False Dreams

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(Ngl I'm actually tired from writing dr.retro's meows constantly 💀 just pretend the words in the brackets translate to 'meow' or uh smth..)

Dr.Retro dragged the unconscious scene boy into the room and plopped him onto the bed. Sighing when falling into a chair, rubbing her furry temples with her paws "(finally...)" taking in the silence

And as coincidence would have it, infected fluttered his eyes open, moving slightly in the blanket beneath him "mmmmhhh...w..wh4t h4pp3n3d?"

Dr.Retro immediately leaned in, moving the chair near him, letting his brain clear up form the 'morning fog' "(You're awake! How are you feeling?)"

Infected took dr.retros question in as he coughed out slightly "4ch3y.." he whined, unable to properly sit up "mY thr04t..."

"(Yeah I figured, your throat has sores all over it! Side effect of transforming too much. Just don't talk much ok?)" she commented as she pulled out the familiar but wretched syrum and put it in a slightly more dosage than usual, all while simultaneously helping infected sit up straight to intake it.

"(Ok just gulp slowly)" as much as infected wanted to flail and get away from dr.retro, to refuse the medicine, he had no choice in this situation as he was both terribly weak and mentally strained, he just took in the medicine without any comment and felt dr.retro lay him back down.

"S0..w..wh4t h4pp3n3d 2 m3..?"

"(Welllll lampert called and said he found you in the ikea store, transformed....and uh...)" she riddled with her fingers as if she was contemplating on whether or not she should tell him about the next part.


"(Annddddd he said you made a huge ruckus!)" she shot out, keeping infected from going into a mental spiral with the lamperts news of him eating two innocent players "(yeah, you didn't hurt anyone but lampert said you were pretty hissy so..)"


Infected remembers lampert visiting him. The words were incomprehensible blurs to him before he just...blacked out.

God it hurts to remember with that awful headache, infected winced and just turned his head slightly away.

"(..did you like...ask lampert to bring something to you? Because the medicine is supposed to stop you from turning into...whatever you turn into so this is quite baffling..)"

Infected shook his head no, leaving Dr.Retro slightly confused. "(You sure? You aren't lying are you?)" infected shook his head again "n0..."

She sighed "(well then guess I'll just have to look into this further...just take a rest for now ok infected?)"

Infected nodded lightly as saw dr.retro tuck him in slightly before walking out, closing the lights, leaving infected in complete darkness and silence.

And while he'd hate to stay up like this, his eyelids were far too heavy, and his body was aching with every waking moment, like his body was throbbing from the inside, he shut his eyes and exhaled as he let the sweet darkness of his mind take over him. Gaining proper sleep since forever.


It was the carnival again. Infected was walking with unpleasant in hand as they scourged for some games to play, infected stopped at a single stand, one where you had to pop balloons to win a huge cat plush, his eyes lit up as he tugged for unpleasant to play it.

As expected. Infected was terrible at this. Despite claiming he'd have the best aim from his experience in video games, he couldn't quite pull off a string throw so the dart just depressingly fell to the floor. Unpleasant went next, and in curtesy of his son, surprisingly won  the game, earning the huge cat plush, he handed it off to a pouty infected, but hey, at least he got the cat right?

The dead cat in his arms?

The one that looked like...poptart...but....she wasn't orange and white...

Wait no.

Something..ain't right..

Infected looked in confusion at the dead cat on the floor, and him leaning on it, it's small guts stuck between the teeth and gums of infected. He looked down at his pink shirt, stained with the red substance.

Stained with that poor cats blood.

Infected tried to get up but was met with a jolting pain spreading towards every inch of his body, making him fall to the ground and tremble as he felt his body contort horribly.

He tried to raise his tear ridden face to cry out for help through his sharp teeth, but all he saw beyond the alleyway fences was a mysterious shadowy figure, with two red eyes, just..staring at him.

Everything was suddenly a blur. The dream kept cutting to parts of infected randomly rampaging through the carnival, terrorizing the locals and poor people. He would dismantle and rip apart tents and roofs, the food and plushes, but he luckily never touched an inch of a person, but then he turned around to see..


Terrified at what his son had become.

Infected felt a hot seething rage fill him, he didn't know why, he felt his brain scream at him to stop. To just leave his father alone. But his body didn't heed, it charged at unpleasant, roaring in anger.

And then it cut again.

This time, infected was at a forest, a dense one, but he managed to wake up to a clearing near the edge of a cliff side, he got up, seeing himself embarrassingly shirtless yet drenched in some blood.

Then he looked around. Confused and scared, until he spotted something that caused his stomach to drop.

Pilby. The love of his life. Dead on the ground.

Infected immediately ran to pilby, sobbing as he fell to his knees and clung onto their mauled body. Seeing their face so lifeless like that made infected grieve and scream out. Scream out on why this happened.

He heaved and continued to sob into pilby's metaphorical dead body, until he felt something loom over him, the shadow blocking the moonlight above him. he didn't know who or what, for before he could turn around and face the creature.

He woke up.

Waking up yelping, he opened his eyes, feeling his body freeze and his heart beat speed up.

Then he cried right there. In the dark. The feelings of guilt for a death never happened washing over him as he buried himself deep within the covers. Sobbing into his pillow. Repeating about how much of a monster he felt like.

For he truly was one.


Dr.retro stacked her papers and aligned them. taking in breaths to calm herself down form the little 'situation' earlier, and cleaning her workplace was the perfect therapy. That was until she heard a knock on the door.

"(Come in!)"

Prototype entered the office, looking distressed and a little paranoid

"(Oh hi proto! What brings you here?)" Dr.Retro greeted softly, giving a big warm smile as Prototype looked around before sighing, collecting their thoughts.

"There's something I need to tell you.."

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