Searches and messes (slight wallmark)

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Lampert stood silently and eerily still as the elevator rumbled, looking over a slightly impatient mark and wallter.

"Why did you have to drag me out?"


"I was visiting infected you know..."

"Wait really?? You shoulda' said somethin' son!"

Lampert sighed and looked away slightly "it's whatever...too late to go back now." 

Mark almost felt bad for the little lamp before the elevator gave off its distinct 'DING!'. It's metal contraption sliding open to lamperts home.

The 3008 ROKEA. Or as lampert simply just called it. "Ikea"

As the trio of walking inanimate objects hopped off. The elevator slid shut behind them and moved up to the misty cieling. Mark scratched his chin.

"Hm. We haven't checked here yet!"

" guys aren't going to make too much of a mess right-?"

"Nah don't worry little fella'! We'll make sure it's spotless by the time we're done!" Mark winked, reassuring the rather uncomfortable lampert.

"Well we'll be here for quite a while..unpleasant is basically flat as wallpaper.." Wallter mumbled out loud, slowly walking around

"Oooo....shit...but Ey don't worry lamps we'll make sure we don't break anything!" Mark tipped his hat at lampert as he hopped off into the distance, with lampert sort of half following him around. Seeing Wallter carefully move and shove things around, calling out the gradients name. It made lampert itch with uncertainty.

"UNPLEASANT!! FRIEND!! COME ON SHOW YERSEL- what in tarnation-???" Mark suddenly stopped to face a big structure blocking him off from the rest of the area. It looked like planks that have been stapled and screwed in together to form a giant wall.

"Oh! I've seen you've seen my separator.." lampert stood next to the confused mark as he stared at him with furrowed eyebrows "that's what I call it..I usually keep it here to stop the players from straying too far and getting lost.

Wallter walked towards the duo and inspected the wall, seemingly slightly impressed "wow! Must have taken quite a while right?"

"Oh yeah hah definitely.." lampert scratched the back of his head "It helps keep things safe too I guess.."

Mark inspected a little surther before seeing something "hey lampy.. was this hole always there?"

"Huh? Lampert immediately snapped his neck and quickly maneuvered to the obvious tear on the wooden wall, seemingly hacked away. Big enough to fit a player or two.

Lampert felt his eye twitch


"Now that's the reason wood isn't so reliable.." Wallter butted in, standing tall next to mark who looked at him spitefully "oh so yer gonna make this about the wood 'n concrete now??"

Lampert just let out an angry exhale that was noticed by the two, before clenching his fists "now who the FUCK messed with my- wall?? Separator? GAHH" lampert immediately slipped through and ran angrily at the remaining area beyond the wall, earning the slight concern and disbelief of mark "damn..why is he gettin so worked up around a wall? It ain't worth it-"

Wallter just glared at him "oh?"


"So I mean nothing to you?" Wallter said rather calmly, making mark shake his head "no no! I mean- maybe??? I Uhh- uhm no? Look I didn't mean to upset ya ok-"

Wallter suddenly leaned in onto marks rather short height and placed his cheek near him

"?? Uhhh- what in Texan tarnation."

"Well if you didn't mean it, than a kiss will probably fix things." Wallter teased, he loved toying around with marks feeling for him in a type of lighthearted manner. But mark must've catched on because he instead grabbed Wallter by his scarf and gave him a big ol' smooch on the lips.

"!? B-BLOODY HELL MARK." Wallter pulled back, blushing from the sudden wave of affection, being stopped again by marks force against his scarf.

"It ain't over yet sugar. Prepare to arch like the them gateways in Missouri!!! YEEHAW."

"What...what does that mea-" and before Wallter could even ask, mark pulled him in into another deep kiss before they both fell to the floor.


Lampert angrily skidadeled around the place. Cursing under his breath, usually, he'd be rather numb and emotionless, his feeling coming in a rather mellow matter, he should've been just slightly annoyed.

But this was different.

He was feeling real angry, no, he was RAGING.

He suddenly thought about unpleasant, perhaps it was the one that hacked their way into here? Only a matter of time before lampert find out and gets their hands on them.

Just like how he set his hands on the big box cutter, turning around to his new discovery.

A box, made out of wooden planks and cardboard. Whoever built this must've done it within a haste.

He Wicklow approached it before angrily cutting his way in, angrily questioning at the supposed person inside on what the fuck they were doing here. He kicked out at the cut up wall and walked in.

Empty..we'll, not really.

The player was oh so clearly behind the tv, peeping from behind, before revealing themselves by getting up, confused on lamperts appearance.

"What-? Oh it's just you..lamper-"

And before they could even mention his name, lampert grabbed their collar and pinned them against a nearby wall, causing the house to shake a little, the box cutter still in his other hand.

"What. Are you doing here."

"?? What do you mean man- I've been here for years now!"

"Years??? WHAT."

The player flinched "why so pissed man?? I mean..I kinda got lost after tryna cut my way out of that wall and-"

"Save it. No one. And I mean NO ONE. gets to build and stay in MY home."

"?? Your home-?"

"I've been here since I was made! I'm not gonna let a bunch of. GERM ridden imbeciles occupy my space!"

"GERM RIDDEN?? Well I got news for you buddy!! I ain't the only guy  here and I'm certainly won't be the last. Now let me go!!"

But lampert didn't let go.

The news that, there are people, thriving, no..LEECHING off of his home.

It scared him. More importantly, it ANGERED him.

He brought the box cutter and slit the players neck. Feeling the warm pool of blood and gags spill onto the lower edge of his frame and onto the floor, and he kept slicing. And slicing.

And slicing and schilling through all the thick blood and tears and snot. He sliced through the begs and cries of the frightened player.

But he didn't stop. He didn't even feel anything, the anger and fear from earlier dissipated into numbness.

Lampert soon took a step back and saw the body drop with a large THUD onto the floor. He looked at his hands and then the bloody box cutter.

But he didn't feel horrified..not feeling even a hint of remorse of guilt.

He felt nothing...he felt numb..

He just let his hands fall limp to his sides, and quickly took off his ikea shirt (he'd sometimes wear it or just walk around bare in his metal armoring) And used it to wipe off the most he could before walking out, throwing away the box cutter and calmly walking back to the starting point..



Mark and Wallter basically jumped out of their limbs when they heard lampert exclaim in disbelief. 

"LAMPS!! we're Uhh..................tryna find unpleasant?" Mark quickly got off Wallter and tried hopping off, but he didn't have his stand intact so he fell face flat to the floor as Wallter quickly and embarrassingly got off the couch, wrapping his scarf back around his neck as lampert angrily pushed the two back into the available elevator. (Stand included)

"Lampert we can explain-" Wallter stammered as he helped mark get up from the elevator floor, but the sound of the stand hitting the walls from lampert throwing it aggressively caused Wallter to yelp and let go of mark.

"I said OUT!! OUT OF MY HOME!" he angrily shouted as the elevator shut on the two confused and rather frightened ex-couple, with mark noticed the slight red from lamperts shade before he saw nothing but the metal doors, Leaving lampert huffing angrily.

He soon straightened himself out before grabbing his trusty cleaning supplies and quickly walking back to the crime scene, making sure to scrub and throughly wipe away any fluid left on the floor, that included the body as he somehow manages to hit it into 4 plastic garbage bags.

And just as he was about to tear the house apart, he noticed the thrown box cutter again. Staring at it, he realized his mission was clear.

Finding that lonely gradient can wait. 

Lamperts got a few new germs to exterminate.

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