First Plans for this story

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*if you're going to take any of this for your own story please credit me and tag me so I can read it!!*     (also I apologize for not constructing this properly)

What I had planned for this story (this is from the ski trip with SDMN and onwards):

- Fans shipping Simon and Scarlett more than Lachlan and Scarlett

Over the next few months, Scarlett and Lachlan begin to fight over little things and soon after fall out after a big argument

Scarlett calls Preston but he doesn't answer the second number she sees in Simons and she calls him crying.

She packs her belongings gives in a week notice at her work and after that week flies over to England where Simon and Vikk are waiting for her with open arms.

Two weeks go by and Scarlett begins to get sick (throwing up in morning) and soon finds put she's pregnant with Lachlan's child but doesn't want to tell him.

Everyone promises to keep it a secret and also promise to help her put as much as they can.

She continues to do YouTube but more close up shots or makes sure to wear baggy clothes.

-Going over to Preston's and finally meeting Skylar

A few months later while out with Preston who's visiting with Skylar you bump into Lachlan and Preston and Skylar leaves you to talk.

You walk to the park and in the end, Lachlan tells you that Simon told him everything and you both confess to missing each other.

You decide to get back together but go slowly and gradually your relationship is fully back together and you are both happy and thankful for having each other.

- Lachlan taking Scarlett to the park where they first met and Lachlan proposes and she finds the rest of the pack and even sidemen coming to congratulate them.

- Simon comes up to Scarlett and apologizes for everything and hopes they can be friends and he promises it'll be just friends and she agrees and hugs him.

-Spend a day shopping for furniture and stuff for Scarlett even though she doesn't really need it.

-Date night

-Game night & Skype calls with Preston and others.

-Lazy day, kissing, tickle fight

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