to look at him "you ARE much as I would've hate to say it in the past, but you ARE. people are just ASSHOLES ご存知のとおり。 (you know?) and so WHAT if your dad doesn't love you? I do. I do and so does..everyone else who's known you!"

"*sniff*...y-you mean it?"

"神に! (on god!) I do! I don't care what YOU think of yourself. it's probably not true. You can't trust yourself. I've seen it. But besides that you are the most lovable noob I've ever laid my eyes on."

Poob blinked through their tears and smiled as they leaned in to kiss him on the nose "aww you ~"

"Woah. Pest character development"

Pest stopped and slowly turned around to the random player who muttered that as he squinted his eyes and Poob leaned to see. Confused.

"Get. OUT!!!!!!!" and in a blink of an eye, the player had ran out the elevator as pest grumbled "god the NERVE of some people.."

Poob giggled at the ridiculous sight "yeah, but hey I mean, they're kinda right" they smirked as pest just rolled his eyes and broke the hug, much to poobs dismay.

"Anyways, you wanna go get some ice cream?"

"OOOHH yes plz!!" They wiped away their tears as they grinned widely, with pest being grateful that they at least felt a little bit better, he went ahead and inserted a coin to crem's parlor as Poob basically clung onto their arm the entire ride until they reached to their destination.

Except, crem wasn't there.

Crem is always there.

"Uh.. isn't she supposed to be hereee or is this normal-"

"Uh- no!! She's alwayz here!!" Poob rubbed the back of their head "strange.."

Pest looked over the counter only to basically jump over it as the front door opened with crem running in and shutting it right behind her before hurdling herself onto her usual spot, she soon got up and tried to shake off the anxiety off of get "ohhh hey guys- UM.. don't mind the intrusion haha-"

"!? What the hell man!?"

"Ez pezt! Aha dunt worri abt it crem!! I juzt wanna say tho...uh..w-where were u?"

"Oh you know uh...just the usual business haha! I just had to deal with a- 'tough' customer that's all-
"U mean william?"


The three turned to the clear front door as William stood out looking poised, telling "YOU LYING DICK!!! I KNOW YOUR ASS HAS MY SHIT!!! GIVE IT BACK!!"

"?? Dude what did you do-"


William simply could give less of a fuck as he walked through the clear doors just like that.

"...oh shit" suddenly crem got jumped on by William as he wrestled the ice cream woman for a supposed stolen object




"Shuld we helppp them?"

"....nah lets bail out I dont wanna get out pink and missing two of my arms-" the two quickly turned around as they knew trying to fight back against William would probably be catastrophic, and Poob DID see what he did to poor infected so.. better to hurry back in the elevator then get beaten out of existence..


After what seemed like a forever banter, William finally got his beloved object back from crem as he held it in his hands

A Pearl necklace.

"W...what do ya even need these for??" The beaten crem asked as she groaned and shakily tried to sit back up, although it was futile. "You gonna wear 'em??"

"Pfft, don't be ridiculous, pearls are for ladies crem. Pearls are for ladies." William repeated that last line like he was unsure himself, staring down at the necklace with a longing as crem groaned at her injuries, William quickly took notice of this, and despite him being a usual asshole and would rather leave crem to rot or rather- melt on the floor, he decided to instead roll his eyes as he bend down to pick crem up, making sure to shove the pearls away into his palm

"Heh.. if only Sasha was here to see you.."

"Oh SHUT it." He sneered as he placed crem to lean against the wooden chair within the corner, thank god she had that chair for breaks. And then William simply turned around to walk away, leaving crem with no goodbyes or even a remark per usual.

"Not even a "smell ya later cremsicle?""

"Oh no we'll be seeing each other soon alright" he attempted to threaten

"What so we're fluent now?"

"WHAT? Obviously not!" Crem chuckled as his bewildered manner and retaliated "nah I know you're the type to do that."

"It's.. whatever anyways-"

".. hey William."

"What is it?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you" she coughed "they get closer, and if they catch you with this.. who knows what happen."


"You just don't know her like I do. Smell ya later cremmy."

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