Retired goodbyes

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"you SPIED on me??" unpleasant yelled angrily as infected flinched, trying to evade his understandably angry father "I jUzt w4nt3d 2 s33 w4t U w3r3 h1d!nG fr0M m3h!!!!!" he yelped put as he went around the couch and table again, curtesy of his father chasing after him, crying and sputtering out "I'M S0RRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!"

and just as he felt the hand of his dad pull him in and make him turn to face that stern and disappointed fatherly glare, his phone rang, making unpleasant grumble and pick it up. ultimately saving infected from a potential scolding session with his ears getting tugged by hard.

"Unknown number-?" He was confused before he picked it up, muttering a quiet "hello?" As he continued to hear the other side, his face slowly lost its irritation from earlier, being with rather realization, then disbelief and almost...fear? Before going to an expression that infected couldn't really describe it other than 'trying to process what is going on' before he grumpily shoved his phone into his pocket and stormed past infected, putting on his jacket and grabbing his car keys.

"?? Wh3r3-"

"None of your damn business, now you better stay here and think about what you've done while I run the errand. We're going to have a talk ypung man." And with that he gave one lady threatening glare before slamming the door shut, leaving a confused and guilty infected.


Unpleasant almost didn't even enter the building with the papers in hand,  but he knew he had to, for it had been over 50 years since he'd last seen his own mother in flesh and bones, the last time begging when she shoved it away from her and booked it to the airport, leaving his defenseless in his war-ridden country, alone.

Turning the knob slowly, he peered through the crack of the wooden door to see his lowly wheelchair ridden mother sitting near the window, staring out of it like her favorite show was playing right at that very moment.


She turned around slowly, her wrinkled face still unmoving from its emotionless stature.

"Unpleasant. My only son to visit. Good to see you."

"Yeah cuz I'm the only baby you didn't abort or give away- anyways hi-" he sighed and shut the door behind him, taking in this very awkward and abrupt scene before he questioned her " like, how did you get my number?"

"Oh you know an old friend of yours gave it to me when he visited this place.."

He arched an eyebrow "which friend?"

"I don't really remember their faces, my mind has been failing me for the past few years." She sighed "but I do remember one thing about you." She pointed her long and shrivled finger at unpleasant before he sighed "If it's about me being a 'failure' or whatever then I don't want to hear it-"

" I read your book, Unpleasant.."


 "And I read all the parts about me...You must think I'm a real monster, huh?"


"I don't wanna fight you. I don't really care anyways. I just wanted to tell you: I know. I know you wanna be happy, but you won't be, and... I'm sorry..."


"I'm...sorry- It's not just you, you know. Your father and I, we- Well... you come by it honestly, the ugliness inside you..."

"...You....You were born broken, that's your birthright. And now, you can fill your life with projects, your little books, and your oh such jolly child! but it won't make you whole. You're Unpleasant gradient. There's no cure for that."

" that's it?"


"oh nothing mom just that you FINALLY realized that I didn't ASK to be born JUST NOW! all those years of self-loathing- oh just YOU insulting ME and YOU abandoning me and then you come out with a half-assed apology?"

"I never apologized for my actions I'm just being pitiful with your existence. apologizing is how its done."

"" unpleasant nodded his head slowly, getting the message "alright then." he soon pulled out the papers he was gripping hard on for the entirety of the visit and thre it onto her crippled lap, his mother stared at the papers for a moment in utter disbelief before looking up and glaring at unpleasant.

"what is this?"

he didn't respond for a moment.

"...your hospital results, its the first thing you said to me on the line remember?" he mocked "'hi can ya get the hospital results on maple street when yer coming? thanks, now anyways how are you?' this is what you said."

she went wide eyed, her words caught at her throat as she could only make a small noise as unpleasant rambled on "congratulations! you have CANCER! hope that stupid fucking tumor is a better son than me." he spat out before turning around and walking out of the room, not even staying to listen to his mothers degrading words anymore, just unbridled rage as he entered his car and started it, taking it to the streets.

but it wouldnt really stay on the streets for much longer as it broke down in the middle of nowhere, forcing unpleasant to angrily get out and just lose it on the middle of the road, pulling his hair, yelling out curse words and nonsensical things, and almost tearing his car door apart in blind rage, before just crashing onto the sand and burst out sobbing.

and he sobbed.

and sobbed...

and sobbed........

all until he finally mustered up the courage to stop himself from completely passing out in grief, rather just shakily try to climb atop the car, to the roof to lay down on, gazing onto the stars.

while the stars shined prettily,  unpleasant was an ugly mess, unable to enjoy the scene as he just simply zoned out for god knows how long, pulling out his phone mid-process to snap himself back to reality. know, he still had some data left, just enough to dial jeremy's number and hear him grumpily pick up the line.

"hey jeremy..?" unpleasant hiccuped "can you possibly like...pick me up now?"

"it's cold.."

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