Glorp'n'Go hangout

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Infected knocked on the old, slightly familiar dark oak door as he clutched onto his small bag, it'd been weeks after the visit from unpleasant that he'd decided to take his medicine more often and eventually got good enough to go on a small visit to swibbledibs place, curtesy of Dr.Retro.

He heard the door knob turn and creak as a familiar green fellow peeped through the crack "glorp? Who is iiiiit??" Swibbledib asked as she squinted their eyes.

"H3y br4h!" Infected waves his hand a little, smiling weakly, he'd change so much from the hospital stay that it'd cause swibbledib to gasp slightly, she quickly closed the door back to open the small chain door and be allowed access to swing it fully "infected?? What in the gloprenstien happened to you!?"

"0h 1tz nUthiN'" infected shrugged "Uh...b1t 0f a L0oonG sT0r! @ctu4Lly.."

Swibbledib decided to just let the pale-yellow roblox Ian in before fully locking her doors again and turning around to lightly question him "you're so like...white! Sorta? And lost some weight sure 'nothing' happened?"

"W3ll d@ 0th3rz k1ndA F0Und 0Ut @bt m3h c0nD!t10n.." infected gulped, scratching the back of his head as he nervously chuckled "& th3n s0m3 stUFfz H@p3N3d.." he huffed out slightly, patting down his pants next, seemingly not wanting to advance with the details.


"W3ll I g0t h0sP1Taliz3d & n0t I g0tt4 t4K3 d1dnt m34n!c1N3.." he reached out for his bag, unzipped it, and pulled out a small orange-yellow syrum, with a label that read 'wolfsbane' and some instruction on when to consume it on the back, swibbledib perked in curiousity.

"Gorpndamn! Well that should be a good thing? Right?"

Infected looked at swibbledib rather anxiously


"W3llll....y34hhhh....bUT tBh D1bBy I k1nd@ h@t3 t4k1n d4 stUFf bC 1 jUzT F33l s0 w3Ak.."

"Well ya can't blame the medicine can ya? All medicines got side effects-that's why they hire rappers to read it" Dibby chuckled light-heartedly, before seeing infecteds unchanging expression and feeling bad.

"I m34n- SUr3 bUt.." he just sighed "L00k I jUzt H0p3 d1z bl0WZ 4W4y.." he mummured tiredly as he rubbed one of his eyes "bUt uHH- y34H! h3R3z Ur 3xpL4n4Tion.."

Dibby could clearly see he was hiding a few things, but decided against pressuring him- seeing how tired he'd become recently, only giving a nod of understanding "alrighty then-...sayyy you wanna watch the new Barbie movie? I heard it's pretty greeaaat"

"B4r-b13? 1znt d4t f0r l1tTl3 g1rlz?" Infected snorted rather smugly

"It has piiiink."

"....0k 4m s0Ld-" infected looked away sheepishly as Dibby set up her laptop to direct to a rather suspicious 'movie' website to pirate it.

"??? 1 th0Ught U alr34d1 h4D !t?"

"Well yeah, right here in this website, I mean sure it's RIDDLED with viruses but it gets the job done if you ignore all those porn ads.." Debby shivered at the horrors she'd witnessed there, but it was worth it to watch some sick ass dramas, infected on the other hand felt a little feeling flick deep in his chest when he heard the sentence: 'riddled with viruses' it made him feel a bit dizzy-headed, but he tried to play it off, besides, he didn't want to make a big deal out of something dibby said. He wasn't THAT emotional, he prepped himself next to Dibby as she pressed the play button and the intro rolled out.


Dibby was fast asleep on the bed as the credits rolled out slowly through the black background, infected on the other hand was just staring blankly at the screen, not even realizing the movie ended out of all things, his mind was thinking of forgetful thoughts, and once he'd snap back to reality, he'd notice dibby leaning over him, her eyes closed and she was snoring peacefully, sleeping like a log.

Infected just shuffled slightly, sitting up on the bed and making sure not to wake up Dibby, after that he looked over at the bag he had, seeing the unzipped zipper and the insides of the compartment, seeing the lowly medicine awaiting him.

He blinked rather soulessly and hesitantly reached out for the medicine, clutching in his hand, he realized he was actually a bit late on taking the medicine, and questioned if it would still work if he took it now. All while feeling his body heat up and sprout fuzz.

On the other hand, Dibby, while seemingly sleeping 'peacefully', was having a nightmare of terrors, red eyes with yellow swirls kept watching over her as she was stuck on a lone moon, or at least, what seemed like a moon. She was seeing the others above her, in a cloud of light swimming through the dark dark abyss of eyes, enjoying, laughing, Celebrating? Like they'd been accepted into a utopia of sorts while dibby was left all alone. Bored, confused, slightly scared. Fiddling with her antennas as she felt ice, literally creep up from her leg to the rest of her body, freezing her rather slowly as she heard the eyes somehow speak.

You're a rather lowly thing aren't you? No need to worry, you'll soon be put to good usage.

And then she awoke.

She didn't have a, grand scheme of things, not having a rather large reaction to the quest dream, she just fluttered her eyes open and laid here for a couple of seconds, the dream rather fading but still lingering, imprinted slightly into her mind.

Especially those words that the eldritch eyes uttered out.

She slowly got up but realized she was being slightly pressed, like something big, fluffy and warm was laying atop of her.

At first she was confused, panicked even, until she remembered that infected was with her and he can well...transform.

Seems like that's the case

"Dude...did you like...take your medicine?" She groaned out, hearing a whine from infected as a response. And then a long slobbery tongue licking her face "alright alright geez! Just get off of me!" She managed to groggily chuckled out as she got out of infecteds grasp and pull herself up to sit next to him, seeing him look at her in a rather curious manner than angry, his tail wagging slightly behind him.

"'re still really cute." She giggled and rubbed the top of his head, making him whine again "I didn't know you were chill like that" she giggled even more.

As she continued to play with the furry friend of hers and talk with him despite him probably having a rather foggy mind when it came to comprehend things. She still could see the damned red swirling eyes that watched her in throat dreamscape, she remembered how bive used to come to the store and told her once about the eyes. "ITS A PARASITE!" She'd scream out, but dibby just rolled her eyes as she watched her uncle mind control bives body to get thrown back to the elevator.


Maybe she was onto something.

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